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Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:29 am
by RobRegish
Very good news..

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:20 am
by MSR9889
before breakfast today was 2 scoops xf whey, tbsp dark choc peanut butter, and ebol
breakfast/early lunch was bourbon chicken
snack was tator tots and 2 scoops xf whey
had tbsp dark choc peanut butter and ebol before dinner
dinner was chicken tenders and chicken parm with some pasts

busy day, not much time for separate meals

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:30 pm
by MSR9889
busy again, and will be tomorrow. i was going to do legs today but my hip doesnt feel right and i didnt get enough sleep last night.

breakfast was 1 tbsp dark choc peanut butter, 2 coops xf whey, ebol
lunch was chicken nuggets and a donut
snack was 2 scoops xf whey with ebol and 1 tbsp peanut butter
dinner was 2 bowls of cream of broccoli coup and a piece of bread
snack was pop tarts and 2 sample packets of nitrotech triple chocolate milkshake whey
before bed was 2 scoops casein, tbsp dark choc peanut butter, and ebol

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:27 am
by MSR9889
breakfast is 2 scoops xf whey, tbsp dark choc peanut butter and ebol
snack was some almonds, scoop of xf whey and scoop of casein
lunch was mac n cheese
snack was a few almonds
dinner was more mac n cheese, half a chicken breast, and 1.5 scoops xf whey
intra was 3 tsp raz lemonade mix with 3 scoops recoverpro and 6g citrulline malate
pwo is 1 scoop lipotropic protein in 8oz rice milk, tbsp peanut butter, and ebol

dining hall food has been pretty crappy with selection

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:16 pm
by MSR9889
first time i didnt get all the reps. i went down too fast on my last set and lost my balance. probably could have forced it with my back but decided not to since i put enough stress on it already.

squats- 120x10, 160x8, 175x6, 185x4, 205x4, 215x2

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:53 am
by RobRegish
No worries. You made a good judgement call.

Within the context of the loading patterns I've identified, this program is the most forgiving. In fact, I expect you to miss a rep or two here or there on a couple of workouts. This is spoken to in Blueprint. I'm sure you'll see what I'm talking about there.

Keep at it and don't let it throw you. Frequently reported, turns out to be a non-issue in the end.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:01 pm
by MSR9889
breakfast was 2 scoops xf whey, tbsp peanut butter, ebol
early lunch was chicken nuggets with honey bbq sauce
intra was 3 scoops recoverpro, 3 tsp raz lemonade mix, 6g citrulline malate
pwo was 2 scoops xf whey in water, about 2 tbsp white chocolate peanut butter, and ebol
dinner was salmon, eggplant parm and a couple heads of broccoli

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:04 pm
by MSR9889
hit all the reps again today. i had trouble falling and staying asleep last night. also havent eaten as much the past 2 days because ive noticed more fat gain than i originally thought. im going to start tapering down calories now. for a little boost preworkout i had a sample packet of white flood along with my typical B-6 and B12 vitamins.

bench- 95x10, 140x8, 150x6, 160x4, 179x2, 185x2

t-bar row- +45x10, +70x8, +90x6, +115x4, +135x2, +145x2

im not sure how much the bar itself weighs, so thats just the weight i added on

for the 185 bench, it felt almost too easy. i feel like i definitely could have gotten 4-5, maybe more. this is the first sign of strength increase ive seen in my chest so far, but it felt like a big one.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:49 am
by RobRegish
If an olympic bar you're using, it's 45lbs.

That's great news on the strength levels. Fantastic news, in fact.

It looks like you just have the 5 set de-load workout left and then you slide down the chute into max day. And you for sure are on target!

Smart move on the caloric spiral. If in fact you're gaining too much fat you've probably reached the point of enzyme turnover I mention. Do take care though, not to drop them too low for as you know, strength can sometimes suffer. Suggest if you have to drop one macro lower make that fats as carbs/protein will go a bit farther for you in the performance aspect of things.

Sleep sounds spotty but it sure didn't hurt you. Prior to max day though, make sure to have a good night's sleep. Even if you have to put it off for a day.


Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:16 pm
by MSR9889
maybe i called it the wrong thing. its like a row where you rest your chest on a pad and pull back. maybe i had the wrong name for it

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:16 pm
by MSR9889
breakfast was 2 scoops xf whey and ebol
snack was 2 sample packets of proto whey and a cup of ramen noodles and a serving of cocoa roased almonds
lunch was a sample packet of myofusion, ramen noodles, and another serving of almonds
snack was ebol with a tbsp peanut butter
dinner was a small chicken breast and a cup of ice cream
snack was 1.5 scoops xf whey and some buffalo pretzels
snack was 2 scoops xf whey and ramen noodles
before bed is 2 scoops casein, tbsp peanut butter, ebol

the dining halls chicken is really low quality and i honestly just cant eat it. most of my protein is going to be from shakes until the rest of the dining halls open up.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:21 pm
by RobRegish
MSR9889 wrote:maybe i called it the wrong thing. its like a row where you rest your chest on a pad and pull back. maybe i had the wrong name for it
Seated or at an angle?

45 degree angle is likely a Tbar row.

Sitting straight up... with a pad in front of you?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:49 pm
by MSR9889
RobRegish wrote:
MSR9889 wrote:maybe i called it the wrong thing. its like a row where you rest your chest on a pad and pull back. maybe i had the wrong name for it
Seated or at an angle?

45 degree angle is likely a Tbar row.

Sitting straight up... with a pad in front of you?
yea, its angled

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:14 pm
by MSR9889
before breakfast was tbsp peanut butter with ebol
breakfast was 4 mini egg and cheese omelets
snack was 2 scoops xf whey and ramen noodles
before dinner i had tbsp peanut butter with ebol
dinner was pulled buffalo chicken and mac n cheese
snack was buffalo pretzels

regular dining halls are open again, finally.