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Need help with workout/diet plan, modified blueprint?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:38 pm
by ubernoob
I just bought the blueprint and was told that the plan can be adapted to fit everyone. My background is I am 6ft 1in., 190 lbs, 20 percent body fat, and am a runner. I am looking to get lean and cut (not bulk and I do not care to squat 500 lbs plus). My cardio is in check but my diet and workout are not. My equipment is limited with only have a weight bench, 2 - 60 lb adjustable dumbbells, and a chin up bar. Can someone please advise me of a workout plan that fits within the blueprint that will help me achieve my goal of being lean muscular and cut. I am especially interested in making my core stronger to improve my running times. I also need a diet plan that I can follow through this process. Since I am a runner and not looking to get bigger do I need to follow the famine and feast plan of 5 days and 30-42 days? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:55 pm
by JlCh
Is a gym membership not viable? Although you may not want to squat 500+, doesn't mean that squats should be neglected. I'm not sure exactly how your bench press is set up, but I know on mine here at the house I could never get a decent amount of weight up off it due to potential injury from weird angles. Maybe you could do deadlift with a goodmorning/lunge(EDT) split for lower body. Not really sure, but here's a few options to help you out:

Here's a sample diet: ... =9137#9137

You can figure out your maintenance # and change it to fit your needs.

If that isn't good enough for you, Rob does do a Personal Training side thing on here, but it isn't free as far as I know: ... .php?t=589

Hope that helps a bit.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:55 am
by RobRegish
OK folks, here to help but you all have great ideas too. Nevertheless, I told OP that yes, I would help craft a plan given the limited equipment available and I'm confident I can do it. So while I'd like your ideas, I'm taking personal responsibility for this one. Here goes..

We're going to focus on this one week at a time and one workout at a time. Having said that, let's first look at the week off. During this time, you're doing 2 important things:

1.) Establishing your waking morning heart rate (daily average) over 7 days.. although as little as 3 will do the trick

2.) Establishing your daily maintenance caloric intake. If not known, its easy enough to figure out. Monday AM weight in. For the next 6 days record your daily food/caloric intake. Sat night total the calories up for the week and divide by 6. Assuming day 7 AM weigh in you're within a pound of Monday's weight... presto - there's your maintenance intake.

Take that starting bodyweight and multiply by 8. There's your daily K intake for Famine.

Now in terms of Famine workouts, here's what to do...

FAMINE STICKIES ... .php?t=377 ... .php?t=523 ... .php?t=389

Where it specifies squats, you are to perform the one legged variety wherein you hold dumbells in your hands at your side, elevating one leg on a bench and squatting with the other. Immediately turn around and perform 1 arm DB rows on the flat bench. Do not be concerned if the amount of weight you have doesn't get you into the specified rep range. Simply go until you feel as if you have depleted muscle substrate/withing 2-3 reps short of failure. As the workouts unfold, the rest periods shorten and will auto-regulate the # of reps you're using (you'll likely have to lower the weight used). Completely natural and part of the plan..

For upper body days, simply substitute DB bench for barbell. You have a chin up bar so utilize those if so inclined as a substitute for 1 arm DB rows/cable rows or a pulling movement. Ideally, alternate the two as you'll want the benefit of both a vertical (chins/pullups) and horizontal (1 arm DB) row.

The specified upper body bicep work too, is easy enough with DB's and in fact, I rather prefer these for said purpose.

Wednesday's workout (chest/shoulders and tri's) is easy enough to modify. Work in some decline DB presses in place of the wide grip BB bench. If your bench doesn't decline, simply slip a plate or other instrument under one end. There's your decline.

The seated shoulder press can again be done with the DB's OR you can accomplish the same standing. Either is acceptable.

All specified tricep exercises on this day can be accomplished with DB's too. Overhead tricep extensions, lying tricep extensions on a flat, incline and decline bench are 4 such variations. Yet another would be dips off the end of a bench (hands close together), feet on the floor. Lots of options there.

I hope you find that an acceptable template. If you need more assistance in sketching out your famine workouts, I can certainly do so for you tonight.

When we get to Feast, I have solutions there as well. And here, I will make unique EDT/dietary and core work recommendations such that you will accomplish your goal.

There is always a way. I promised you I would find it, and I will do just that, or my name isn't Mixelflick...

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:51 pm
by ubernoob
Rob sent you a pm.