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DoggCrapp during Feast?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:22 pm
by craw69
Hey guys,

I've bought Blueprint some time ago and, because of lack of time, had not the oportunity to use it yet. But the time is helping me to study a lot about it and it happened to me: what about DC Training for feast? I have used it a time ago and loved DC, whats your guys opinion?

DC already has the extreme strecth that Rob talks about, puts Strength as priority, is not high volume neither high frequency...

I think it would fit very well, wouldnt it? :)

PS: Sorry for my english, not my primary language :(


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:48 pm
by RobRegish
Excellent english in fact :)

Fully support DC during Feast. YOU know what works best for YOU, not me or some pie in the sky ivory tower authority.

I fully support your decision to use DC...