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Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:17 pm
by RobRegish
That'd be great!

Thanks for sharing..

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:44 am
by lerider
Sorry for late update. Busy life. Better late than never though!

First an update on the two workouts I've had so far.

First workout felt pretty normal, was able to lift very similar to what I lifted before famine, which has to mean I didn't lose that much muscle after all. Or I gained back a deal of it during first three days of feast.

Second workout felt great! Improved and lifted more than I planned in all movements except flat bench press. To be honest, I'm not sure how I did there, had an unexperienced spotter who helped me when he shouldn't so I can't say for sure. Still killed the Incline DB Press so I feel I made up for it.

Time to increase weight on the first EDT, with 35% rep increase.
Improved on the other one as well but ended up 7 reps too short for a 20% increase. Will push harder and faster next time.

I am in the process of finding the herbs in my concoction, I got the chinese names but have to translate and find info on the herbs. Takes more time that one would think. But it's on it's way!!

Effects since starting with Chinese medicine:

1. I sleep MUCH better and way more deep (can barely get out of bed in the morning anymore... body wants to SLEEP).

2. Libido is INSANE. Really. Negative side effect: damn it's hard to focus on my studies. This COULD be signs of raised test-level?

3. More emotional. Not sure it's the medicine though, I'm going through some stuff which I do not wish to post in public. It DOES however often happen during drinking the medicine., but it can be a coincidence. This COULD be signs of lowered test-level?

4. Hungrier. Can eat more and more often. Trying to keep within my macros but I'm thinking I might be able to increase because of no. 5 ->

5. No gas. Yes, I got pretty much gas during my bulk before Blueprint. I can't say for sure if this is broscience or not, but I just recently read in a nutrition magazine gas is often the product when eating more than the body can absorb, which kind of would make sense since I know many got the same problems during bulk. Input and thoughts on this one would be appreciated, since I might actually be able to increase cals and see better gains. (Eating 180-200g animal protein / day @ ~130lbs)

6. THINNER WALLET. This is EXPENSIVE. Especially for a student like me. 30 USD / week supply. It's insane.

Anyway, stay close for a full list of the Chinese secret to building muscle (or trick money from stooopid foreigners).

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:20 am
by jjones11
lerider wrote: Effects since starting with Chinese medicine:

1. I sleep MUCH better and way more deep (can barely get out of bed in the morning anymore... body wants to SLEEP).

2. Libido is INSANE. Really. Negative side effect: damn it's hard to focus on my studies. This COULD be signs of raised test-level?

3. More emotional. Not sure it's the medicine though, I'm going through some stuff which I do not wish to post in public. It DOES however often happen during drinking the medicine., but it can be a coincidence. This COULD be signs of lowered test-level?

4. Hungrier. Can eat more and more often. Trying to keep within my macros but I'm thinking I might be able to increase because of no. 5 ->

5. No gas. Yes, I got pretty much gas during my bulk before Blueprint. I can't say for sure if this is broscience or not, but I just recently read in a nutrition magazine gas is often the product when eating more than the body can absorb, which kind of would make sense since I know many got the same problems during bulk. Input and thoughts on this one would be appreciated, since I might actually be able to increase cals and see better gains. (Eating 180-200g animal protein / day @ ~130lbs)

6. THINNER WALLET. This is EXPENSIVE. Especially for a student like me. 30 USD / week supply. It's insane.

Anyway, stay close for a full list of the Chinese secret to building muscle (or trick money from stooopid foreigners).
3 really sounds like it could be your hormones. When you went through stuff in the past were you this emotional?

4, if you're hungry EAT. It's a natural reaction of your body telling you it needs more fuel.

What are you doing in china brah? Your English tells me it's definitely your first language.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:26 am
by lerider
jjones11 wrote: 3 really sounds like it could be your hormones. When you went through stuff in the past were you this emotional?
Never thought of it that way. The answer is yes, probably more emotional.
jjones11 wrote: 4, if you're hungry EAT. It's a natural reaction of your body telling you it needs more fuel.
Will do!
jjones11 wrote: What are you doing in china brah? Your English tells me it's definitely your first language.
Thank you for the compliment, too kind of you. English is my second language, Chinese was my fourth but kinda turned into my third :wink:

I'm here on a student exchange program.

Checked out your log, you seem to be doing good so far, keep fighting through famine! I found it easier to only eat in the evening and be able to go to bed on full stomach, might be something worth trying out if you find resisting the hunger to be difficult.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:05 pm
by RobRegish
WOW this is interesting!

I'd say hormones (test) for sure given everything you're telling me. The lack of gas will resolve itself shortly. I've notice how famine really cleans you out/makes your digestion that much more efficient.... for awhile. Let's just see if I'm right on that one as time goes on.

On the lifts, FANTASTIC! You're rebounding WAY ahead of schedule and this is GREAT news.

What a terriffic spot to be in, running The Blueprint in China. Speaking 4 different languages and English so well. I don't know what you're going to do when you get out of school but I'll say it now; you're going to be great at it.

Follow your passion. I went into insurance. Not like it was a huge mistake but I KNOW where my heart is. It's here.....

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:56 pm
by jjones11
lerider wrote:Thank you for the compliment, too kind of you. English is my second language, Chinese was my fourth but kinda turned into my third :wink:

I'm here on a student exchange program.

Checked out your log, you seem to be doing good so far, keep fighting through famine! I found it easier to only eat in the evening and be able to go to bed on full stomach, might be something worth trying out if you find resisting the hunger to be difficult.
Then I'm assuming that French is your first.

Yeah famine is tough, but pretty soon feast begins!!! I'm already planning what I'm going to eat. That and I'm excited about the numbers I'll be able to put up. One of my "larger" meals takes place around bedtime, because I can't stand the feeling of going to sleep hungry. That seems to help me alot. I'll keep following your log. Best of luck!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:51 am
by RobRegish
Savvy thinking. I do the same (save the biggest meal prior to bed). I can't sleep on an empty stomach either...

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:25 am
by lerider
RobRegish wrote: What a terriffic spot to be in, running The Blueprint in China. Speaking 4 different languages and English so well. I don't know what you're going to do when you get out of school but I'll say it now; you're going to be great at it.

Follow your passion. I went into insurance. Not like it was a huge mistake but I KNOW where my heart is. It's here.....

Thank you for the motivation! I wouldn't count the fourth language though, at least not yet. Have to improve that one ;)

You are obviously good at what you are doing, and it's easy to tell you enjoy it. I know I'm not the only one who appreciates you getting into this field. Knowing insurance is not bad either, one can never have too many skills. Might give you a big advantage when you least thought you would need those skills. Life has a way of putting a nice twist on things!

Ok, it's time for the full list! Well, almost, just one of the herbs which can't be deciphered.

First of all, I took the first dose of the new stack a few hours ago, and I could feel it was different. Instead of feeling emotional as before, I got quite the opposite. Calm, relaxed, and all problems are still there but doesn't bother me anymore.

I then compared the recipes, and almost half of the herbs doesn't match. I know most Chinese can't even read the doctor's handwriting, so it's possible some herbs got mixed up this time or last time. Doctor told me she switched some of the herbs, but it was far from half of them.

It will be some time of copy and pasting, list coming in a new post SOON!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:43 am
by lerider
Dipsacus, Dipsacus asperoides

Agastache, Agastache rugosa

Ningpo figwort root, Scrophularia mingpeonsis

Chinese angelica root, Angelica polymorpha

Bastard cardamom, Amomum villosum

White dahlia root, Paeonia lactiflora

Bighead atractylodes rhizome, Atratylodes macrocephala

Great burdock fruit, Arctium lappa

Rehmannia, Rehmannia glutinosa

Chicken Gizzard's Stomach Lining, Gallus gallus domesticus

Chinese basil, Perilla frutescens

Thorowax root, Bupleurum scorzonerifolium

Green tangerine peel, Citrus reticulata Blanco

Codonopsis root, Codonopsis pilosula

Chinese wild yam, Dioscorea ~~~

Baiscal skullcap root, Scutellaria baicalensis

Pinellia rhizome, Pinellia ternata

Eucommia bark, Eucommia ulmoide

In for creating the ultimate bodybuilding supplement? There sure seems to be some nuggets in there.

Dosages left out to prevent readers from self-medicating. They only sell me weekly stacks to force me to see the doctor. Some of these herbs are toxic in wrong dosages and/or under wrong circumstances.

The link beneath herbs is in no sense a scientific database, just a way to get an overview of the herb.

EDIT: I just noticed some of the latin names are misspelled, I just copied them from the webpage. The herbs can still be found for example on Wikipedia, by searching on the common name or by accepting the correct name suggestion when searching on latin name.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:53 pm
by RobRegish
Thanks for sharing!!

Off to do research.... :)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:27 am
by lerider
Hope it can be of any help, it's interesting to say the least!

Please share if you find something of value, I have only been through the and Wikipedia, not the most reliable of sources. I don't have much (if any) knowledge about chemical compounds either, willing to learn though. China is my area of expertise :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:12 am
by RobRegish
I will have my thoughts for you shortly :)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:20 pm
by lerider
RobRegish wrote:I will have my thoughts for you shortly :)

Today was feast workout no. 3!!

And I'm quite satisfied to say the least.

Bench: 165 x 3 (spotter only slightly touching bar in third rep)
According to plan!!! Only thought I would be able to press two, but felt the third was in me so I went for it.

Estimated 1RM before Blueprint was 175 lbs. To be fair, that would be 176.4 lbs, since weights are in kg (80kg). I'm quite positive I will be able to push that weight two workouts from now, so I am considering if I should try to go for 187.4 lbs instead (85 kg). There's no weights in between. 80kg is a safe bet, 85kg might too be heavy. Never went for 1RM before, happy to hear input from someone with more experience.

Squat: 265 x 6 Smith
Note: I am not doing deep squats because of a weird feeling in tendon back of knee. Not even sure if it's a tendon. It will "click" in lower position, and then "click" back when leaving lower position. I do not have this problem in leg sled, so I decided to keep small movements in Smith squat with heavy weight, and deep movements in leg sled. Open to feedback.

EDT block 1: 98 reps (Increased weight, 5 fewer reps than last time).

EDT block 2: 109 reps, improvement of 30% since last time, improvement of 43% in two workouts. Time to increase weights next time.

Also had kind of a "cheat day", if those days exists in a bulk. I usually log everything I eat, today was a day off from Excel and spent some time with good friends and good food. I kept track so I got sufficient protein, calories are probably way over my usual 2800k on training days. I'm thinking it's good as long as I eat too much and not too little :roll:

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:28 pm
by RobRegish
Great work! Still researching the herbs. Very interesting what I've seen so far..

Now on your questions, go for it on the heavier weights provided you have a spotter!

Probably a smart move on your leg issue. If looking to base a 1RM off of a leg movement then, switch to the sled from the SQ. At least you'll be able to full bore there.

Overall fantastic work, keep runnin' and gunnin'!!