••• SudburyBallers Journal ••• Muskel Zeit Ya?

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••• SudburyBallers Journal ••• Muskel Zeit Ya?

Post by SudburyBaller »

So I just finished reading the book today, while I was at work. Production went downhill but hopefully my gains are going uphill. I was intrigued buy TURBOFLEX's story on nolinksplease.com, as I'm sure many of the members on here were too. I needed more.

I sent Rob a PM on nolinksplease.com, and within the timeframe of about 24 hours, I had read the book, formed a very solid opinion of Rob*, and am taking the next week off of my (shot gunning, sup sucking, ill rendered routines) usual weight routines.

*(I don't know how you do it, but Rob you have the power to be a cult leader,....in a non creepy, good way? Lulz)

I thought the timing of this was really funny, I was in the vicious circle that Rob describes in his book, chasing new supplements, blaming old ones, switching routines after nil progress, spending HOURS researching.
I had come to the realization that I was going back to the big three (probably the smartest idea I've had in my 3 year career of lifting).
The Bench, the Squat, and the Deadlift. The same night is when I stumbled upon the Blue Print, a program that utilizes the big three in a big way. I was sold!!!

Thanks again Rob.

I started a slow bulk journal on nolinksplease.com, because I destroyed any muscle I had with ill informed dieting, without weight training and adequate protein intake. By the time I learnt enough to save muscle mass most of it had left the building. I am in desperate need of a huge body re comp. I should be a poster boy for the BluePrint because I'm going to give her 110% and I am expecting to see nothing less of amazing results.

I am most likely going to abandon the other Journal in favor of this one. I don't have the time to be double posting, and I love adding pictures and shit so it can get time consuming. I am going to copy some stuff over to this one so you can all see where I'm at in life.

Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 142lbs (down from 165)

••• My Scrawny Ass ••• God Help Me :/

Heres a few of my food journal inputs, I usually do this daily. I enjoy looking at others so it inspired me to put in the effort. Plus I lift teh weight, so I LOVE FOOD :)

••Chicken and Kidney Beans••
••Oatmeal, CC, Whey and Natty PB + Whey••
••Cup of egg white + Oatmeal topped in PB + Yogurtz and Cinnamon ••
••2 Chicken Breasts on Pasta topped with Classico and Parm••
••Tuna + Lentils + Kidney + Hot Peppers and a lil nolinksplease.com <3••
••Tuna + Salsa on WW••
••My savior••
••Post WO Carbs••
••Chicken, Tomato, Cheese••
••Tuna + Walnuts + Veggeers••
••The Making of a Protein Brownie••
••Chicken + Brown Rice + Flax••
••Salmon + Brown Rice + Veggies••
••Tuna + Nuts and Veggies••
••Chick Peas + Tuna on WW••
••Sludge on WW••
••Protein Brownies to a science :)••
••Chicken, Veggies, Potatoes and Orange Dessert••
••PPWO Meal - Pork Chop on WW••

That was almost too much, but if the other thread is going down I might as well grab the valuables....

Anyways, I'm going supplement shopping tomorrow and buying more weight. I will have my phone handy so more to come info/picture wise.
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Good to see ya Big balla 8) you made a good choice man, you're fixin to get jacked bro!! you got the right attitude, and you're gonna CRUSH this bitch!!
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Post by RobRegish »

My sentiments exactly Turbo. And great pics/documenting. Your physique speaks to all the attention to detail that goes into your logging.

Where you will excel is compliance, I see it already. I also see the makings of an incredible gaining period, the vast majority of which will be LBM. If you think 142 looks scrawny on your frame, picture it on 6'1". That was me :) And, as Hank so eloquently coined, "I see PR clouds forming in your future". You for sure have a bright future here!

The cult leader comment made me lol. I know what you're saying though, I've heard it before. Honestly never intended for it to work out this way, but I think it goes back to this:

"I was in the vicious circle that Rob describes in his book, chasing new supplements, blaming old ones, switching routines after nil progress, spending HOURS researching. I had come to the realization that I was going back to the big three (probably the smartest idea I've had in my 3 year career of lifting)."

Quite simply, this was a life lesson that I had learned. A trap that I had fallen into that is every bit as vicious as the word itself sounds. I probably spent months (not hours) trying to figure out how to get more creatine into the muscle cell. What a waste.

This kind of thing is robbing you not only of money, but also of knowledge. Knowledge that can take you farther than any bottle of pills or powder ever could. I didn't want others to fall into this trap.

I've never mentioned this but if you look at my avatar, you'll see part of the reason why. I wanted to leave my son more than just a bottle of pills..

The other reason was John Drake/AskMass. John actually gave me the opportunity to write my very first article in his (then paper) newletter circa 1996. He then encouraged me further when I sent a draft of The Blueprint down to him to beta-test. And of course, there would be no Blueprint/BP board-forums today if it were not for him. He set the web page and forums up at his own expense because he believe so strongly in Blueprint after running it just once.

In any case, let's get this log rolling! Here to answer any and all questions....
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Post by SudburyBaller »

Wow, this morning was quite the surprise...

Cup of coffee and about an inch of snow!! WTF!

I had my first protein pancake experiment this morning, was pretty interesting:

2 Eggs
1 Scoop Whey
1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 cup ground oats


300 Cals / 19 C / 13 F / 28 P - FOR THE WHOLE PLATE!!
(Which I ate,...effortlessly)

I also went to my bodybuilding store...

(Organization fail)

to find E-Bol and tbol trib. They had both but tbol trib was over $100.00 and E-Bol looked like an outdated version for slightly more than I can order it for online. So that was a bust.

I did find a couple things worth picking up tho...

I did, out of frustration, grab a lil snack before lunch. I was pretty disappointed with it tho. Tasted like caramel beef jerky, minus the salt.

I decided to "weight" on buying new plates for now also. I wouldn't normally be lifting again until Sunday and I am already nervous and upset that I will be taking time off. To be honest I haven't taking anytime off, more than 3 days, for the past 2 years. So I want to keep lots of weightlifting "activities" around me this week to help me cope. I was even going to bypass the week off phase and jump into famine, but I know I would be screwing myself up.

So this week I'll be laying out a schedule in a hard copy log book, for the next week...aka FAMINE.

Also, because I convinced myself to actually fully participate 100% and take the week off, I am not going to be eating above maintenance, but due to the famine stage approaching, I am not going to be as anal about food choices and counting calories. It will be a week off physically and mentally. That being said....here is lunch.....


So anyways, I'll keep posting up new info as it comes along.

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Post by RobRegish »

Ahahaha... these pictures are great!

Keep it coming. Throw some hot chicks in there too for us married folk. And good move on taking the suggested week off.

Very important...
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Post by askmass »

Dude, you are killing me with the pizza pics!

WELCOME SudburyBaller.

Stuart McRobert lead me out of the hardgainer forest so long ago, much like Rob will lead you out of it.

I was 148 at 6'2"... You are going to do fantastic with BP!

Take a good look around our supplement site, too.

Like Rob, we'll treat you right and are anything but stereotypical.

I'll be watching and cheering you on, brother.
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Post by SudburyBaller »

RobRegish wrote:Ahahaha... these pictures are great!

Keep it coming. Throw some hot chicks in there too for us married folk. And good move on taking the suggested week off.

Very important...
I'm engaged and getting married in July, hopefully I'll have to get my Tux resized :lol:
askmass wrote: Take a good look around our supplement site, too.
Askmass, I sent you a pm.


So basically I'm going to start my log tomorrow. I'm going to try to get as far ahead as I can. So everything is laid out pro, and all questions are answered well in advance. I don't wanna be left hanging wondering if I take the blue pill, or the red pill.

As far as the famine stage goes I decided to look at it as a harsh cutting diet. It will motivate me alot more, plus I could use a little trim on the mid section from another bulking attempt gone a lil overboard. :roll:
A nice clean start will be refreshing for this bulking experience. Just glad I have you guys by my side this time.

Dinner was mac and cheese tonight, had it at the in-laws. I was planning on passing up on it but what the hell. Lets relax, shall we??

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Post by askmass »

SudburyBaller wrote:As far as the famine stage goes I decided to look at it as a harsh cutting diet. It will motivate me alot more, plus I could use a little trim on the mid section from another bulking attempt gone a lil overboard.
Motivation comes in many forms, go for it man.
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Post by Dean »

man...like your pictures~~ Great job!
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Post by SudburyBaller »

Dean wrote:man...like your pictures~~ Great job!
Thanks man, my pleasure.

I can't sleep worth shit tonight, it was probabley me eating way to late at night. I'm sure taking advantage of relaxing this week. I'm gonna get to be super fats lol!

••Cottage Cheese/Peanut Butter/Shreddies/Whey/15g BCAA••
(trying to heal up faster, so after my week off I can torture myself :)

••Shreddies/Cocoa Rice Krispies/Whey••
Yep, definately getting fat

I can't believe how much food I'm able to eat now, it scares me thinking about doing 1000 calories a day. I think as of Monday I'm cutting back to just below maintenance to prep myself for the next cut in food intake. Might even half fast to lunch time and then bomb all my calories at noon, like a mental exercise or something. We'll see.

Anyways, I'm going to run on the treadmill to burn off my Shreddie's addiction. Good Morning.
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Post by SudburyBaller »

Had to work half a shift today, didn't eat anything until 11:00am.....


Ended up going back to the supp store, didn't buy anything. I think ordering online is the way to go. That store = over price and under knowledge.

Picked up more food at the grocery store, pretty decent lunch. Almost went for the pizza but tapering back on the garbage.
(This ones for you John)
Decided on a Turkey Naan, and Yogurt Parfait.

Thats probably as far as healthy goes, I think its fried chicken for mothers day. Oh wellz, back to the treadmill. Didn't miss the morning workout as much as I thought I would. Its only day one though :/
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Post by SudburyBaller »

Made up some lunch snacks before heading out to my Mommy's for Mothers Day :oops:

Um, so in an effort to chill out on the protein, and get ready for the famine, I decided to eat like a regular joe. I don't think I pulled it off to well, but definitely not my usual PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN lunches. Added more fruit for a change. I haven't had a sandwich like that in 10 years!!!

••Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich••
••Brocoli + Black Beans w/ can of Tuna split between em••
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. I'm getting hungry just looking at all this!

We should put a warning up for those currently in Famine :)
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Post by SudburyBaller »

Yeah, sorry guys. Keeps me motivated. I feel super lazy now, thought I was enjoying it but this is gonna be weird.

Um, supper wasn't a complete trainwreck, I did eat above maintenance, but I knew I was running tonight anyways. Heres the stars of the show...

•• 2 Kilos of Awesomeness••
••Pot of Sauce••

Well, off to the track. Rob, sent you a PM.
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