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Nutritional Amounts/ General Questions

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:50 pm
by willclas
Hey everyone,

I'm just starting the BP for the first time:

I'm currently on the third day of famine and surprisingly I don't feel as tired or hungry as i thought i was going to. I'm getting around 6 hrs of sleep and I'm doing a revised warrior diet, where my first meal on the first day of famine was at 10:30 and now I'm at 1:30 for my first meal on the third day. I had a couple general questions:

First off, regarding the proposed topic, how much carbs, protein, sugar, and fat are you looking for during each phase. For instance, 30g of fat, 200g carbs, 100g sugar?????? The only one i know for sure is to stay real low on protein, under 30g a day. I would like actual figures, not just percentages. I am 180 lbs.

Also, my second question would be whether or not doing cardio during the feast phase would be ok. When i say cardio, i mean HIIT, not long distant running because I don't want to lose any muscle, I'm trying to gain it!!

Lastly, I am taking the supplement E-bol by thermolife? in place of kre-anabolyn. It says to take 2 pills, 3 times daily. I was just wondering, given these serving recommendations, if it would be better to just take a serving before and after workouts like you do with kre-anabolyn. Any recommendations regarding supplementation would be greatly appreciated. The supplements I have available to me and want to incorporate into the BP are as follows:

E-bol by thermolife
Real Gains Weight Gainer protein by Universal Nutrition
ZMA by optimum nutrition
Purple Wraath amino acid complex drink by controlled labs
glutamine powder
generation u-can protein
creatine monohydrate

if you think I would benefit by purchasing any other supplement, please let me know. Any advice on when to position these supplements during each phase would be extremely helpful (this is my first time ;)

Thank you for all your help and sorry for the long post.

aka Big Willie

"don't hate me cuz i'm beautiful"

PS they call me Big Willie because people say my pecks are extremely large. Like yeah they have a massive bulge and I could probably POP a couple heads off in between there, but the way i think of it, there's always room for improvement....Hot shower

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:22 pm
by RobRegish

Please PM me your real name you bought under at Paypal.

Thank you..

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:35 am
by RobRegish
Wily is in fact a BP customer. He's vowed to correct his evil ways so let's start anew :)

First off, regarding the proposed topic, how much carbs, protein, sugar, and fat are you looking for during each phase. For instance, 30g of fat, 200g carbs, 100g sugar?????? The only one i know for sure is to stay real low on protein, under 30g a day. I would like actual figures, not just percentages. I am 180 lbs.

A. To get actual figures, I'd suggest the livestrong website. You want minimal sugars as they leave you sleepy, bloated and with wildly oscillating insulin levels. No way to go through your BP run. The ONE exception may be in your intra workout drink, although I much prefer Pure Karbolyn here.

Your macros for each phase will be different. Very different. During Famine for example MOST of your calories will come from carbs in the form of fruits/vegetables. During Feast, most will come from complex carbs (suggest 60% if bulking) and high quality proteins (about 20-25%) and the remainder healthy fats.

Also, my second question would be whether or not doing cardio during the feast phase would be ok. When i say cardio, i mean HIIT, not long distant running because I don't want to lose any muscle, I'm trying to gain it!!

A. Absolutely. Suggest doing this on your off days in a fasted state after rising if possible. REASON: You'll burn the same # of calories but a higher PERCENTAGE will come from stored bodyfat. With blood glucose low from the overnight fast, you body will tap into stored bodyfat that much faster.

Presto, increased fat loss for your cardio efforts :)

Lastly, I am taking the supplement ebol ecdy by thermolife? in place of kre-anabolyn. It says to take 2 pills, 3 times daily. I was just wondering, given these serving recommendations, if it would be better to just take a serving before and after workouts like you do with kre-anabolyn. Any recommendations regarding supplementation would be greatly appreciated. The supplements I have available to me and want to incorporate into the BP are as follows:

ebol ecdy by thermolife
Real Gains Weight Gainer protein by Universal Nutrition
ZMA by optimum nutrition
Purple Wraath amino acid complex drink by controlled labs
glutamine powder
generation u-can protein
creatine monohydrate

if you think I would benefit by purchasing any other supplement, please let me know. Any advice on when to position these supplements during each phase would be extremely helpful (this is my first time

A. You want Ebol on off days with your 3 highest PROTEIN meals. On training days, one dose an hour prior, another post washed down with the remainder of your intra workout drink and a third dose can be taken with your solid food meal an hour later (again, high PROTEIN with carbs and a bit of dietary fat).

I'd also suggest looking into Kre-Anabolyn as an alternative. You should run BOTH to find out what works best for YOU! KA already contain creatine in the form of Kre-Alkalyn. The one dosing difference is that KA should be consumed with your highest CARB based meals of the day. The formula differs from Ebol considerably, with a heavy emphasis on substrate storage.

Real Gains Weight Gainer protein by Universal Nutrition

A. Use during the day to supplement your meals for additional calories/protein.

ZMA by optimum nutrition

A. Prior to bed, about 45 min in the absence of any calcium containing supps/food.

Purple Wraath amino acid complex drink by controlled labs
glutamine powder

A. Put both of these in your intra workout drink. No less than 20g of BCAA;s and 5-10g of Glutamine.

generation u-can protein

A. No idea on this one. If it's a pre-made drink simply consume between or in addition to meals where protein may be lacking. Place a few in your car/desk to ensure its readily available in a pinch.

creatine monohydrate

A. Save this for Cruise. Load with 20g/day for a week in 5g divided doses throughout the day. Cut back to 5g/day. All doses with high CARB meals and in that intra-workout drink you should be using.

Alternatively, 10g/day with a high carb breakfast EVERY day through Cruise. On training days, still include 5g in your intra-workout drink.

Hope that helps...

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:02 pm
by willclas
Awesome info, this helped a lot! Thank you very much.


ps, would gaba be something to look into in replacement of zma or in addition to zma? The studies behind it seem almost irresistible, but Idk if it would be overkill if already taking zma or if zma has similar effects.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:17 pm
by RobRegish
GammaGH/GABA is an EXCELLENT, cost-effective product to use if looking to boost Growth Hormone. ZMA does NOT compare in this area to GammaGH and makes an excellent "stack" if looking for a great night's rest and optimal test/GH levels:

If interested in boosting growth hormone even further (naturally), I offer the following as a suggestion given there is new data emerging on such. Note that GH release peaks during the first 90 minutes of deep sleep, so that's your starting point and window within which everyone should take advantage. Note also that going to bed on a belly full of carbs blunts this GH release! Back on point... with respect to GABA:

There is new research pointing to beneficial effects of consuming GABA pre-training. If willing to entertain, I'd suggest 3g prior to the workout on an empty a stomach as possible. Reason: recently a study demonstrated it quadruples GH output of the training session:

Ideal during Feast/Cruise and quite economical at that. NOTE: Start with a LOW dose on an EMPTY stomach. GABA can impart a flushing effect if you're not familiar with it. Start with 1g and work your way up to 3g about 30 min prior to the workout. If using a pre-workout thermogenic or coffee, ideal to take it alongside as GABA can cause
drownsiness/relaxation in some. The empty stomach part is important b/c if consumed alongside protein, the other aminos inherent therein will compete with GABA (and win), washing out its ability to cross the blood/brain barrier.

There is even research supporting a 550% increase in GH when taken prior to bed. In one study conducted by Italy's First Medical Clinic, University of Milan - a 5 gram oral dose was shown to increase Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by 550% within 90 minutes. Consider dosing prior to workouts, away from food during the day and before bedtime if you haven't eaten in a few hours. In fact, I keep a bottle of Gamma GH by my bathroom sink. If I get up at night to use the bathroom, 5g of GammaGH goes down the hatch for another GH spike. It also gives helps me fall back to sleep easier. So... multiple opportunities to boost GH if so inclined.

One last note: GammaGH is HPLC/HPCS tested 100% GABA. The same can NOT be said for the cheapies coming out of China. Has anyone died? Not yet. But it takes but one look at the Melamine fiasco to see what you're risking.

Not me. Not my body...

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:03 pm
by askmass
There is a thread here that goes into a lot of detail on GABA.

In a nutshell, besides the risk of contaminated product, the cheap non Gamma GH brands do not work and feel the same, not at all.

Besides, authentic 'Gamma GH' is not expensive, so why anyone would knowingly go the risky route, for no results and sick feeling sides just to save 5-6 bucks is beyond me.

Adaptogen N and real Gamma GH is the ultimate, serious athletes before bed stack and has been time proven for the better part of two decades.

ZMA might provide a very slight test benefit if your diet and other supps do not provide enough Zinc, but for the vast majority of guys that is not the case. It is not remotely comparable to Adaptogen N as a test booster in any way, shape or form. Worlds apart.

There is a reason we've never stocked ZMA, same as with so many other very marginal but hyped to the moon items that have come and gone over the years. If someone asks me for ZMA, I hand them a bottle of Multi-Life to smarten them up and away from the hype.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:18 am
by RobRegish
A few threads that may offer greater insight into GammaGH vs. the "cheap stuff" coming out of China: ... gammagh+vs ... gammagh+vs

As far as Adaptogen N goes... over a decade of repeat buys speaks for itself. So does blood work. The last time I ran labs it boosted my testosterone 55% in just 27 days! And that was using an older formula wherein the Suma was a 20% extract (now 25%) and the Eurycoma Longifolia wasn't as strong as the Longjax brand. The Trib if I recall was a 40% saponin extract. It's now at 45%. AskMass doesn't highlight these improvements enough IMO. I only knew about it when I checked an older bottle vs. the new formula when it arrived.

Adaptogen N goes WAY beyond being a test booster though. Here's an example. In addition to getting a whopping 1,500mg of REAL Bulgarian Trib (just try finding a higher dose!), you get the following:

1.) Custom 25:1 Suma extract. This little gem is a FINE source of ecdy in its own right and the 25:1 Ultra Suma isn't used in any other product I'm aware of. I've seen ONE other product with a 25:1 extraction but I'm unaware of the quality or where they get it. Nevertheless, it doesn't measure up to Adaptogen N b/c of the other ingredients IMO. Speaking of which..

2.) DHEA - This is the "mother" hormone that MAY be converted to testosterone in the right formula. Taken in the wrong fashion, it can convert to ESTROGEN. Here's how it goes when everything works the RIGHT way:


That cholesterol as step #1? It's part of the reason lowfat diet put testosterone in the cellar. Now you know why...

Now important to point out that NONE of this happens if Leutinizing Hormone isn't there to "drive" that conversion process. That's where Bulgarian Trib comes in. You've seen the studies where Trib doesn't boost testosterone? It's because they either weren't using the genuine article and/or there wasn't adequate substrate material (DHEA) and a conversion modulator (Longjax) to convert the testosterone to free test (more on that below).

Since Adaptogen N provides just the right amount of DHEA (not a mega-dose which could convert to estrogen), you're covered. The cholesterol will come from the fat intake in your diet (yes, some saturated fats are important!) and your body will manufacture pregnenolone from that. It'll also make SOME DHEA but if you study people's lab work you'll find DHEA is often the rate limiting factor in testosterone synthesis. Thus, AN provides that little bit extra you may need to optimize the process.

3.) Longjax - This patented form of Eurycoma Longifolia is included for a reason; if maximizes FREE testosterone levels (biologically active form of test). You can have all the test in the world floating around but it's useless if bound to serum hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Longjax "free's it up" to to be biologically active. There is also evidence it preferentially converts DHEA to testosterone (vs. estrogen).

4.) Melatonin - This little baby was rated the #1 most cost/effective anti-oxidant and anti-aging nutraceutical by the Life Extension Foundation years ago. So what's it doing here? Facilitating a good night's rest by allowing you to unwind and put you into a deep (REM) sleep wherein all the other goodies can do their good work!

When you add it all up you get a test booster, adaptogen and restorative all in one little package. Here's a great way to dose it and make just one bottle last your entire Feast stage. This cycle was pioneered by a bunch of powerlifters in the mid-west, if I'm not mistaken:

A.) First 3 weeks of Feast: Does the full 3 capsule dose every night 45 min to bedtime.

B.) Remainder of Feast: Dose 2 to 3 caps Mon-Friday, take weekends off.

Like any other nutraceutical, it loses it's perceived effect over time. By using it in this fashion, you MAXIMIZE it's value and place the product right when and where you need it (during your intense Feast peaking cycles where recovery/restoration is uber-important) and save some $ in the process.

I've used them all: Tribex, Fuzu, Tribestan, Tribesterone etc.. Nothing did me right like Adaptogen N. I just ordered the BP Mass Stack and can't WAIT to get that bottle.

Am I biased? Maybe. But I've been around the block for 25 years with these things and done my homework. Subjective notes, saliva and bloodwork do not lie. I encourage you to compare vs. other products b/c I think you'll find what I'm saying is true.

Just my $0.03..... :)

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:01 pm
by willclas
Thank you for all the info. I had another quick question...would any of these supplements test positive in a drug test (maybe even NCAA?). I know they are non-hormonal, but raising test that high I feel would trigger something.


Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:33 pm
by RobRegish
Likely no.

I say "likely" because I'm unclear as to whether or not DHEA in AN is "banned". How silly..

Your test/GH levels aren't shot into the supraphysiological range... they're OPTIMIZED. BIG difference.

Total test for example, ranges from 300 to about 1000ng/dl. That's a WIDE range. If you test out at 301ng/dl, your doc will say "no problem, you're normal". Yet, we all know who has an easier time building muscle at 900ng/dl vs. 301 don't we?

It is here where your conflict with the medical establishment will arise. Dr's are used to getting sick people to "normal", not normal people to "optimal". They view this as an unnecessary risk and irresponsible.

I beg to differ, as quality of life is affected as well. You should always try and work with your Doc on such things. And if that fails, find a new doc. If that fails, there are in-home diagnostic tests you can order up to optimize yourself with OTC test boosters. I do the same with Adaptogen N at various points in time: ... -kits.html

They offer both blood and saliva testing now...

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:00 pm
by willclas
Great Stuff, thanks Rob!
