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Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:36 pm
by hah2110
Ok... Here are my stats:

- 22
- 150lbs
- 5'8"
- Roughly 12% bf (top two abs showing)

I've been working out for about 6 months and dropped from 16% bf/163 lbs. My goal is to have nicely defined abs at about 155+. My weakest link is my eating. It isn't that I won't follow a plan, but I am one of the world's pickiest eaters. I dislike almost all fruits and veggies, but have no problem eating a lot of the same thing every day. For example, on my last "cut", I had no issue doing egg whites every morning and chicken breast & sweet potato for two meals daily. I've done P90x before which yielded results but not as good as what I've gotten over the past few months. When I change things up, I think my body reacts pretty fast.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 7:33 am
by RobRegish
OK man I appreciate the background...

One IMPORTANT suggestion prior to the Famine: Take that week off. Doing so ensures you'll have ample time to read/formulate questions and perfect your game plan and do the shopping necessary. It will also be invaluable in establishing your waking morning resting heart rate!

Famine for you can be done, it's just going to involve things like sweet potatoes/other carbs you're compliant with. A short list of foods to consider:

- Sweet potatos
- Red potatos
- Russet potatos
- Waxy maize starch...flavored with crystal light drink mix
- Steel cut oatmeal
- Honey to sweeten the oatmeal
- Quiona (keep protein under 50g/day though). More info: ... ght=quiona

- High fiber cereals of all sort. Suggest half and half mixed with a small amount of milk to taste

- V8 if you can consume it
- Fruit JUICES of all sorts
- Maltodextrin blends

Also, are there any of these you can use?


Alfalfa, Barley Grass, Beet Greens, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot,
Cauliflower, Celery, Chard Greens, Chlorella, Collard Greens, Cucumber,
Dandelions, Dulce, Edible Flowers, Eggplant, Fermented Veggies, Garlic, Green Beans, Green Peas, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard Greens,

Nightshade Veggies, Onions, Parsnips (high glycemic), Peas, Peppers,
Pumpkin, Radishes, Rutabaga. Sea Veggies, Spinach, green, Spirulina, Sprouts,
Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Watercress, Wheat Grass, Wild Greens


Apple, Apricot, Avocado, Banana (high glycemic), Berries, Blackberries,
Cantaloupe, Cherries, sour, Coconut, fresh, Currants, Dates, dried, Figs, dried, Grapes, Grapefruit, Honeydew Melon, Lemon, Lime, Muskmelons, Nectarine, Orange, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Raisins, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Tangerine, Tomato, Tropical Fruits, Umeboshi Plums, Watermelon

The drinks are sometimes more palatable vs. the foods. Give one of each of these a shot to see if they help: ... .php?t=389


Eating lots of potatos, oatmeal/honey and wazy maize/some quiona gets you to where you need to be. It's only for 5 days and sounds like you have no problem consuming the same foods for these 5 days. Do take care to observe the 8x calories bodyweight limit. You may go up to 10X calories but no higher.

The combination of mild caloric deficit, certainly protein deficit in combination with radically increasing intensity via weight training will get you to where you need to be.

Speaking of which...up next - Famine Training Template!

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 7:38 am
by RobRegish
This is the time honored and very successful Famine training template:


Legs, Back and Bi's with 2 minutes of rest between sets, 3 total sets for each movement in the 4-6 rep range. These should be structured as jump sets in the following fashion as follows.

- Squats with a weight that finds you able to perform 4-6 reps immediately into

- Seated cable rows for 4-6 rep range

Rest for approximately 2 minutes and repeat for 2 more rounds


- Standing barbell curls for 4- 6 reps

REST 2 minutes

- Incline dumbell curls for 4-6 reps

REST 2 minutes

- Preacher curls for 4-6 reps



Chest, shoulders and tri's with 1 minute in between sets, 4 total sets for each movement in the 8-10 rep range. Jump set pairings should be as follows:

- Wide grip bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps

Rest 1 minute

- Close grip bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps

Rest 1 minute

- Incline bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps

Rest 1 minute

- Decline bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps

Rest one minute and begin the following:


- Decline close grip bench presses for 8-10 reps

REST 1 minute

- Skull crushers/lying tricep extensions for 8-10 reps

REST 1 minute

- Cable tricep pressdowns for 8-10 reps



Repeat Monday's workout but with this time with 5 sets and just 30 seconds between sets.

- Select a weight that puts you in the 12-15 rep range.

- This is a tough workout but it gets us to where we need to be in the specified 5 day timeframe.


You'll likely lose 1lb/day or thereabouts. Resting rate should eventually get to 8 bpm above baseline or therabouts by day 5.

Lecithin granuals are highly recommended during this time (thanks to Brain for this contribution) to ensure CNS is in tip-top shape for the rebound.

Your Feast Phase diet and training template is going to look a bit different than most, given your unique goals. More on that in a bit but I'll give you a chance to digest the above and post any questions.

I'll have those answers to you TODAY!

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 11:09 am
by hah2110
Thanks for the quick response. With regard to fruit/veggies, how do you feel about fruit DRINKS? I.e., fruit smoothies from the produce department. Will what I lose during this week be fat, or muscle - or both? Also, why do you believe my goals are unique? Wouldn't most simply like to replace body fat with muscle? Also, was it only the one supplement required during the famine week? Last thing, I weighed myself this morning (since I've been eating about 500 over maintenance) and gained about 4 lbs. I can't tell whether it is muscle or fat. My arms do look slightly bigger but I think I gained a little bit of fat. I don't have any accurate way of measuring bf here though so I can't be sure. Does that change anything?

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:51 pm
by dracotdrgn
Hey buddy, welcome aboard. I'm on my third run and thought I'd post in a little info that might help.
When we're talking quick weight loss it isn't always as simple as fat or muscle. Water is a huge fluctuating factor here as well. Especially if you've been training and or training with creatine. The goal of the famine is to get you close to a catabolistic state not to enter it.
Quick and short term goals are great motivational tools but sometimes we need to step back and look at the big picture. This is a must in days 3-5 of famine. I'm a big guy and work hard for my weight, when I loose it I really freak out, but it's a primer. Sometimes you have to go down before you can come back up. For instance prior to my first run I could not get past 227. Started the BP around 225 then lost 5lbs in the famine. I proceeded to creep up to 234.
Sounds Like you want to stay lean here, am I right. You may have to dip down, come up past your ideal weight, then settle into your comfort zone.
Eating sounds like the speed bump. Intake/diet is key to any body building routine. Sports supplements and work out routines are worthless without proper intake. Sounds like you have a good taste for some of the staples for sure but we'll have to see what we can introduce to you in the weeks to come.
Hope this helps, I'll be peeking in from time to time. Feel free to ask questions and even peek in on my two logs in this forum.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:54 pm
by Hank!
Welcome hah2110

I have been reading through your posts and I would like reiterate the importance of taking a week off. It was a welcome break for me , it also allowed me to clearly focus on what I was about to start (BP). For me during the week before famine I stopped taking all supplements that is no protein, no fish oil, nothing. What i did do was relax and focus.

I would also like to say that for ME famine wasn't so bad, but unlike you i love fruits and veggies. My recommendation would be eat pasta drink fruit juices and if you like a fruit of veg eat that, keep the protein low (under 30gms). My target was 1500 cals which is about 2000cals under maintenance.

Finally I would like to say I wiped the slate clean, I followed the recommendations of the plan and didn't waste any brain cycles 2nd guessing. To me I looks like you are pretty dang motivated and eager. Hard work early (in famine) pays off big time once you hit the feast, you will surprise yourself most every time you hit the gym..thats a promise

Good luck, we are all here to help. Nothing is a dumb question , and the board is full of great minds and contributors..enjoy

Hank OUT

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:25 pm
by hah2110
Thanks for all the support. I am 154 right now and if I replaced every pound of fat for muscle, i'd be happy. I have spoken to some personal trainers and legitimate people who have seen me and said that if I was a solid 160 with <10% bf, I would look very muscular even through clothes - but I wouldn't look huge. At 155, the consensus is that I would be ripped, but not noticeable through clothes. Now, don't mistake what I'm saying as it is all about appearance, I just find it a great way to measure success. I'm open to any strategy. I'm trying to understand why he said my situation was unique -- maybe i'm just confused. My short-term goal is abs within a few months (if possible). The weight is secondary UNLESS someone says it makes more sense to approach it differently. I certainly don't want to have a "skinny 6pack" where I have no muscle, but I'm open to whichever idea is best.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:07 pm
by RobRegish
"Thanks for the quick response."

Sure thing. More feedback/answers follow:

"With regard to fruit/veggies, how do you feel about fruit DRINKS? I.e., fruit smoothies from the produce department".

A. Provided there is no added sugar, good to go!

Will what I lose during this week be fat, or muscle - or both?

A. A mix of both, but largely fat believe it or not...even in the absence of protein. Now it's heavily dependent upon somatype. Meso-endos have reported GAINING LBM on famine. Ectos are at risk for some muscle loss.

Also, why do you believe my goals are unique? Wouldn't most simply like to replace body fat with muscle?

A. I am astounded how the market has changed. Back when I started, it was all about GFH (get f'ing huge) at any cost. Weight gainers were in vogue, getting hella strong was in vogue etc.. You get the picture. Nowadays the vast majority want to cut or re-comp. I can buy re-comp but holding abs for most of the year shortchanges you, IMO.

As an example, I bulked from 143 all the way up to 252lbs. At one point, I was mixing 2 cups of vegetable oil and 8 scoops of MassPro/day to get 4,800 calories just from that. You may think that insance, but I am absolutely convinced that doing so allows me to carry more muscle now at circa 235-240 with much ease. I also have absolutely insane muscle memory.

Something to think about. Especially when you're in your 20's and your cardiovascular/other systems can support it. I wouldn't dare attempt an eating schedule like that at age 40.

Also, was it only the one supplement required during the famine week?

A. In general, I don't believe in over-supplementing, at least all the time. There is a time and a place for measured supplement use. Part of it has to due to results, part of it has to do with financial responsibility (personal standard). I just think it makes sense to use the most of what benefits you, right when it counts.

Last thing, I weighed myself this morning (since I've been eating about 500 over maintenance) and gained about 4 lbs. I can't tell whether it is muscle or fat. My arms do look slightly bigger but I think I gained a little bit of fat. I don't have any accurate way of measuring bf here though so I can't be sure. Does that change anything?"

A. Not really. One quick and dirty way of doing this is the tape measure. Take your arm, waist (around the navel) and thigh measurements. Compare that to your scale weight.

Expect all 3 to decrease during famine. You'll notice in Feast though, properly performed.... waist stays the same or increases only slightly while arms and legs/chest etc. expand rapidly.

Hope that helps! You are asking the right questions and the feedback from Draco, Hank here is spot on. The guys that've been through it are best to learn from. Doubly so when it comes from another party (not me) given they were on the outside looking in not long ago. I've been on the inside of Blueprint for so long, workout out so many details I find myself losing sight of the big picture sometimes.

Since you've read the Blueprint, you no doubt know I go into an absurd amount of detail/analysis on some issues. The spreadsheet link on page 58 of The Bluepint Periodic is a great example. Talk about a math/graph exercise. Still, I think it helps illustrate the effect total tonnage has from session to session and the importance of getting those workouts in the 90th percentile of 1RM done timely.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:20 pm
by hah2110
Thanks for the feedback, again. So I should get the one supplement this week (nothing else) and take a break for a few days and then hit it hard. Should my water intake change? Also, is it that important what my fruit/veggie/carb breakdown is as long as my protein is <30g/day? My only other weak link is my sweet tooth which causes me to have a lot of sugar.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:26 pm
by RobRegish
Sure. On the Famine, a multi-vitamin and greens product is recommended. They just fit well. A thermogenic/intensifier is permitted if you're dragging and feel you need it pre-workout. Do take care to rule out any pre-existing conditions etc.. I can't stress this enough.

On the fruit/veggie/carb breakdown ratio....not critical. What is critical is that you adhere to the calorie and protein limits (protein under 50g/day).

That, in combination with the workouts get you to where you need to be. Done correctly, it is a healthy detox (though not entirely pleasant). Some have come to actually look forward to it, if you can believe that.

It is the body's response to contant over-feeding that drives them to such...

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 7:07 pm
by dracotdrgn
My opinion on abs.
When I train abs I treat them like any other muscle group. You would never curl 10lbs for 6 sets of 25 expecting them to grow would you? So crunches aren't enough. I pick one day usually after squat day and hammer them with weights, resistance, and punishment. A few days later I do core and stability training. One way is to eliminate all fat and extra skin so those abs show through, yes. But wouldn't be easier if those muscles were bigger to begin with? I hate referring to the pros but look at them off seaon 20-30lbs heavier and you can still see their abs, why, not because their BF is down, because their huge!

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 8:38 pm
by RobRegish
Spot on Draco. Even when my bodyfat is elevated there's the faint outline. Stronger muscle is a bigger muscle. And that means resistance. You just can't pull off 700+lb rack pulls, heavy squats and deadlifts without strong abs.

Along those lines, allow me to suggest the following: static holds with a high cable pulley.

Briefly, attach an handle or rope to the high end of a cabe crossover or pulldown pulley. Holding the handle/rope behind your head, work up to a weight that a partner can assist you with into the crunch position. Hold that sucker with as much weight as you can for 6-10 seconds and resist the negative. Two holds of 6-10 seconds gets it down.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 9:17 pm
by hah2110
Maybe I'm crazy but I can't find the name of the supplement in the ebook for famine... Can anyone point me in the right direction? Also, what do you recommend as a good reference for form?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 1:09 am
by dracotdrgn
Your not crazy, there shouldn't be suggested supps for the famine. It is suggested to be off everything including protein. In Robs post 5/15 he said"A thermogenic/intensifier is permitted if you're dragging and feel you need it pre-workout." Not sure....My pre-wo drink has creatine, protein, and BCAA so I stay away from it.

Generally with form on any exercise it's slow/smooth controlled movements staying in the safe range of motion. Not super slow just no bouncing or jerking.