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Just read BP, and naturally I have a few questions

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:00 pm
by jjones11
Just read the e-book. I understand, the principle of the program easy enough. But some of the finer points, I didn't totally grasp. I'll provide a list of the questions that I have:

1. What should my macros look like in famine phase?
2. What should I eat for Post-workout in famine phase?
3. How many sets are in an EDT block?
4. Do i do an EDT block in famine and feast phase?
5. How many EDT blocks do I do in a workout?
6. Would 3 days a week lifting in famine phase with 45minutes-1 hour of cardio for the entire famine phase suffice?
7. Basically if I feel crappy in the famine phase am I doing it right?
8. Would I implement a loading program in feast phase or cruise phase?

These are really the only parts I didn't quite understand. Thanks.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:46 am
by RobRegish
First, a big welcome to jjones11!

We have many BP Believers here ready and willing to assist.. with multiple BP runs under their belts. However, since I'm the author I consider it my responsibility to answer these questions to your satisfaction so here goes:

First, you're way ahead of the curve if you've got the big picture principles down, so nice work there. Always think "big picture" when you get stuck on a detail. I/we will assist in that respect...

1. What should my macros look like in famine phase?

A. Your sample famine diet is found right here:

FAMINE STICKIES ... .php?t=523 ... .php?t=389

2. What should I eat for Post-workout in famine phase?

A. Nothing special. Recall the goal of Famine is to deplete muscle substrate, not put back as usually is the case. If so inclined and training later in the day, simply consume a regular Famine meal post workout. I would suggest it be one of the higher calorie meals specified in the template above. Do take care to make sure nothing but water is consumed during the workout.

3. How many sets are in an EDT block?
A. Typically 4-6.

4. Do i do an EDT block in famine and feast phase?
A. Feast

5. How many EDT blocks do I do in a workout?
A. Typically 2 for upper body sessions, just 1 for lower body. See example below.

There is no EDT block we use in Famine. Here is your famine training template: ... .php?t=377

Complete example of how to incorporate EDT into your Feast Phase blocks follows:

FEAST STICKiES ... .php?t=378 ... .php?t=437

6. Would 3 days a week lifting in famine phase with 45minutes-1 hour of cardio for the entire famine phase suffice?

A. Yes, 3 workout in 5 days is the specified Famine workout frequency template (see above). The cardio during this time is optional as I see it. If you have the energy do go for it BUT, nothing onerous here. Low intensity, steady state cardio for no more than 45 min is recommended. You're looking for about 1lb/day bodyweight loss during famine. Some will lose more, some a bit less. I personally find the weight training sessions "enough" but I'm old and lame now :)

7. Basically if I feel crappy in the famine phase am I doing it right?

A. You won't feel on top of your game, no. Properly performed, Famine is a healthy detox/cleansing exercise. I mean, a diet of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens and perhaps some mixed nuts isn't exactly bad for you, you know? There is a MILD caloric deficit created (it's not a crazy 1000k/day diet) but the key is restriction of a certain macronutrient AND the training that accompanies it.

Do heed this warning as it's all over every Famine post I make and a stickie in that and every other session: HEALTH FIRST. If you at all feel sick, off or just "not right" during Famine - DISCONTINUE. You can't make gains when you're sick.

Having said that, you may well not require workout #3. This is something we'll play by ear and we'll make that call together based upon how much weight you've lost, resting heart rate on days 3 and 4 etc.. Do not feel bad about having to be reduced to VERY light weights or even bodyweight squats etc.. This is simply a function of the additional volume/reduced rest periods we incorporate. Completely natural and a function of the system. It's designed to disrupt homeostasis and to activate the anabolic/anti-catabolic machinery that lay dormant in most that have been doing the same old same old for too long.

8. Would I implement a loading program in feast phase or cruise phase?

A. Your loading pattern (GLP1) is introduced during Feast, after the 5 workout bridge into Feast has been completed. Here, workout 5 is where you establish a new 1RM in your big barbell lifts (typically bench and squat). With those #'s in hand, you'll simply punch those #'s into the autocalculator (again in the stickies in my sig line) and out spits every set, rep and weight to use for the specified workouts.

Cruise is a different story. Here, we use an abbreviated version of Bill Starr's classic 5x5 protocol + a few unique twists. The goal of Cruise is to establish a new (higher) state of homeostasis, allowing your body to recognize your newfound size/strength as "permanent". This is a VERY important step that most programs completely miss the boat on. What good are new PR's/new lbs of LBM if they're quickly lost? In Cruise then, we aim to solidify these gains and build upon them going forward.

Finally, you're asking some great questions. I have a feeling you're going to do mighty fine your first run. I would like you to stay focused on what to do during your week off though first, then concentrate on Famine. Doing so will ensure you don't get overwhelmed with the other facets of BP. Please don't take that the wrong way. It's just been my experience that done in this fashion, people new to The BP find it MUCH easier to execute and experience a better success rate.

I will be here to answer any and all questions. You didn't just buy a course to be left high and dry. That's why we have this place and an army of BP believers to help you. That army is led by me (scary thought) but as I said above... I take personal responsibility for making sure all of your questions are answered to your satisfaction.

Hope that helps....

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:43 pm
by jjones11
Thank you very much for all of your help Rob!! So when I first start feast, My workout will consist of the big 3 only? And then I'll jump into a GLP after my max day?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:09 pm
by RobRegish
Yes or no. It's a pick 'em. I like to think of it like this: Do those big barbell lifts justice. THEN and only then get into your EDT blocks: ... .php?t=437

Big BB lifts condition your CNS for new peaks in absolute strength. The EDT blocks do a fantastic job of keeping hypertrophy in line with absolute strength. They also keep you lean.

"Dripping with sweat" is often the concluding comment of a typical logger's EDT commentary :)