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Post workout

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:08 am
by the_buffer
Hey guys,

I've just finished up my first run... While on BP my typical post-workout included a protein and dextrose shake.

I'm about to start a 6 week cut, my usual practice during a cut is to substitute dextrose for a banana or something, just wondering if this is a good idea, or if continuing with dextrose post WO while cutting is a better idea?


Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:26 pm
by Big.jazayrli
dextrose would be a better source of carbs post workout than a banana

fructose is not your friend

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:59 pm
by RobRegish
BigJaz is right...

You want mostly dextrose. Actually, in an ideal world you want PureKarbolyn. A small amount of fructose will preferentially replenish liver glycogen, but you don't want too much. Perhaps 5-10g of crystalline fructose.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:15 am
by Justin
is waxymaize carbs and some dried mangos okay?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:53 am
by RobRegish
That's fine. There is much controversy surrounding Waxy Maize. While it is no worse than dextrose at replenishing glycogen it is much superior IMO insofar as not bloating you/leaving you with that HORRIBLE crash dextrose does.

Products like Kwik Karb and especially Pure Karbolyn are FAR superior to dextrose for a number of reasons. They're worth your dollar IMO as when used on training days, are quite economical for what they do.

These products contain specially modified starches in the form of amylopectins that shuttle their way VERY quickly through the GI tract and into the bloodstream, "dragging" goodies like aminos, creatine etc. along for the ride.

I've put this to the glucometer. They work and work well. Adding 1 Kre-Anabolyn pre-workout, one during the middle and another when washing down the remainder of your drink post workout leads to...... amazing #'s on the glucometer.

Waking glucometer reading 95. Began sipping the drink 15 min prior, between sets and finishing up after the last set. Post workout (and this is with 100+g Pure Karbolyn + MassPro+MassProAmino and the aforementioned Kre-Anabolyn dosing scheme).... ?

Try 88.

Yep, that much glycogen either used to fuel the workout or stored in the muscle as glycogen. Try that on for SIZE :)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:37 am
by Jasson
In my opinion protein shake is best to drink after any workout because it has lot of protein which are good for health and body. Protein shake provides energy to the body. banana shake is best post workout drink.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:33 pm
by DaCookie
Banana shake ahahaha

I hope thats green banana shake bro...

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:16 am
by Aisley
You are right jasson. protein shake is best workout drink. It has lot of protein so we should drink it after any workout. It provides us energy.