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Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:12 am
by xlb57
RobRegish wrote:Great work man. Eat up!
Yes sir! This instruction will NOT be difficult to obey. :D

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:20 am
by xlb57
RobRegish wrote:On the training days, take care to make sure at least 25% of your calories come in the form of that intra-workout drink. Doing so will benefit you the most right when and where its needed.
Rob - You are referencing the intra-workout drink as outlined in your BCAA Protocol #2 correct? I was considering following Protocol #1. A couple questions:

-Would you suggest #2 over #1?

A. Neither is better or worse. For hypertrophy, #1 I feel is superior.

-If #2, is there any BCAA loading or maintenance required (i.e. just started Feast, should I take 20g/day for the first 72 hrs. for loading OR should I take BCAA on rest days if following #2 or just during training)?

A. I may be confusing these, but #2 is the intra-workout drink protocol, with no less than 25g being recommended. I've since paired this back to 20g, as I find that just enough.

If using the 3 days on/3 off protocol specified (believe BCAA loading protocol #1), begin day 1 of feast and run 3 on/3 off from there. If your workout happens to fall on an "off" BCAA day, feel free to consume them in the drink anyway during your workout. Gets pricey BUT the results are well worth it.

-If #1, would you still suggest this sort of intra-workout drink or would something like Purple InTrain suffice?

A. Purple Wrath/InTrain etc are fine. Provided you're getting at least 20g of BCAA's, you're good to go!


Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:05 pm
by Jacos5
xlb57 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:On the training days, take care to make sure at least 25% of your calories come in the form of that intra-workout drink. Doing so will benefit you the most right when and where its needed.
Rob - You are referencing the intra-workout drink as outlined in your BCAA Protocol #2 correct? I was considering following Protocol #1. A couple questions:

-Would you suggest #2 over #1?
-If #2, is there any BCAA loading or maintenance required (i.e. just started Feast, should I take 20g/day for the first 72 hrs. for loading OR should I take BCAA on rest days if following #2 or just during training)?
-If #1, would you still suggest this sort of intra-workout drink or would something like Purple InTrain suffice?

i have purple Wraath and he told me it would be good to use. You should be fine if you so chose to go with intraine. Though I have not done my homework over the bcaa loading.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:24 am
by xlb57
Thanks for the responses - Exactly the information I was looking for. I have since been following Protocol #1 and taking at least 20-25g of BCAA each of the last two days (with today being the third). Today is a workout day so I am going to sip on some BCAA during the day and then concentrate the rest around/during my workout.

Will report back later with my results/thoughts on Feast Workout #1.

Thanks again!

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:56 pm
by RobRegish
My pleasure. You're doing it justice man..

Can't wait for your update!

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:28 pm
by xlb57
So had my first Feast Workout. Good news was that I felt pretty good throughout. Bad news is that I seemed to have strained something in my left shoulder doing BP. A few years back I stopped barbell benching due to this and I was hoping it would be better by now. Dumbbell bench never bothered my shoulder, so that is what I moved to. During last week's Famine Workout, it didn't bother me in the least. My guess is that I was a little aggressive in the weight used today and I really pushed hard to get my last rep as I had a spotter. In doing so, I assume that my form was off a bit and this has resulted. It is not too intense (I've felt worse), but it is a familiar feeling nonetheless. I took an additional dose of BCAA when I got home and iced it. I plan on icing again a bit later.

Rob - What would you suggest here? I plan to take two rest days between workouts from here forward.

Nutrition: Last day of real high cals. I hit about 4200 today. Tomorrow I will taper back to 3750 for the remainder of my first two weeks.

Feast Workout #1:

Bench press: 245 x 7-8 (8th was with a bit of assistance from spotter)
DB pullovers: 65 x 10 (I need to go heavier here)

Squat: 300 x 8-9 (Last rep I did not go as deep as I'd like)
SLDL: 155 x 10 (I need to go a bit heavier here - Form was solid)

Upper EDT:
-Incline DB: 100 x 6 x 3, 100 x 4 x 2, 100 x 3 (Total reps: 29)
superset with
-Tbar (assisted): 125 x 6 x 6 (Total reps: 36)

Lower EDT:
-Leg Press: 748 (7 plates) x 6 x 4 (Total reps: 24)*
superset with
-Seated ham curls: 140 x 6 x 2, 155 x 6 x 1, 155 x 8 x 1**

*Cut this short due to some ache in knee (nothing serious at all)
**Wanted to do RDL; however, none were available

All thoughts welcome. Here's to hoping my shoulder recovers quickly!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:03 am
by RobRegish
Definately support the 2 days off idea. Sorry to hear about the shoulder but give it at least another go to see how it feels. If its still bothersome I'll come up with something else.

You may want to identify another big multi joint exercise that doesn't bother it. Dips, inclines, declines etc are all ideas we can apply the loading pattern to.

There's always a way :)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:36 am
by xlb57
Sounds good Rob. It's just frustrating that this is happening again. This time, rather than ignore it / "work through it", I will pay more attention to how it's feeling.

I plan to take Ibuprofen every 6-8 hrs or so for the next day or two to see about reducing any inflammation. If it still doesn't work out next time, we can try to think of something. Interestingly enough, I don't think incline causes an issue, but we'll have to see.

Would you suggest that at the next Feast Workout I follow the training protocol as it is written or should I lighten up on the weight used for bench??

EDIT: I was thinking Rob, how would you feel about me trying decline in place of flat? I am hopeful that this would cause less stress on the shoulder. In addition, I could still utilize the incline DBs as part of my EDT. Just knowing this pain, I have a strong feeling that it isn't going to subside if I continue flat barbell bench... Thoughts?


Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:17 pm
by RobRegish
You're thinking exactly as you should be... searching for a big compound that doesn't aggravate the injury.

Once we find that, we're good :)

I'd discontinue the bench. Lightening up isn't going to help much. We'll just find the new movement and apply a loading pattern...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:32 pm
by xlb57
Thanks Rob. Would you suggest that I re-do Feast Workout #1 with decline in place of flat barbell and see how that goes?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:49 am
by RobRegish
Yes, excellent idea!

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:21 pm
by xlb57
Thanks Rob, I'll give it a shot. The shoulder is still a bit sore / tight, but I will take some more ibuprofen tonight and be sure to loosen up well before training tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:25 pm
by xlb57
Rob (and others) - So my shoulder is still a bit sore and through some research, I am wondering if I didn't sprain my AC joint. I am having a difficult time balancing my desire to hit this program hard and keep my shoulder from getting any worse. I am contemplating whether or not I should try to take this time to build up my legs and back (assuming back workouts don't aggravate it). What would you suggest? How might I be able to tweak things so that I get the most out of the program and the kre-anabolyn without dragging out this shoulder issue?

I have a training session today after work and I am tempted to either go very light on my chest movements or avoid them altogether. I know which of the two options I WANT to do, but am struggling with whether or not that is what I SHOULD do.

Any advice??

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:05 pm
by Jacos5
If it were me man, I'd probably take some time off from the bp. This things supposed to get pretty intense from what I've heard and would seem useless if you didn't go full intensity. Hang up the bp gloves for a bit and just train in moderation till you can get better and do the bp some justice. I'd much rather wait out a few weeks than risk having to sit it out for much longer. Just my 2 cents. GL man.