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Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 5:38 am
by RobRegish
For the suggested products for Famine:

1.) A multi vitamin - Top of the shelf here is multi-life vitamin packs sold by MASS. They've converted a LOT of former animal pack, etc users. If you'd prefer a generic multi though, perfectly fine.

2.) Greens Product - Top of the shelf here are the fruit/veggie drinks you make yourself! Live nutrients!! Next in line is Alkaplex Greens Plus sold by MASS. If you can' stomach the drinks, look into that product. Virtually any greens product (provided its quality) will benefit you.

3.) Thermogenic: A lot of LOUSY thermogenics out at the moment just loaded with caffeine/sugar. I very much prefer 1 200mg caffein cap with 2-3 caps of Burn It Up or just the BIU standalone. Fantastic mind/muscle connection, a nice blend of systemic (non-targeted) adaptogens rounds it out.

If looking for the sledgehammer there's the tried and true e/c stack in a 10:1 caffeine to ephedrine ratio. Suggest 100mg of caffeine with 10mg ephedrine to start. Generic caffeine tabs are fine. The ephedrine you can buy in any CVS/Walgreens under the Bronkaid brand, although I think that's a higher mg. amount. Canada has loads of the 8mg for sale at so check there.

Jackd3d is OK but the pricepoint puts me off a bit. As with ALL of the thermogenics listed here, do take care to rule out any pre-existing conditions etc. prior to use. They hit harder during Famine when calories are running lower and especially when taken on an empty stomach...

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:29 am
by hah2110
dracotdrgn wrote:Your not crazy, there shouldn't be suggested supps for the famine. It is suggested to be off everything including protein. In Robs post 5/15 he said"A thermogenic/intensifier is permitted if you're dragging and feel you need it pre-workout." Not sure....My pre-wo drink has creatine, protein, and BCAA so I stay away from it.

Generally with form on any exercise it's slow/smooth controlled movements staying in the safe range of motion. Not super slow just no bouncing or jerking.
Ok - thanks for clarifying. So I'll get the other supps while I'm "famining". Also, what do you think my BF levels will drop to during the feast phase?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 11:44 am
by hah2110
RobRegish wrote:For the suggested products for Famine:

1.) A multi vitamin - Top of the shelf here is multi-life vitamin packs sold by MASS. They've converted a LOT of former animal pack, etc users. If you'd prefer a generic multi though, perfectly fine.

2.) Greens Product - Top of the shelf here are the fruit/veggie drinks you make yourself! Live nutrients!! Next in line is Alkaplex Greens Plus sold by MASS. If you can' stomach the drinks, look into that product. Virtually any greens product (provided its quality) will benefit you.

3.) Thermogenic: A lot of LOUSY thermogenics out at the moment just loaded with caffeine/sugar. I very much prefer 1 200mg caffein cap with 2-3 caps of Burn It Up or just the BIU standalone. Fantastic mind/muscle connection, a nice blend of systemic (non-targeted) adaptogens rounds it out.

If looking for the sledgehammer there's the tried and true e/c stack in a 10:1 caffeine to ephedrine ratio. Suggest 100mg of caffeine with 10mg ephedrine to start. Generic caffeine tabs are fine. The ephedrine you can buy in any CVS/Walgreens under the Bronkaid brand, although I think that's a higher mg. amount. Canada has loads of the 8mg for sale at so check there.

Jackd3d is OK but the pricepoint puts me off a bit. As with ALL of the thermogenics listed here, do take care to rule out any pre-existing conditions etc. prior to use. They hit harder during Famine when calories are running lower and especially when taken on an empty stomach...
Forgive my ignorance, but what do you mean by the sledgehammer? Also, can someone explain an e/c stack? What would these items be doing... increasing fat loss? What level of cardio is used in the program? Isn't ephedrine illegal?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:32 pm
by RobRegish
Forgive my ignorance, but what do you mean by the sledgehammer?

A. The sledgehammer refers to the fact that ephedrine/caffeine (E/C) hits HARD and fast for most users. It's not like "yeah, I think it was working" it's more like "whoah, that was INTENSE"... they weren't kidding!"

Also, can someone explain an e/c stack? What would these items be doing... increasing fat loss? What level of cardio is used in the program? Isn't ephedrine illegal?

A. E/C stack refers to ephedrine/caffeine taken together. These items are research and real world proven to burn fat, spare muscle tissue (anti-catabolic), reduce appetite etc.. Basically, it works and works well. It's also been found to be safe by no less than the Beth Israel Medical Center, etc..

Nevertheless the FDA/gov't here partnered with the RAND corporation to get it banned, citing such classics as death. In one such example, a death by decapitation was attributed to E/C. Poor fellow took E/C, got behind the wheel, into an accident and was decapitated. Yeah, they attributed that to E/C.

Since it works so well and they public wasn't fooled by the "it's dangrous" nonsense, they found a back door way to ban it. How? They used the Patriot Act to cite it as a way to fight terrorism/drug manufacturing (methamphetamine). Yes, they used the Patriot Act to LIMIT the quantities you can buy at a pharmacy/import from other countries.

Let me just say this: it's POTENTIALLY dangerous. So is aspirin if you take so much. So is crossing the street to get your mail.

Sorry to go off but big brother was really out of line with this. As a result, a whole slew of inefective, much more dangerous/unresearched products flooded the market.

Thanks again FDA.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:34 pm
by RobRegish
Cardio is cool. Mix it up with the following:

Long distance jogging
High intensity interval training on a bike or treadmill
Sled dragging, medicine ball throws etc.

Having good wind is important for many reasons... not the least of which is good bloodflow for nutrient delivery. Your new muscle tissue will need it...

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:53 pm
by hah2110
I guess I'm still a little confused. If it is banned, how am I getting those thermogenics? Can you link me to what I should order online if it is easier? Am I only using them during the famine? What is going to happen to my body fat over the next 6-8 weeks? Will I be able to burn fat and build muscle? Couldn't cardio hurt weight gain?

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 5:46 am
by RobRegish
Tell you what... why don't you pick up some generic caffeine tabs (pep-back, store brand - NoDoz or Vivarin if you can't find a generic) and this stuff: Burn It Up! available at


If you want to be FASTER, STRONGER and SMARTER with a Fit, Trim Physique, then you need the all-new Patent Technology Formula for 'Fueling the Human Performance Machine' working for you- BURN IT UP!™

BURN IT UP! is fast acting, long lasting and builds increasing benefits over time. Pop two caps before your next big workout, bike marathon or speaking engagement and enjoy an unmistakable Unfair Advantage. SEE and FEEL the natural energy and strength increase, fat burning boost and sharpened mental focus for yourself.

'Synergy Formula' BURN IT UP! works it's potent magic for you via a versatile, broad spectrum approach to ingredients and dosing protocol. It's all about delivering World Class, measurable benefits to you.

To that end, 22 Active Factor BURN IT UP! is exceptionally comprehensive and features only the legitimately proven best ergogens, safe, revitalizing super foods and the most prized organic energizers on the planet.

Included is PEAK ATP® (the ONLY authentic ATP Supplement available, anywhere), Premium Organic Maca 10:1 Extract (an amazing, jitter-free stamina booster) and Phosphatidylserine (the genuine brain superfood in peak, extra high mg amounts). And, that's just scratching the surface... Each 22 Active Factor contributes a targeted, specific benefit while enhancing the greater whole. That's real SYNERGY in action - made to give YOU the winning edge.


• Increase Energy and Strength ON DEMAND
• Maximize Thermogenesis (burning body fat as fuel)
• World Class Endurance and ENDORPHIN ENHANCEMENT
• Superior Anti-Cramping and Electrolyte Boosting Benefits
• Broad Spectrum, Natural Energy and VITALITY BUILDING Formula
• 'Sharp Mind' Super Foods for Mental Focus, Creativity & Stress Reduction

Insider insight reveals one of the key 22 BURN IT UP! Active Factors is a prized Asian adaptogen that powers you to go the extra mile. Selectively harvested, it is aged and concentrated almost a full decade to harness Mother Nature's full force. This incredible ergogen is a rare find on American shores because it's the "Saffron" of organic performance enhancement. We've sourced the real deal, to guarantee your real results.

BURN IT UP!™ easily outclasses ordinary, overpriced energy increase drinks and other fat loss supplements. There is no speed limit to your success with the potent, proven, professional POWER of BURN IT UP!

SEE for yourself, today. FEEL the EMPOWERMENT of the one-and-only Patent Technology BURN IT UP!

Fantastic product that really juices the mind-muscle connection. If not willing to go this route, just start with the generic caffeine tabs.

You can use Burn It Up! or like thermogenic at any point in The Blueprint, but they're best before heavy workouts. Bodyfat levels over the next 6-8 weeks is totally dependent upon your calorie intake/training. Most see it staying the same as LBM rises QUICKLY, favorably impacting bodyfat %.

The other option is this..and it is a GREAT deal!


The BLUEPRINT MASS STACK features the genuine, Blueprint course recommended supplements shown to DOUBLE your gains.

Here's the super potent pack: 2 bottles of the definitive product of it's kind- Kre-Anabolyn. Plus, 2 MASS PRO Amino. And, to put your feast phase gains over the top, a full supply of real Adaptogen N.

Limited Time Bonus: Get a completely FREE bottle of Patent Technology 'BURN IT UP' to power your Blueprint success. This special promotion will expire without notice, so secure your BLUEPRINT MASS STACK today.

• The BLUEPRINT MASS STACK: Only $159.00, priority to your door

Doing cardio (properly) won't negatively affect your muscle mass gains. In fact, it will INCREASE it.

Things like GPP (sled, medicine ball throws) High intensity interval cardio...all facilitate nutrient delivery to the muscles, remove waste products and BUILD muscle.

The old cardio was jogging. You do too much of that you LOSE muscle. Look at joggers! The new cardio is GPP. Look at powerlifters!

Does that help?

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:17 am
by hah2110
Ok cool. Thanks for all the advice. I'm going to start the famine Wednesday I think. So you are saying the amount of body fat won't decrease, but the % will relative to total body weight? Is there any sort of cut after this? I'd like to melt some fat during the process, if possible - even if that means sacrificing some weight gain. Not sure if there is anything you can do to incorporate that.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:24 pm
by dracotdrgn
Hey ha, going to poke in here again because I've been talking to a lot of guys at the gym in the same age/size group about his. They all want to put on LBM, who doesn't. This time of year most people have transitioned from bulk to cut, based on seasons gaining in winter and cutting for summer. I've also talked to some bulkers that don't care about seasons but it seems you really want to stay lean.
Personally I don't think it will be a problem for someone your age/size. Bottom line with the BP, you will put on weight, you will get stronger, and you will add muscle. How that looks visually at the end of your run has a lot of factors. Training style, frequency, diet.......and personal genetics, meatabolism etc. I'm helping a guy in his 40's who started out around 130-135 and sits about 142 after the BP. This guy is lean and you'd never see the weight gain in problem areas.
As I posted before, it's the big picture and you may have to go up before you will settle back down. Just keep tabs on it either with a meter or visually, you'll be fine!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 2:53 pm
by hah2110
dracotdrgn wrote:Hey ha, going to poke in here again because I've been talking to a lot of guys at the gym in the same age/size group about his. They all want to put on LBM, who doesn't. This time of year most people have transitioned from bulk to cut, based on seasons gaining in winter and cutting for summer. I've also talked to some bulkers that don't care about seasons but it seems you really want to stay lean.
Personally I don't think it will be a problem for someone your age/size. Bottom line with the BP, you will put on weight, you will get stronger, and you will add muscle. How that looks visually at the end of your run has a lot of factors. Training style, frequency, diet.......and personal genetics, meatabolism etc. I'm helping a guy in his 40's who started out around 130-135 and sits about 142 after the BP. This guy is lean and you'd never see the weight gain in problem areas.
As I posted before, it's the big picture and you may have to go up before you will settle back down. Just keep tabs on it either with a meter or visually, you'll be fine!
Thanks for the support. Afterwards, would I just do a cut? Is this sufficient for fat burner... I already have it: Jetfuel

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:20 pm
by RobRegish
Please remove that link when you can. You didn't do anything "wrong" per se but has issues with me/BP "advertising" over there. I've been banned once and don't want you/me to get into it with them..

With respect to Jet Fuel, let's take a closer look:

This thing is loaded up with caffeine, herbal caffeine, evodiamine, synephrine, octopamine, yohimbe etc.. In other words, it's not exactly elegant nor well thought out. Sure, you'll "feel" it but it's at the expense of your CNS, not the benefit.

JETFUEL™ Proprietary Blend 2164mg **
MCT Oil(Medium Chain Triglycerides) †**
Guarana Extract(22% Caffeine) †**
Caffeine Anhydrous USP †**
Panex Quinquefolium †**
Green Leaf Tea Extract(50% Polyphenols) †**
Synephrine HCL †**
Yohimbine HCL †**
Acetyl-L-Carnitine †**
Evodiamine 98% †**
Hoodia Gordonii Extract †**
Synthetic 99% Guggelsterones E&Z 1:1 †**
Octopamine †**
Vinpocetine †**
5-HTP(5-Hydroxy-L-Tyrosine †**
C-AMP(Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Monophosphate) †**
Rhodiola Rosea Extract(4% Rosavins, 1% Salldroside) †**

CortiRX Proprietary Blend 75mg **
Phosphatidylserine †**
Phosphatidylcholine †**
Phosphatidylethanolamine †**
Magnolia Bark Extract(50% Honokiol) †**
L-Theanine †**
Piperine Extract(Bioperine®)(Increased Absorption)

What this looks like is the "formulator" ran through a short list of every stim/nootropic known and designed a product said to himself, "I'll just dump a bunch of everything in here so they'll get a jolt and keep coming back".

Word to the wise: If you have no experience with stims other than caffeine, an unknown quantity of Yohimbine HCL isn't something to play with. It's likely 3mg or less (by law), but even that amount in combination with other stims can leave you rattled. And rattled on Y is NOT a pleasant experience. See The Blueprint for my accounts of such. Had a friend who miscalculated a dose of bulk Y and stopped breathing. Thank god somebody found him and they got him on a machine that breathed for him until he recovered.

I'd re-visit my caffeine tab recommendation starter suggestion. Best to layer in a known amount of another ingredient from there IF you don't feel it's working from you...

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:24 pm
by RobRegish
And one more thing... I would NOT go into a cut after this. I think DaCookie will validate that for you. Too often, you end up losing too much of that precious LBM you've worked so hard for.

Recomp is fine but let's keep things in perspective: Training is a LIFELONG past-time. I know what you're saying though. We all want to have it all. I will do my absolute best to get you there.

I think you'll find the calorie cycling does a NICE job of getting you where you want to go.

Sovabrat will have cliff notes up soon of exactly how he did it!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:00 pm
by hah2110
Ok! Link is gone (sorry) and I will get the stuff you recommended. I'm a goals oriented guy. I like numbers and things I can quantify and I do MUCH better that way. Example, if you were to tell me to do max reps at max weight of exercise X, I would do my best weight and maybe 5 reps. If you tell me to do my max weight at 8 reps, I will get those damn 8 (unless I am at true failure). Similarly with my fascination with abs... #1 - summer is on the way! #2 - It is a goal for me. I have heart disease in the family and want to combat this early, that is my numero uno priority. When I get to a point where I see abs and look lean and big, it means I've achieved a state of fitness. I like the phrase that fitness isn't a goal, but a journey and I plan on living by it. But I [for myself] need to *see* something. I will continue to workout and be healthy, but I need the abs for myself as a constant reminder. You can call it stupid, wrong, misleading, etc. but it is the best way for me to stay with it. Now, I don't need my arms to look like yours (no offense, haha)... I'd much rather prefer the Tobey Maguire look from Spiderman (Google Image Search will show you). My girlfriend would prefer Taylor Lautner from the new Twilight movie, but everyone is different. You get my point. So - all that being said - HOW will I get my BF down if not through a cut? If I gain more muscle mass than I "need", couldn't I cut... sacrifice some gains and then do it again but starting at a lower BF?

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:14 pm
by RobRegish
By zig-zagging your caloric intake between 100 and 70% you are accomplishing a few things:

1.) Mitigating any down regulation in metabolism seen with a "set" caloric intake
2.) Creating the necessary caloric deficit to burn fat
3.) Taking in nutrients right where you need them (peri-workout) to build muscle
4.) Building more muscle mass which....

Even in the presence of the same bodyfat, will favorably alter your bodyfat levels. Keep in mind you'll probably be losing fat once you dial in the diet. That new muscle will add to your metabolic rate too, burning more calories even at rest.