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Timmo90's first BP

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:15 am
by timmo90
So im ready to begin my famine in 3 days time. Was just wanting to do a quick checklist to make sure ive got my things all sorted, as far as the training goes ive got it all written out and im confident ive got it all.

Age:20 , Height:6'0 , Weight:170

So in my famine it will be 5 days of 1400 calories with no supplements other than fish oil and multi.

Feast phase begins with 72 hours of solid eat and sleep going for 3400 cals/day. Then begin training and continue with the calories or lower to 18 x bw. Also begin supplementing through this stage. Running e-bol at 6 caps/day (3 before 3 after workout on workout days, 3 morning and 3 afternoon on days off?) using scivation xtend for BCAA's at 20-40g/day running on a 3 on, 3 off day cycle. Also taking creatine at 10g/day.
Continue for 30-42 days.

Cruise phase for 3 weeks. Calories at 10xBW. Discontinue use of supplements.

Any feedback on anything im missing or improvements would be greatly appreciated :)


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:57 am
by RobRegish
Very nice... you've got it down.

The one suggestion I'd have is to perhaps drop the creatine during Feast and instead run it during cruise. It'll allow you to better evaluate the difference Ebol makes during Feast.

Creatine is ideal during Cruise IMO, given the training template utilized there.

Do make sure to establish your resting heart rate going into Famine. It will be a good indicator as to how you're progressing.

Solid start!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:08 am
by timmo90
Ok great thanks alot for the feedback. Ill leave the creatine until cruise and watch the gains roll in :) Is taking your heart rate by counting for the 15 seconds ok or is it important to get a HR monitor?

And is the dosing times for the ebol i wrote above correct on workout and non workout days?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:47 pm
by RobRegish
15 sec approach will do..

Yes on the Ebol dosing. Do take it about an hour prior and immediately afterwards. So you're good :)

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:30 am
by timmo90
ok great. also as far as training goes, is it ok to add a small amount of abs to each workout? or just leave it exactly how it is?
Should ebol be taken with or without food or doesnt matter? im guessing with the xtend it really doesnt matter just sip throughout the day?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:05 am
by RobRegish
No abs during famine no. There is a reason and they will be address in Feast.

Ebol/BCAA's ARE taken ONLY during Feast and no supps other than a multi, greens supp and perhaps a strong cup of joe pre-workout are utilized during Famine.

Ebol is best consumed in the following fashion during Feast:

On training days, take one dose an hour or so prior with a small amount of dietary fat. Fish oil (3 grams), mixed nuts, natural PB are suitable. Immediately post workout, take your second dose while finishing up your intra workout drink. I'm also in favor of taking your third dose an hour later at a solid food meal consisting of higher carbs, protein and a smidgeon of dietary fat. Doing so puts the product right where you'll need it to reap maximum gains.

Off days spread your 3 doses out at your 3 highest PROTEIN meals. Ideally, breakfast lunch and dinner.

One final piece of advice as it pertains to Famine:

If you at all feel sick, off or just not right - discontinue. Despite the name, "Famine" is really a healthy exercise in cleansing/detox. I mean, a diet of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens and perhaps mixed nuts isn't unhealthy you know? We're not talking about some crazy 1,000K diet either. It's a mild/moderate caloric deficit that combined with the training depletes muscle substrate disrupting homeostasis necessary to tee up the adaptogen of choice to work its magic.

You should observe a drop of about 1lb/day or thereabouts and your resting heart rate increasing close to 8 beats per minute over baseline. You MAY not require workout 3. If ever in doubt, discontinue or consult me for guidance.

Not trying to scare anyone, but HEALTH FIRST! You can't get traction during Feast if you take Famine too deep. That's the point... :)

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:51 pm
by timmo90
So im on to my last day of famine today :) :) :) cant beleive how difficult this has actually been, i always new it wouldnt be easy but its physically painful lol. And working out when ur starving is absolutely brutal. Re-checked my HR this morning though and it has decreased by about 8-10 BPM so all's looking good. Very excited to absolutely anihilate a buffet all day tommorrow :)

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:21 am
by RobRegish
OK now here me out:

DISCONTINUE if you at all feel sick/off or just 'not right"! You can't get traction in Feast if you take Famine too deep.

Otherwise, great work. Train to Gainsville leaves first day of Feast!

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:03 am
by timmo90
Ive always been a massive eater so im not really sure how far is too far on the famine. During my workouts i felt alot weaker than usual but i gathered thats just from not having the nutrients to support me and sometimes got a little bit light headed but nothing too drastic. Anyway i got through it without dieing and couldnt be happier feasting out all day today :) Looking very forward to begin my training in 72 hours.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:07 am
by RobRegish
Great work making it through!

And now... it's time to reap the BIG rewards! Feels good to eat again, doesn't it?


Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:09 am
by timmo90
oh yeah it does! felt so weird today eating as much as i could for breakfast, then after that i wasnt hungry for a good 4 or so hours which was weird. actually had to put in some effort to force feed to get my protein in :) im just excited to train in good condition again and watch the gains come in.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:42 pm
by RobRegish
Good man. Right here for you so fire away with any questions as they may arise...

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:24 am
by timmo90
Sorry i havnt been keeping everyone up to date with the progress. just wanted to report that ive just completed my last session of famine going for my new PR's and went amazingly. I was not feeling 100% at the beginning of this session as ive had a big day but thought id give it a go anyway so the gains in strength may have been even more significant.

I managed to improve my bench from 85kgs (187lbs) to 92kg (202lbs) and my squat improved dramatically from 105kgs (231lbs) to 125kgs (275lbs).

Thanks alot to rob for his consistant quick feedback to all questions and for being so helpful along the road.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:31 am
by RobRegish
FANTASTIC man and sooooo happy for you!! Your #'s would have jumped even moreso if those 1RM's were done in a BP Tshirt :)

Can't wait for your final review!!