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Erick15's First Blueprint Run

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:37 am
by erick15
Hello, my name is Eric and I invested in the blueprint about 4 weeks ago with the intension of starting it 3 weeks ago. First thing that delayed me was I decided to take a week off before starting it as I had just finished a season of football. Next thing that came up was deer season and I was out of town for 6 days. Then the week of Thanksgiving I thought it wouldn’t be a good idea to do the famine during this week. I finally started the blueprint yesterday.


I am 17 years old. I currently weigh 178 pounds. I am 6’2”. I started seriously lifting at 16 almost exactly a year ago. When I started a year ago I was 175lbs. My lifts were roughly: Bench - 195, Squat - 205, Deadlift – 320. I ate somewhere around 4200 calories for the first ~3 months of lifting, I then slowly tapered that down to about maintenance. My lifts in about 5 months went to: Bench – 235, Squat – 275, Deadlift – 415. I went from 175 to 200 pounds in 5 months with very little fat gain, my abs stayed defined the entire time. After the beginning of April I slowly started to quit lifting and lost interest in it. Over summer without school I slept in past 12 almost every day and my diet was terrible. I would just eat whenever and didn’t eat near enough. I went from around 195lbs to 185lbs during the course of summer. Football started in July and once that began I lifted with my team but not outside of that. And mostly we do conditioning and not heavy lifting during and right before the season. I lost another 5 pounds during football season from not eating enough. Since last spring my lifts have drastically gone down. I’m not sure on maxes but my guesses would be: Bench – 205, Squat – 235, Deadlift – 360.

- Started lifting 1 year ago
- Quit after 5 months
- Lost almost everything I gained

Day 1:

Weight: 177.5lbs


1 cup of grapefruit juice
1 banana
1 multi vitamin
1 omega 3 pill

1 cup of raspberries
½ cup of almonds
½ a cucumber

Salad(Lettuce, cucumber, a small amount of oil and vinegar)
1 cup of milk

Small baked potato
1 cup of carrots
1 banana
1 multi vitamin


Cardio: 15 min

½ apple
1 banana
10 celery strips

I got this diet off of one of the stickies and the total calories according to the sticky is 1365. But I think I ate just a little under what the diet called for so maybe more like 1250 calories.

Lift 4pm:

Squat: 6x3 175 lbs (barely could get the last set)
super setted with
Cable Rows: 6x3 120lbs (failed on 5 on last set)

Standing EZ bar Curl: 6x1 60lbs (should have done more weight, was too easy)
Incline dumbbell curl: 6x1 50lb dumbbells
Standing cable curl: 6x1 70lbs (barely got 6)

Cardio directly after lift for 15 minutes. First time I had done any cardio in 4 weeks and before this the only cardio I did was from football and being a Tight-end I usually just blocked and rarely ran routes so I didn’t get in much cardio from that either.

Today was pretty hard with the diet, first time I have ever dieted before. Felt very hungry the entire day. The lift went pretty well in my opinion. I definitely felt like I didn’t have as much energy during my lift as I normally do but it wasn’t too bad. Ordered supplements from mass today. I ordered 3 bottles of Kre-Anabolyn, 3 bottles of Mass Pro Amino, 2 bottles of Mass Pro Whey (1 chocolate, 1 mvp), and I got a free bottle of Burn It Up.

Day 2:


1 cup of grapefruit juice
1 banana

1/2 cup of almonds
1 cup of raspberries
½ cucumber

Salad(Lettuce, cucumber, a small amount of oil and vinegar)
1 Apple

10 celery sticks
Cardio: 15 min

Salad(lettuce, croutons, and caesar dressing (I went to eat out with my family and the dressing came on the salad. I looked it up and the dressing had 240 calories in it. The salad itself was not large at all though))
Throughout the day I drank a bottle of green tea with honey and ginseng in it. It had 175 calories in it.

Cardio: 15 min

I am guessing I ate around 1200 calories today. Total cardio today was 30min. I feel good and hunger is not too much of an issue. Today was easier than yesterday hunger wise. My legs are pretty sore today, back is just a little sore and biceps are not sore one bit.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:33 am
by ethanhun
Looking good man. That feels like no calories at all huh?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:23 am
by RobRegish
OK welcome Eric!

Glad you're here and I appreciate the background. The BP will for sure fix that regression issue you've had in the gym and vault you to new heights.

Now important to point out Famine will be difficult. However, properly performed it's a healthy cleansing/detox period. I mean, a diet of fruits, veggies, leafy greens etc isn't exactly unhealthy you know?

Nevertheless, the workouts are demanding so proceed with extreme caution. You should be noting about 1lb/day weight loss or thereabouts. If you at all feel sick, off or not right - discontinue. You can't make gains when you're sick!

Don't feel bad if you're reduced to bodyweight squats, etc. It's a function of the training, prescribed rest intervals etc.. If at all in doubt, please consult me. You may very well not require workout #3. Some do, some don't.

We'll make that call together. Right now, solid start! In short order, you'll be done with the hard part and reaping the BIG rewards!

Right here for you if you need me.. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:43 am
welcome to the team man good luck!!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:54 pm
by erick15
Day 3:

Weight: 176.5 A little food in me. Probably more like 175.5-176, will check tomorrow morning)


1 cup of grapefruit juice
1 banana
1 cup of raspberries (this is my favorite thing I eat all day, they taste so good)
¼ cup of almonds
½ a cucumber
Salad (lettuce, vinegar)
10 celery sticks dipped in mustard and hot sauce
4 oz of water with crystal light in it. 30cal
6 sugar free jellos 5cal each
3 rice cakes 35cal each
Cardio: 15 min
Subway 6” Vegi Delite (230 cal)
2 sugar free jellos 5 cal each

Cardio: 12 min
Lift 4:30
Cardio 18 min

Throughout the day I drank a bottle of green tea with ginseng and honey with 175 calories.

Lift: 4:30

Wide grip bench press x 10 115lbs
Seated dumbbell shoulder press x 10 35lbs (ROM was a little short)

rest 1 min

Close grip bench press x 10 95lbs
Seated dumbbell shoulder press x 10 30lbs (full ROM)

Rest 1 min

Incline bench press x 10 95lbs
Seated dumbbell shoulder press x 10 25lbs

Rest 1 min

Decline bench x 10 95lbs (was by far the easiest set, should have added more weight)
Seated dumbbell shoulder press x 10 25lbs

Rest 1 min

Decline close grip bench x 10 95lbs
Rest 1 min
Skullcrushers x 10 60lbs (couldn’t have got even another half rep)
Rest 1 min
Cable triceps press downs x 10 30lbs
Rest 1 min
Cable triceps press downs x 10 45lbs

Today went very well. I felt like I had no strength at all during my workout. Just checking what weight to use before I started on shoulder presses I had 40lbs on there and my arms were shaking before I had done more than 4 reps when I normally use 60s for 8 reps. Strength on bench was just not there, most of the sets were near failure except for the decline bench which seemed quite easy. After my second session of cardio for 18 minutes I started to get some hunger cramps in my stomach but after about 10 they went away. I am also drinking plenty of water also. I am not noticing any lacking of energy, but strength is down a lot. Staying focused in classes can be difficult at times but it is mostly because all I want to think about is food. The veggi delite from subway tasted amazing for only being some vegetables and bread. Going to bed not hungry at all. According to the elliptical I used I burned in total 625 calories. Ate right about 1300 calories.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:08 am
by RobRegish
OK now you're approaching workout 3 so hear me out:

If you at all feel sick, off or just "not right" - discontinue. Health first as I always say. You can't make gains/get traction during Feast if you're sick.

Bounce that off me if you have any doubts. Some don't require workout 3. Others are reduced to bodyweight squats, etc.. Don't feel bad. It's a function of the rest intervals.

Again, ensure your health is intact. Bad time of year for colds and such. Just looking out for you :)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:10 pm
by erick15
Would it be ok for my to drink a smoothie king slim n trim smoothie as a meal. It has 320 calories and 10g of protein in a 32 oz drink.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:41 pm
by RobRegish
Sure, it probably has alot of sugar so be mindful of when and where you drink it. Otherwise, sounds OK...

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:39 am
by erick15
Day 4


1cup of grapefruit juice
1/8 cup of almonds
1/4 cup of raspberries
Salad(lettuce, cucumber, vinegar)
Smoothie King slim n trim orange vanilla smoothie, 32 oz. 320 cal
Salad(lettuce, pimientos, banana peppers, home made relish with almost 0 calories.

I did no cardio today so that my legs won't be sore before squats in he 3rd workout. Hunger wasn't much of a problem.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:40 pm
by erick15
Day 5: Last Day of the Famine

Weight: 174.0 hopefully I will be down another lb by tomorrow to get to 4.5lbs lost.


1 cup of grapefruit juice
2 sugar free jellos (5 cal each)
½ a cucumber
1/4cup of almonds
Salad (lettuce, cucumber)
3 rice cakes (35cal each)
Subway sandwich 6" (can't remember the name but it had something like 350 cal)

No cardio today

Lift 3:30

Squat x 12 115lbs
Cables Rows x 15 50lbs

Squat x 12 115lbs
Cables Rows x 15 50lbs

Squat x 12 115lbs
Cables Rows x 15 50lbs

Squat x 12 115lbs
Cables Rows x 15 50lbs

Squat x 12 115lbs (Could only get to half reps on last 4)
Cables Rows x 15 50lbs

Standing EZ Bar Curl x 12 50lbs
Incline dumbbell curl x 12 30lb dbs
Standing Cable Curl x 12 50lbs

This workout was like a kick in the nuts. Had no strength at all. The amount of weight on squats was just terrible but I felt like I couldn’t have got anymore. Haven’t done high rep squats in a long time so after about the 6th rep it started getting real hard. I’m looking forward to being able to eat tomorrow. Although the hunger is getting pretty easy to deal with.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:32 pm
by RobRegish
GREAT work making it through!

The hard part is OVER. Train to Gainsville leaves TOMORROW!!! Awesome job man :)

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:36 am
by erick15
Morning of day 6: First day of the Feast

Weight: 173.2 Lost 4.3 lbs during the famine phase

Can't wait to go eat. About to go to dennys for breakfast.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:33 pm
by RobRegish
Grand Slam man :)

Have a good one and eat up!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:44 am
by erick15
I was supposed to do the first workout for the feast phase yesterday but wokeup in the middle of the night and threw up. I didn't feel well for the rest of the day and didn't eat much all day. My supplements from mass came yesterday. Right now I'm trying to decide how to take my bcaa's. I took my first kre-anabolyn this morning.
Today I woke up feeling good and I will most likely do the first workout today. Weighed myself this morning and weighed 177. I had weighed 178 Monday morning so I lost a pound yesterday from throwing up and not eating much. Weight is coming up nicely though. I am at the weigh that I started the famine phase at.
Rob, can you tell my which way of taking bcaa's would be better.