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Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:39 pm
by RobRegish
OK here we go...

Famine Day 4: Sunday - 25/4/2010
Bodyweight: 85.3kg

Well, same ol' feeling as yesterday... kind of worried about the crash-dieting*esque drop of bodyweight. Guess I'll get it back later.

Anyway, did 1 hour of cardio and can't freakin' wait for FEAST!!!!

1) Rob, I got some questions regarding training during Feast. I am thinking about adding Dorian Yates style deadlifts after Squats/stretch from stiff legged deadlifts.

Bench*Pullover->Squats*Stiff legged->Partial Deads

In your opinion, is it okay for BP standards?

A. I have no problem with another variation of deads. I'd be hesitant to ADD them to the workload though. Much better for them to replace a like dead movement (stiff legged deads).

2) Upon completion of the 5 initial workouts, I am thinking about structuring my workouts to 3 types. I read through the example Feast workout, but I don't quite understand the idealogy behind the EDT routine.

From my understanding, during Feast the main idea is to break PR's inclusive of HIT practises such as rest-pause etc. Right?

A. Break PR's via HIT. But HIT isn't rest-pause. Those are two different methods..

Workout 1: Chest/Tricep
Incline Bench
Incline Fly
Close Grip Bench
Side Laterals
Front Raises

COMMENT: A lot of volume/overlap there. Suggest compound movements first with perhaps one corresponding isolation movement to finish.

Workout 2: Back/Bicep
Barbell Rows
Cable Rows (Middle back)
Rear Delts
Barbell Curls

COMMENT: Same comment as above. Definately put deads first. If it was me I'd drop the BB rows and perhaps rear delts. All of your pulling movements will work the rear delts. But again, if you thrive on volume have at it.

Workout 3: Legs/Hams
Stiff Legged DL
Hack Squats
Standing Calf Raise

A. Makes perfec sense.

I'll probably take 2 days rest in-between workout days (need to experiment). For the rep range, prior to BP, I would have fixed a certain rep range for each exercise and ensure the weights or rep range increase everytime I revisit the workout.

Is it possible to cater this to suit the German Loading method as in BP?

A. Possible, yes. I'd satisfy the big barbell lift of your choice first. Then move on to EDT blocks pairing two different exercises. That would be my ideal.

I would appreciate your input on the items highlighted above. I just want to get the best results from BP and of course from the choice of exercises that I know works for me.

A. My pleasure. You're putting alot into BP. I assure you, BP will return in kind :)

Thanks in advance for chiming in.

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:51 pm
by MickMars
Hey Rob,

1) How would you modify my Chest/Tricep and Back/Bicep training? An example maybe?

2) When you talk about the EDT blocks, it's pretty much 2 movements suppersetted back to back right? Wouldn't this be more of an endurance kind of training instead of strength?

3) From the other logs, I do not see a certain structure to the training. What I gather is, trying to hit PR's on Squat, Bench and DL... and add some other exercises just to top it up? And for the minor exercises, you add it in based on instinct and the types of minor exercises changes from workout to workout?

4) For the initial 5 workouts, once you complete squatting you immediately go to DL, meaning superset, no rest? Wouldn't that hinder strength gains for DL?

I don't see the big picture of the Feast training.

Again, sorry if I'm asking too much. Just wanna get hoooygeeeee :)

It's 3.30 am right now, and I am up reading about BP and I still don't get it.

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:29 pm
by RobRegish
No problem. It'll come into focus. It does take some time. Let's take your questions 1 by one..

1) How would you modify my Chest/Tricep and Back/Bicep training? An example maybe?

A. I've sketched out an example EDT template for you in the other thread. Briefly, after your main barbell movements you moe on to EDT blocks. I've picked bi's/tri's as an example but you can apply it to any antagonistic muscle group. The key is pairing opposing muscle groups.

2) When you talk about the EDT blocks, it's pretty much 2 movements suppersetted back to back right? Wouldn't this be more of an endurance kind of training instead of strength?

A. Correct. However, it's not endurance. Not at all. Muscle growth is brought about by force feeding it more work per unit of time. Think about this a second. If you want the engine to do more work, you need a bigger engine. In the case of a car, you put in a new engine. In the case of you, we have the opportunity to demand more of the current engine and that engine will grow :)

3) From the other logs, I do not see a certain structure to the training. What I gather is, trying to hit PR's on Squat, Bench and DL... and add some other exercises just to top it up? And for the minor exercises, you add it in based on instinct and the types of minor exercises changes from workout to workout?

A. You are searching for a set formula. There really isn't one. This is by design because we're all different. That's not a cop-out. Muscle fiber makeup, etc is highly individual. What I can say is that the combination of building to a new 1RM on a big barbell lift and force feeding the supporting muscles via EDT works for most. Almost all, in fact. We use these tools to arrive at a new benchmark for strength, a new 1RM and some hypertrophy to boot given the workload EDT delivers.

We then slide into a very sophisticated German Loading Pattern that adds ANOTHER 5% to your big barbell lift and keep the EDT blocks going to preserve hypertrophy.

So, there's a method to the madness. Your madness may look a little different but trust me.... it will start to come into focus. Certainly after one run, you'll have an excellent idea as to how to refine your approach and build upon past experiences. To me, that's the BEST part of The Blueprint..

4) For the initial 5 workouts, once you complete squatting you immediately go to DL, meaning superset, no rest? Wouldn't that hinder strength gains for DL?

A. Yes, it's essential to get the most out of the stretch position movement/antagonistic muscles. Keep in mind we're not trying to peak all 3 lifts at once. You can do that but it's a TALL order.

Having said that, your DL won't really suffer. In fact, many find a nice increase.

I don't see the big picture of the Feast training.

A. It comes with time/experience :)

Again, sorry if I'm asking too much. Just wanna get hoooygeeeee

A. Priviledge to answer questions, nothing to be sorry about. We'll get you to hoooygeville. Promise :)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:31 am
by MickMars
Famine Day 5: Monday - 26/4/2010
Forgot to take my bodyweight today. Anyway, I was pretty pumped this morning because I was offered a new job!

Hit the gym really hard, completed the exercises and had the urge to puke badddd for an hour or so.

Can't wait for tomorrow! FEAST BABY!!!!

I got some other questions but I'll post it later cause I can only think about food right now. Hmmmm I'm gonna have a McDonald Breakfast tomorrow (maybe two).... some steak in the afternoon, lamb for dinner... goshhhhh I can't wait. I got my digestive enzymes ready.... so there is only one thing left to do... EATTTT!!@!@!@

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:19 pm
by RobRegish
First CONGRATULATIONS on the job!

No small feat in today's world. And great job making it through. Workout #3 is no picnic. And now...

The BIG payoff!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:34 pm
by MickMars
Feast Day 1: Tuesday - 27/4/2010
First day of Famine: 87.6kg
Weight this morning: 85.1kg
Total weightloss: ~5.5lb

WOW feeling GREATTTT right now... ate a ton today.

Meal 1:
Protein Shake followed by McDonalds big breakfast 2 sets (Eggs, Burger Meat, Hashbrown, Muffin)

Meal 2:
Curry Noodles + Chicken Breast + 1 TBS Udo's Oil

Meal 3:
Rice + Beef + Mutton

Meal 4:
Mushroom soup + Mashed Potatoes + Lamb Chops

Meal 5:
Chicken Sandwich + 1 TBS Udo's Oil

Meal 6:
Protein shake
- E-bol
- Orange Triad
- Digestive Enzymes

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:23 pm
by Hank!
Mutton? We dont have that in SC, well we do but we call it lamb or goat but unless you go to an Indian or Caribbean restaurant you wont get it

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:54 am
by MickMars
Ohhh I'm from Malaysia. We are made out of mixed races.... so there are lots of awesome food available!

It's actually Indian spicy mutton. Freakin' awesome bro. If you ever come here, hit me up... I will feed you great food.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:45 am
by RobRegish
Wow. Blueprint is in Malysia.

My plans for worldwide domination are coming true. Once I'm done every man, woman and child will have a copy of The Blueprint in hand. And as charter members, you'll all have high paying, do nothing nothing jobs in my new administration.

This is going to be a hostile takeover too. None of the "coalition building" you saw in the buildup to Gulf Wars I and II :)

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:35 am
by MickMars
RobRegish wrote:Wow. Blueprint is in Malysia.

My plans for worldwide domination are coming true. Once I'm done every man, woman and child will have a copy of The Blueprint in hand. And as charter members, you'll all have high paying, do nothing nothing jobs in my new administration.

This is going to be a hostile takeover too. None of the "coalition building" you saw in the buildup to Gulf Wars I and II :)
LOL... BP is going World Wide!

Woke up today with a bodyweight of 86.8kg.

Stuff my face into lots and lots of good food again today. Feeling great.
I am suppose to have my first Feast workout on Friday. However, I got some major errands to run on Friday and it will definitely affect my first workout.

I am thinking about doing the first Feast workout on Saturday or maybe tomorrow? What do you guys think? An additional day of food and rest, or a day less of food and rest?

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:06 pm
by RobRegish
Take the day.

It can only benefit you.... :)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 10:26 am
by MickMars
Feast Day 5: Saturday - 1/5/2010
Bodyweight: Fluctuationg around

Diet: I am eating alot right now... don't know how much calories, but I am leaving every meal full... approximately 4 solid meals and 3 shakes (shakes mixed with full cream milk)

Finally hit the gym after 4 days refeed. Felt pretty good at the gym, but was rather bloated due to the heavy meal I had an hour or so before. I will adjust the timing accordingly.

Bench Press (It's a semi-incline/bench, set the seat at first point. I set this up in a power rack and this position is the 'safest'):
- 80kg x 10 (+2 force reps)
followed by
Dumbell Pullover:
- 50lb x 12

- 120kg x 10
followed by
Stiff Legged DL:
- 80kg x 8
* I concentrated on the hamstring stretch for this movement, failed because I was so drained out from the squats. Is it necessary to superset this back to back? Seems like I reached cardiovascular difficulty instead of muscular failure.

Dorian Yates DL:
- 140kg x 8
* Lat stretched being emphasized. I could have gone heavier but the bloat from my pre-workout meal was making me feel uneasy.

Lateral Raises:
- 17.5lb x 20

Leg Press Calf Raises:
- 100kg x 30

I am planning my workout after this 5 initial HIT days.

Would you recommend if I work for 1 big movements followed by EDT blocks per workout? Or all 3 big movements similar to the 5 initial workouts.

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:28 pm
by RobRegish
A brief pause between the sq and dl is acceptable. I think you'll be surprise though, how your conditioning picks up in this respect..

You may add the EDT blocks if you feel up to it or if you complete the big barbell lifts and feel "something more" must be done.

This is personal preference and I take no favor. 2.0 recommended the big barbell lifts exclusively for a reason: pour as much energy into the movements that will return the most. Provided you have excess energy, feel free...

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 7:08 am
by MickMars
I'm gonna take 2 days off before my next workout. I will do some cardio tomorrow - HIT style.

How many EDT blocks do you recommend per session?

For the initial 5 workouts, I plan to stick with the basic 3 lifts.