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Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:58 pm
by RobRegish
Nice work getting a baseline Nolyman..

Soooo important and you've done a great job here. Other members take note!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:29 am
by nolyman777
my diet for day one consisted of an apple in the morning, and then some pasta and broccoli for dinner. Lots of juice also.

Today im going to try to run a mile or two

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:28 pm
by nolyman777
Famine Day 2

Sleep last night: 5 hours
Deit: - handful of honey nut cheerios
- glass of orange juice
- gallon or 2 of water
- a potatoe
- couple slices of bread
- glass of v8
- 2 servings oximega
- fish oil

Cardio: 2 miles

Famine is hitting me harder than i expected for day 2. Im absolutely starving, and dying to have to a hamburger or steak?

Again, just to clarify, energy supplements like black cats are okay in the famine. Just as long as i dont have any pre existing condition that could prove harzardous to my health? Cause not only am i energized, but my appetite is destroyed too which would be helpful

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:53 am
by RobRegish
Correct. Everything you're noting here is typical... so you're on track. Take care not to take Famine too deep... I care more about your health than anything else...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:38 am
by nolyman777
Famine Day 3

whr: 68-70
Sleep: 7 hours
Weight: 62 - i was kind of expecting this. During those few workouts of cruise i was using black cats, and used them following up to the first day of famine. This stuff completely destroys my appetite. But as i said on the last post, my scale is not 100% accurate, and seeing as how im on day 3 of famine and i have probly lost a couple lbs, im going to estimate that i started at about 164 -167. If i remember correctly, i think i ended last run around 172, since then i've lost even more body fat, which i think accounts for the majority of the weight loss

widegrip bench - 105 x 10 supersetted db shoulder press 25 x 10
decline bench - 115 x 10 supersetted db shoulder press 25 x 10 incline bench - 105 x 10 supersetted db shoulder press 25 x 10 close grip bench - 105 x 10
skull crushers 50 x 12
cable pushdowns 100 x 10
(1 minute rests in between sets, sometimes less

Had a very good workout today, sweating like crazy.

Diet: slice of toast, v8, and i ll update this later tonight

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:54 pm
by RobRegish
OK, as I always counsel (I know you've been through it)... health first! Sounds like you know what to expect...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:54 pm
by nolyman777
just updating my diet for what else i had for today

2 glasses v8
handful of peanuts
handful of cheerious
slice of bread

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:27 pm
by nolyman777
Famine Day 4

core: did a bunch of different stuff with little to no rests in between like
weighted russian twists
weighted crunches
leg raises

Ran 1 mile

Diet: apple
bag of baked lays - couldnt resist
ceaser salad
pasta with marinera sauce
2 servings oximega

Big news today, my order came in! However as for dosing im somewhat confused

Kre anabolyn - i think it says 3 a day, one with each meal, but i feel like i remember you saying up to 6 in the bp

adaptogen N - 2 caps each weekday - so 5 on 2 off

multi life - im pretty sure it was 3 caps a day, one each meal

alakplex - a cap with each meal every day?

mass pro - i ll probly do one scoop for breakfast and one scoop post workout each day. One other thing, i tend to prefer my postworkout shake with milk rather than water. I've seen many people claim that milk slows digestion down a lot, is this just broscience, or should i start drinking it with water

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:16 am
by RobRegish
Kre anabolyn - i think it says 3 a day, one with each meal, but i feel like i remember you saying up to 6 in the bp

A. The new KA has much more RCE than the original as well as the other ingredients bumped up. Suggest 3/day. On training days, make sure to consume 1 about an hour prior to workout and one immediately after with your intra workout drink. Non training days space them out with your highest CARB based meals.

adaptogen N - 2 caps each weekday - so 5 on 2 off

A. Right. The alternative here is 3caps prior to bed for 3 weeks and then the 5 on 2 off schedule. That dosing patterns works really well..

multi life - im pretty sure it was 3 caps a day, one each meal

A. Think so, yes.

alakplex - a cap with each meal every day?

A. Minimum of 3 and up to 6. Depends upon how many alkalizing foods you are eating. More Alkaplex if less food, less Alkaplex if more alkalizing foods are eaten.

mass pro - i ll probly do one scoop for breakfast and one scoop post workout each day. One other thing, i tend to prefer my postworkout shake with milk rather than water. I've seen many people claim that milk slows digestion down a lot, is this just broscience, or should i start drinking it with water

A. It's not as fast as consuming it with dextrose/waxy maize/vitargo etc. Ideally, you'd want a carb base and consume that drink about 15 min prior to, during and finishing up immediately after training. SKIM milk will do though, if you prefer it... The fat does tend to slow down absorption somewhat.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:17 am
by nolyman777
Famine day 5

i am simply too tired to write everything that i did, especially considering that i had to keep on changing weights so many times to try and keep rep range in 12-15. i didnt have any energy left for cardio either haha.

had an apple preworkout with an alkaplex cap. Probly gana have a banana soon too. Cant wait for tommorow morning.

Im going to be doing bcaa protocol #1 again too. However as i mentioned before in my supp list, i have purple wraath. Could that be of any use for this protocol?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:27 pm
by nolyman777
Almost there, for dinner i had a ceasersalad with carrots, celery, red onion, and crutons. v8 too

Cant wait to finally eat tommorowwwww

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:17 pm
by RobRegish
Congrats on making it through!

And yes, purple wrath is fine...

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:39 pm
by nolyman777
Finally done! Also, forgot to add that i will have beofre/after pics of this. Was going to post up a few but dont really know how to do it on this site lol.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:51 am
by RobRegish
Keep trying, would be interested in seeing them!