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Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:38 pm
by RobRegish
2 on, 1 off is going to be tough on the GLP. Tough doesn't equal impossible though!

Give it a shot...

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:54 am
by kswimbledon
Ok, I guess I have no choice.

Day 9 Diet Recap:
Pro: 103/107
Fat: 85/75
Carbs: 15/30
Calories: 1251/1225

Day 10
Weigh in: Am losing quite a bit of weight, pretty fast. I don't feel like I'm getting smaller at all, quite the contrary. I don't feel bigger by any means, but am more cut already, as my abs are showing much more compared to a few days ago.

Should I add calories to ensure no muscle loss? Losing 3 lbs a day seems too much...

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:08 pm
by RobRegish
3lbs in that time is definately too much. Up the cals...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:46 am
by kswimbledon
Yesterday's Recap:
Worked out, will explain the workout later.

Diet wise:
I was still short about 600 calories when I got home, and also read your post about upping the calories. So I ended up eating around 2100 calories instead of the 1750. I know this was too big an increase, but I was kinda freaking about losing muscle, as my workout partner had commented earlier in the day that my forearms looked smaller (didn't think they could get much smaller).

This morning, as a result, I weighed in at 168, a lb increase. However, I had not yet dumped what I ate last night, so Idk. And my abs were not popping as well as yesterday. However, the scale said my bf% was 16.7, the lowest I've seen this year.

Q: How much should I increase calories?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:56 pm
by RobRegish
Suggest 2000 or therabouts...

I know it's difficult (the head games with the comments) but stick with the plan. Those comments are about to take on a WHOLE new meaning in Feast!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:24 am
by kswimbledon
Not sure if I misunderstood your comment, but I'm a week into the feast.
Is it 2000 for on days, how much for off?

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:32 am
by RobRegish
My apologies yeah, I mis calculated your timeframes. One thing that might help is to let me know where you are in your cycle at the top. Just makes it easier..

If you're looking to recomp your training days should be 2,000 calories or thereabout. Fully 25% or about 500 of these should be in a peri-workout drink consisting of the following:

Fast acting carbs: 100g or 400K (suggest Waxy Maize or Kwik Karb)
Fast acting protein: 25g or 100K (suggest MassPro)

There's a nice, research proven 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein for optimal insulin release, protein sparing and glycogen replenishment.

On non training days, suggest 70% of this or about 1,400K. Doing this calorie shuffling mitigates the down regulation in metabolism seen with a fixed caloric intake and thus, the dreaded plateau in fat loss.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:24 am
by kswimbledon
I've been doing the anabolic diet, with refeeds on the weekends.
You suggested to get the small amount of carbs that I would get during the day (anywhere from 30-45/50ish) in my peri. I see in Dacookies log you wanted him to go keto everyday, with humongous amounts of carbs during wo, and no carb refeed on the weekends.
Please, which would you suggest for me? Originally you told me to go the anabolic route with a few carbs during wo, but certainly not that much. I would love to stay the anabolic diet, and take tthe 100 carbs peri, but it certainly seems that much would easily throw me out of ketosis.

Btw, I had been putting which Day I was on, apologies for not doing it yesterday.

Currently on Friday, 2nd week overall. 1st week of feast.
This week, I have been going 1225 cals on off days, 1750 on days.
Yesterday, I ate slightly more, was not able to measure, I had a grilled chicken salad for dinner that I was unable to count.
I had dropped down to 167, since eating more, my weight has gone back up to 171. However, again, abs not quite popping as well as they were.
Just reiterating, my goal during this run is actually to gain weight while maintaining my 6 pack, and also to gain strength. Hypertrophy before strength, but both would be nice. I have to finish my feast phase by July3, I leave for family vacation after.
Any and all help as to positioning of wos, nutrition, supplement tips, etc is greatly appreciated.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:39 pm
by RobRegish
Ok the reason I recommended this to DaCookie was a function of 2 factors:

1. His weight (recently lost quite a bit via dieting) and
2. The workout. 20 rep squats are grueling enough, 20 rep squats on a low carb diet when that workout could fall on a Wed/Th or shudder.. Fri is just crazy.

I'd say based on your notes you're doing just fine with where you're at. Weight is coming back on. The key is watching your strength. If that starts to falter and you feel excessively "flat"/its affecting your performance in the gym, take 100g of carbs in peri-workout and discontinue the weekend carb load.

Again though, so far... looks pretty good!