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Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:59 am
by askmass
MSR9889 wrote:i get it, i just cant afford certain things. i actually started selling back a lot of the stuff i bought previously since i need the money.
I'll say it flat out, you're better off eating eggs for recovery and gains than using junk protein supplements.

And- When Rob talks about BP working WITHOUT the relatively few, specific supplements he does recommend, he's telling the truth.

I know that virtually no other supplement rep would admit either of the above statements, but I don't want a gold star for telling the truth.

We make some great, state-of-the-art items, but if the heart and soul isn't there - you've got nothing, even if your pantry is filled to the brim with MASS supplements.

The drive, the ambition as Rob says, is the key.

Never lose that, and remember that quality not quantity most often is the trump card in an athletes successful supplement array. You'd be better off using just a few scoops of MASS PRO post workouts per week, verses a full tub of that other junk. Or, failing that, plates of eggs as I mentioned.

I hope I didn't come across as "beating you up" or mean spirited, I just hate to see guys swayed by glossed up junk advertised in MM and pimped out on We are proud of MASS PRO, but way beyond that "5 pounds of whey for $45" offends me because it is a lie. It is a scam. It is a rip off. It gives the legit protein industry a black eye.

Keep that ambition running high, most of all.

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:58 pm
by MSR9889
well i asked the company and it is ceramic cold filtered

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:59 pm
by MSR9889
before breakfast i took dicana
breakfast was 2 scoops xf whey, 2 tbsp peanut butter, and KA
lunch was a naked burrito, same as before but with spanish rice
mid afternoon i took dicana
dinner was a turkey breast, some mac n cheese, and 1 scoop xf whey

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:22 pm
by MSR9889
im about to head to the gym

before breakfast i took dicana
breakfast was 8 eggs over hard, 2 slices of american cheese, and a plain bagel and KA
preworkout i took dicana and an old energy shot i found laying around
intra will be 2 scoops purple intrain and 6g citrulline malate
pwo was 1 scoop lipotropic protein and a serving of cocoa roasted almonds
dinner was grilled chicken, peppers and onions
snack was ramen noodles and 1.5 scoops xf whey
took dicana a couple house later
2 scoops casein, tbsp peanut butter, and KA before bed

ive slept well the past 2 nights, but i took the energy shot because i just didnt feel motivated to hit the gym. but now im ready to go.

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:24 pm
by MSR9889
hit all the reps. squatting got tough because my legs had a crazy pump and it was harder for me to push from the bottom. bench was really tough, but that was probably because i didnt eat carbs last night and squatting killed me.

squat- 135x10, 200x6, 200x6, 205x6, 205x6

bench- 100x10, 155x6, 155x5, 155x5, 150x6

superset with db rows- 40x10
then tbar rows- +115x6, +100x6, +100x6, +100x6

squat was supposed to be 202.5, so i did 2 sets of 200 and 2 of 205. bench was 153.5, so i did 3 of 155 and 1 of 150 to keep the tonnage close.

i think ill have to get more carbs in the day before my next workout

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:11 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome work.

All of these logs have me on cloud 9 today :)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:45 pm
by MSR9889
before breakfast i took dicana
breakfast was 3 mini egg and cheese omelets and KA
snack was 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop casein, 1 tbsp peanut butter
another snack was 2 scoops lipotropic protein and 1 tbsp peanut butter
i went out to dinner with my mom, had some bread and garlic boneless wings, chicken parm but only had a couple bites of the pasta, and a cup of french onion soup with KA
before bed ill had 2 scoops casein

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:50 pm
by MSR9889
so for a weight update, yesterday morning i was 198 lbs. so that makes a 10lb decrease in just under 4 weeks on dicana.
so once the dicana is through, i plan to start up with ephedrine hcl and some non-stim supp. i have lean xtreme, reduction pm, and green tea extract. im thinking high doses of green tea extract and reduction pm before bed, then using the lean xtreme sometime in the future. ill try to limit caffein as much as possible.
also, i was thinking of taking 1 weeks off of dieting after dicana to eat at maintenance, then going back to dieting with ephedrine and one of the non-stims i have. thoughts on all this?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:02 pm
by RobRegish
Curious to know if you've observed any strength loss with the weight dropping off like that? It would seem not so from the logs but I just wanted to validate.

If so, superb work as it's no easy trick..

Now on your proposed plan, establishing a week of maintenance calories is an excellent idea.

From there, suggest alternating calories 100% of maintenance on training days and 70% of maintenance on non-weight training days. Ephedrine without caffeine isn't very effective, IMO. The two are dynamite when stacked.

My thoughts would be to alternate days of E+Green Tea (which contains some natural caffeine) and days of Lean Xtreme. If memory serves, Lean Xtreme has anti-cortisol properties which the E+Green Tea naturally raises. Your adrenals will appreciate the nourishment. If not included already, ensure adequate Vit C intake as it's a natural cortisol inhibitor and is depleted from the adrenals when stims are used.

I'm unfamiliar with Reduction PM but just glanced at the formula. May be useful to unwind but of the 3 proposed, will likely be the least necessary. Consider sporadic use or if your sleep is suffering.

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:48 pm
by MSR9889
well with the workouts, my legs and back have been doing fine it seems. and i would assume that my bench has only been struggling because i squat first and that takes a lot out of me.

the green tea extract i have has a very small, or rather insignificant amount of caffein. would it be better to maybe just run the EC and lean xtreme together with a lower dose of the green tea? the LX has some in it already, but i dont know how much.
also, ive been taking 3g of vitamin c per day which you recommended int eh beginning of my blueprint run.

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:46 pm
by RobRegish
Understand on the SQ taking it out of you early. I always bench first if doing both.. Still, to up weights in a fat burning phase like this and losing 10lbs....that's a tremendous accomplishment. 5% bodyweight loss usually = strength decriment. Credit your training and other supplements for the difference.

No on the EC + Lean Xtreme. EC should be just that.

Perhaps 10mg of ephedrine to 100mg of caffeine. Have you used EC before? It's best used in a 10:1 caffeine/ephedrine ratio. Start SLOW, especially if you've never used it before. Washing it down with grapefruit juice will amplify/extend its effects.

The Lean Xtreme I'm still in favor of a dedicated day for. The PS in particular and the 7-OH is going to knock cortisol down. You can add your green tea on this day as I presume it's standardized for EGCG vs. caffeine as the "active" insofar as fat burning is concerned.

Good to hear on the Vit C. Your adrenals will need it and as mentioned prior, it's a good cortisol control agent in its own right...

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:14 pm
by MSR9889
ive used EC before, but it was with primatene. the stuff i have now is not synthetic.
and dosing twice a day should be good right? i want to avoid stims after 3pm. or maybe take just the ephedrine after 3? i dont know how that would affect me sleep at all.

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:28 pm
by RobRegish
What's the brand/standardization/mg total?

E/C 2 to 3x a day for fat loss. Agree on the not after 3 thing.

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:24 pm
by MSR9889
RobRegish wrote:What's the brand/standardization/mg total?

E/C 2 to 3x a day for fat loss. Agree on the not after 3 thing.
the ephedrine is 10mg tablets, and the caffein i have is 200mg. i was going to start at 10/200 then after a couple days move up to 20/200. i might experiment with dosing 3x a day, but im assuming that since i have sleeping problems as it is, this probably wont help. im also trying to use melatonin as little as possible.