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Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:12 am
by MSR9889
before breakfast i took dicana
breakfast was a veggie egg white omelet with american cheese, 2 eggs over hard, and KA
lunch was 2 and a half turkey burgers and a bowl of carrots and cucumbers with 1 tbsp ranch
took dicana early afternoon
dinner was a grilled chicken breast and some sweet and sour chicken wit fruit
snack will be 2 scoops xf whey, tbsp peanut butter and KA
before bed will be 2 scoops casein

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:30 pm
by RobRegish
What's your overall impression thus far of this mini-cut?


Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:46 pm
by MSR9889
RobRegish wrote:What's your overall impression thus far of this mini-cut?

well considering i lost 10 lbs with 3 weeks of simple dieting, id say its going well. gym issues seem mostly due to lack of sleep, but my personal issues havent helped either. as far as i can tell my strength is holding up and im about as lean as i was during the famine phase at ~187-189.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:48 am
by RobRegish
Sweet progress.

You're stronger and leaner at a higher bodyweight. Primed to bulk again too if you so desire :)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:44 pm
by MSR9889
before breakfast i took dicana
breakfast was a veggie egg white omelet and 2 eggs over hard with KA, didnt finish the omelet
lunch was 2 grilled chicken breasts, didnt finish one of the chicken breasts
mid afternoon took dicana
snack was 2 scoops xf whey and 2 tbsp white chocolate peanut butter
before dinner i took dicana
dinner was a buffalo chicken wrap, cookie, 1 scoop xf whey, and KA. I peeled off most of the wrap
before bed ill have 2 scoops casein

appetite has been really low today. i was hungry before breakfast but once it was in front of me i just didnt want it. same with lunch.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:03 pm
by MSR9889
by the way ask mass, i finally got my package from my parents and wanted to thank you again for the kreanabolyn and samples. i really appreciate it.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:50 am
by MSR9889
before breakfast i took dicana
breakfast was a veggie egg white omelet and 2 eggs over hard, and KA
lunch was some chicken korma and a scoop of xf whey
mid afternoon i took dicana
snack was 1 scoop xf whey, 1 scoop casein, 1 tbsp peanut butter
dinner was a boneless chicken romano breast and most of a bowl of ceasar salad
before bed was 2 scoops casein, tbsp peanut butter, and KA

appetite today has been really low again. the past 2 days whenever ive sat down to eat, ive just lost interest in the food.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:52 pm
by RobRegish
I know I've said this before but I love reading about how many eggs you eat :)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:45 pm
by MSR9889
RobRegish wrote:I know I've said this before but I love reading about how many eggs you eat :)
theyre too good. i estimate the omelets have about 4-5 egg whites

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:33 pm
by MSR9889
before breakfast i took dicana
breakfast was a veggie egg white omelet and 2 eggs over hard
before lunch/snack i took dicana
lunch/snack was 2 scoops xf whey and 1 tbsp peanut butter
dinner was a buffalo chicken wrap and a cookie
before bed i took 1 scoop xf whey, 1 scoop casein, tbsp peanut butter
i forgot to take KA, so later i took 2 scoops casein, tbsp peanut butter and KA

ive had some sleeping problems this week and planned on resting up last night to workout today, but i couldnt fall asleep last night and will have to wait till tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:36 am
by MSR9889
breakfast was 4 eggs over hard and 1 scoop xf whey with KA
lunch was a cookie and 2 scoops xf whey
dinner was boneless chicken wings in golden bbq sauce with some ranch
had a couple brownies from a friend as a snack
before bed was 1 scoop xf whey, 1 scoop ON casein, tbsp peanut butter, and KA

appetite was gone but i forced myself to eat the eggs and shake. my appetite this week has also been as reduced as its ever been. lately ive been sitting down to eat and staring at the food just makes me less and less hungry.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:14 pm
by RobRegish
What do you make of the appetite drop-off?

Might be a sign... something you should listen too perhaps.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:51 pm
by MSR9889
RobRegish wrote:What do you make of the appetite drop-off?

Might be a sign... something you should listen too perhaps.
originally i thought it might be due to the dicana, which i just finished yesterday. but ive had a lot on my mind lately and whenever i think about certain things, nothing else seems to matter. its not as depressing as it sounds though.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:31 pm
by RobRegish
You sound like you react much to stress like I do..... I stop eating/lose my appetite. I also tend to harbor a lot of anger at the people who I think wronged me. Too much anger..

I hope this isn't out of bounds. I'm not a religious guy really but I went on this 3 day men's retreat once (Catholic). During those 3 days, a lot of talks were given.

One guy got up there and talked about how his newborn son died in his arms on the way to the hospital. His family got hit by a drunk driver. Naturally, everyone listening took it pretty hard. I noticed though, one guy in the audience was taking it harder than the rest.

At the end of his talk this speaker concluded with "and I came here today to lift some burdens I've been carrying for some time. You see, I've hated this man for taking my son away. For taking my only son away because of a lapse of judgement.."

He walked over to the guy in the audience taking it the hardest and he stood up. The speaker hugged him and said "I just want you to know John, that I forgive you".

John was the drunk driver that killed his son.

My point is, we're all walking around carrying burdens. I don't know what yours are (physical, emotional, financial etc). But seeing this really put things into perspective for me.

I've seen a man squat a thousand pounds. I thought I knew what real strength was.

But nothing I ever saw came close to the strength of that man who forgave the drunk driver.

And I suspect, nothing ever will.