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Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:51 am
by SudburyBaller
I have to log on another site as per trainer instructions, will add updates here and there.

Warm up, full range dumbbell movement with 3 count at bottom followed by set of 10 full range.

Decline BB Bench

Set 1 - 70lbs x 15 (too loght)
Set 2 - 105lbs x 15 (too light)
Set 3 - 135 x 9
Set 4 - 155 x 4
Set 5 - 155 x 4
Set 6 - 115 x 6

Incline BB Bench

Set 1 - 115x8
Set 2 - 115x6
Set 3 - 130x3
Set 4 - 130x3
Set 5 - 115x5


Set 1 - 25x15
Set 2 - 25x10
Set 3 - 25x10
Set 4 - 30x4
Set 5 - 30x3
Set 6 - 25x9

Standing BB Curl

Set 1 - 50x11
Set 2 - 50x8
Set 3 - 50x5
Set 4 - 50x7
Set 5 - 50x6 (cheat rep)

Cable Curls

Set 1 - 12x30
Set 2 - 6x40 (cheat rep)
Set 3 - 3x50 (cheat rep)
Set 4 - 1x50 (cheat rep)
Set 5 - 25x11

Little update first:

Cals up to 3000

250P:75F: Carbs filling the rest

Weight: 146

***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;** *8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8 226;


PreWO : SuperPump/GreenMag/15g Whey/5g Beta Alanine

Intra: Purple Wraath



Warm Up Set: 100x15

Set 1 - 115x15
Set 2 - 155x10
Set 3 - 175x4
Set 4 - 175x4
Set 5 - 155x7


Set 1 - 135x15
Set 2 - 205x8
Set 3 - 255x4
Set 4 - 255x2
Set 5 - 205x6

Standing BB Calve Raise

Set 1 - 115x15
Set 2 - 165x12
Set 3 - 185x10
Set 4 - 200x10
Set 5 - 240x8

Weighted Swiss Ball Crunches

10lbs x 15
25lbs x 15
35lbs x 10

Leg Raise + Thrust to fail

2 sets

Post Work Out

30g ON Cookies and Cream
20g Quick Oats
1 Nutrigrain Bar
^(Blended with ice water)

1 Vit C
1 Vit D
1 Litre Water

Post Post Meal

1 Cup Rice
100g Lean Hamburger

***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;** *8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8 226;***8226;***8226;***8226;***8226;

Good WO overall, finished work early so got a nice head start on the WO. Arms and Chest still sore from yesterday, legs felt shaky for an hour afterwards.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:51 am
by RobRegish
Great work SDB, as always :)

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:37 pm
by SudburyBaller
Just wanted to run an update of b4 and after.



138lbs > 155lbs

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:59 pm
by RobRegish
Wow! Great work my man!

+17lbs and boy did you slap on some beef in the shoulders, arms and chest. Likely your legs/back too.

Don't worry about the abs losing some definition. A few sovabrat tricks and you're right back there in short order..
