Xlb57 - Doing it BP-style for the 1st time!

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Xlb57 - Doing it BP-style for the 1st time!

Post by xlb57 »

Jon here. I picked up BP last weekend and have done nothing but study it and these boards since that time. I have taken the mandatory week off and I am ready to get back at it.

Tomorrow is going to be Day One of Famine...The wife and I made the grocery store run today and it was quite strange not focusing my selections on things that used to breath and eat (meat!). I am loaded up on fruits, vegetables, and grains...Today I will be eating at a fish fry and enjoying some adult beverages. I plan to eat enough for the week though, so I'm sure Famine will be a breeze...Right? Right!?

Training: I am following the BP suggested workout throughout both the Famine and Feast phases. I plan to have at least one EDT with each day and have a variety of second EDT options lined up for upper body days. I don't plan on having enough energy left to complete a second EDT on lower body days.

Diet: During Famine I will be in the ~1600 cal./day range. I am currently at 206.5 lbs, so this should be appropriate. Once Feast phase hits, I plan to eat approximately 4000 cals/day for the first 72 hours with a reduction to ~3200-3500 cals/day throughout the rest of Feast. Once Cruise hits, I will reduce to 2800-3000 cals/day. Through Feast and Cruise I plan to aim for 1.25-1.5g protein/lb of bodyweight.

Supplements: I stopped taking any supplements (with multi-vitamin, fish oil, and Vitamin C being the exceptions) last weekend. I will continue supplement-free throughout Famine as instructed. Thereafter, my supplement protocol is as follows:

-Fish oil (6-9g/day - dosed with Kre-Anabolyn)
-Vitamin C (3g/day)
-Kre-Anabolyn (1 w/breakfast, 1 w/pre-WO, and 1 w/post-WO on training days - 1 w/breakfast and 1 w/dinner on rest days)
-Whey protein (Myofusion and/or XF)
-Pre-WO supplements (either old PreSurge or ASGT)
-BCAA (Xtend - following BCAA protocol #2)
-Beta-Alanine (dosed at ~3g/day)
-Intra-Workout (1 scoop of CL Purple Intrain)

-Other supplements on hand: Slin Sane, Lean Xtreme, and Stoked

So that about sums things up as of right now. Any additional suggestions, thoughts, or ideas? Any suggestions with regard to the supps on hand (specifically the Slin Sane - Free to dose this with pre-WO meal and KA?)?

Edit: Current morning heart rate ~59-60bpm.

Thanks folks - This should be fun!

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Post by RyannayR »

Everything looks good. Can tell you did your homework.
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Post by RobRegish »

Jeez if I have everyone come into like this they'd be hitting PR's workout #1 of Feast.

Thanks for doing it justice man. GREAT work..
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Post by xlb57 »

Thanks for the replies guys. Any thoughts regarding the "on hand" supplements? Or any other ideas / suggestions in general?

I am looking forward to Famine tomorrow in a sick sort of way. Filled up on fried fish and other deliciously grubbing sorts of foods today. Time to do it!
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Post by xlb57 »

Famine - Day One

So far, so good. I am surprised how hard it is to keep protein below 30g for the day. Even while keeping my food selection limited to many of the foods mentioned in other threads. That being said, I shouldn't go much over 35g on the day.

Foods for the day (without amounts):
-bell pepper

Day One workout:

Squats superset w/Cable rows

SQ: 315x6, 315x5, 315x5
Cable rows: 210x6, 210x6, 210x6

Tbar rows superset w/Lat pulldowns

Tbar: 115x6, 125x6, 125x6
Lat pulls: 205x5, 205x4, 205x3-4

Standing preacher curls: 100x8 (need to up weight)

Incline DB (both @ once): 35x7 (need to up weight)

Straight bar cable curls: 130x8 (need to up weight)

All in all, pretty solid workout. I definitely started to gas at the end, but I feel good about the work I put in. I am looking forward to my next workout and the struggles and successes that lie ahead!
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Post by Jacos5 »

Decided to add the tbar and rows? What's you're 1rm for squat and bp?
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Post by xlb57 »

I am more or less trying to follow the BP 2.0 protocol, hence the rows.

In regard to my BP and SQ maxes...It's tough to say. I actually haven't done my barbell BP for quite some time. A couple years back I had hurt my shoulder while doing so and found that I could do DB pain-free and have done so since. For SQ, I would guess it to be in the 375-385 range - It has room to improve!
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Post by xlb57 »

So here we are, Day Two of Famine.

Heart rate was more or less the same this morning at 59bpm.

Diet was on point today and I should finish right around 1600 calories and ~30g of Protein. I have my workout all lined up for tomorrow. Unfortunately (or fortunately, we'll see!) I will need to get this workout in first thing in the morning. That means up at 4:30a.m., slam down some oats, raspberries, and V8, and out the door I go!

I noticed the hunger a fair amount more than yesterday and am definitely feeling the DOMS from my Monday workout. I've no doubt these feelings will only intensify over the next couple days. Saturday is not too far away!

Tomorrow's workout will be as follows:
-W.G. Bench superset w/Shoulder DB press (1x8-10)
-C.G. Bench superset w/Shoulder DB press (1x8-10)
-Incl. Bench superset w/Shoulder DB press (1x8-10)
-Decl. Bench superset w/Shoulder DB press (1x8-10)
-Decl. C.G. press superset (1x8-10)
-Skull crushers (1x8-10)
-Cable pressdown (1-2x8-10)

Let's do it!
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Post by Jacos5 »

xlb57 wrote:So here we are, Day Two of Famine.

Heart rate was more or less the same this morning at 59bpm.

Diet was on point today and I should finish right around 1600 calories and ~30g of Protein. I have my workout all lined up for tomorrow. Unfortunately (or fortunately, we'll see!) I will need to get this workout in first thing in the morning. That means up at 4:30a.m., slam down some oats, raspberries, and V8, and out the door I go!

I noticed the hunger a fair amount more than yesterday and am definitely feeling the DOMS from my Monday workout. I've no doubt these feelings will only intensify over the next couple days. Saturday is not too far away!

Tomorrow's workout will be as follows:
-W.G. Bench superset w/Shoulder DB press (1x8-10)
-C.G. Bench superset w/Shoulder DB press (1x8-10)
-Incl. Bench superset w/Shoulder DB press (1x8-10)
-Decl. Bench superset w/Shoulder DB press (1x8-10)
-Decl. C.G. press superset (1x8-10)
-Skull crushers (1x8-10)
-Cable pressdown (1-2x8-10)

Let's do it!
Hey so we aren't supposed to repeat each set (such as Benchpress) 3 more times?
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Post by xlb57 »

Jacos5 wrote: Hey so we aren't supposed to repeat each set (such as Benchpress) 3 more times?
I thought so too, but I read differently elsewhere. I am going to look around to see what I can find in the meantime.

Anybody else have a thought on this?

EDIT: Rob responded to this question in another thread:
RobRegish wrote:The way you have it written out is perfect.

One set of EACH movement. Not 4 sets of each. I'm not that diabolical (at least with you guys, work is another story) :)
Looks like the way I have it is what is advised by Rob.

Hope it helps!
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Post by JlCh »

I personally read and understood it as 1 set each, and that's what I did during my famine.
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Post by xlb57 »

JlCh wrote:I personally read and understood it as 1 set each, and that's what I did during my famine.
Thanks JlCh - I had found a response from Rob pertaining to this question in another thread. That is what I did this morning as well and I CAN NOT imagine doing four sets of each lift....No way!

Will update later with lifts, etc.
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Post by bigpelo »

Yesterday was my famine 3rd day, so famine workout #2 and I did 4 superset of barbell bench press with dumbell shoulder press. It's really hard on the shoulders and it kept me from lifting heavy dumbells... But this workout is done quickly so give all you have!
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Post by xlb57 »

bigpelo wrote:Yesterday was my famine 3rd day, so famine workout #2 and I did 4 superset of barbell bench press with dumbell shoulder press. It's really hard on the shoulders and it kept me from lifting heavy dumbells... But this workout is done quickly so give all you have!
I agree! I did this workout this morning (I did the four different variations of bench press supersetted with DB shoulder press). I was put into my place pretty quickly when I get 12 on my first set of bench and 10 on my first set of DB shoulders (but the weight was too high to repeat after the exhaustion ensued)!

I am going to post the workout once I get home.
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