DoggCrapp during Feast?

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DoggCrapp during Feast?

Post by craw69 »

Hey guys,

I've bought Blueprint some time ago and, because of lack of time, had not the oportunity to use it yet. But the time is helping me to study a lot about it and it happened to me: what about DC Training for feast? I have used it a time ago and loved DC, whats your guys opinion?

DC already has the extreme strecth that Rob talks about, puts Strength as priority, is not high volume neither high frequency...

I think it would fit very well, wouldnt it? :)

PS: Sorry for my english, not my primary language :(

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Post by RobRegish »

Excellent english in fact :)

Fully support DC during Feast. YOU know what works best for YOU, not me or some pie in the sky ivory tower authority.

I fully support your decision to use DC...
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