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General questions regarding BP success vis-a-vis me

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:42 pm
by kribnutz
Here are a couple of varied queries I have w.r.t BP.

(i) How do you measure RHR? Do I need to buy an equipment or is a simple finger-to-the-temple approach good enough?

A. Either will do. I have a battery operated blood pressure cuff. Auto inflates and give you your RHR as well. Nice :)

(ii) I see logs with calories mentioned for like 10 celery sticks or 1/4 almonds and so on. Is there some scale you guys to measure your calories so precisely?

A. No need for a scale. Simply figure your K needs during famine, observe the famine dietary template in my sig and add/subtract the few hundred needed. Presto...

(iii) For my weight (220lbs), what should be my maintenance calories. Is there a calorie calculator in this forum? Sorry for asking if it is there 'cos I did a quick search and didn't find anything.

A. Tough call for a # of reasons. We don't know if you're an ectomorph, meso or endo. Age (metabolism) plays into it too. Generally speaking, I recommend BW x 10 as a starting point. Best to weigh in Monday AM. Record daily calories through Sat. Add them up and divide by 6. Assuming Sun morning weight in is within a pound... there's your daily avg maintenance intake :)

(iv) I am 5"9.5' and weigh 220lbs. I have a slightly unique history w.r.t my physique. Years ago, I lost close to 50lbs in 3 months. I just stopped eating meals (used to survive on 1 meal a day) in an effort to lose weight. Talk about a big mistake! So I hit the gym but I couldn't undo what had already been done - my skin had become loose and I had big bags of fat around my abdomen and my chest. After 4 years of multiple supplements and working out 4-5 days a week, I threw the towel in and went for two operations (liposuction plus mini-abdominoplasty) to remove those unsightly fat deposits.

A. You did what you had to do. Beats duct tape :)

Now the fat is pretty much gone and am happy. However my skin all over my body is still loose (I believe - probably more noticeable to me than to other OR maybe it is all in my head). I am not really sure what I should do to get that hardened look but I am hoping that with BP, I can put in some muscle and 'fill in' my body. I know professional bodybuilders use stuff like lasix to rid their body of water but that is not what I am after. I do not want a ripped look 24/7 - just want to look a little more 'in place'. Right now, at my best, I look like a guy who used to workout but stopped a year ago or so, if that image helps.

A. Time and BP will remedy this. How much time, hard to say. You can do it though, and we'll help you!

I do not mind going for a personal consultation with you Rob, but I want expert help on this. This is going to be my first run on BP and honestly, this is my last shot at 'looking good'. I have already spend in excess of $300 for all the supps I need for this BP run and I know I will go all out during my workouts but I just need to know exactly what to do

(iv) Finally, I am an endomorph. I love eating so while I do not eat junk, I end up eating a lot of the good healthy stuff. Like my typical day right now looks like this:
4 egg whites
1 bowl of cereal (go kashi lean cereal)
3-4 waffles

2 chicken breasts or 4 turkey hotdogs
1 plate green salad

7-8 pieces of chicken tenders
3 pita breads

1 or 2 protein bars; and some zero calorie drink.

I am not training now. Hence no protein drinks or intra-workout drinks in the picture. When I do start training, all that is in addition to this. How good/ bad is this ?

A. Not good/bad per se. The point being the training will be the catalyst to put the additional nutrients to work. Once I know your maintenance intake, it's simply a matter of me tweaking your training/non-training day intake and training. Easy enough..

Thanks a lot, and others who believe you may have something you can help me with, please do chime in

A. My pleasure and here to help. You needn't spend alot to get alot. You shouldn't break the bank but you do need to break a sweat. That goes against all these supplement salesmen BUT..... it's the truth. There ARE quality supps out there than can accelerate your progress. But I am AGAINST this random shotgunning I keep seeing.

My $0.02..

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:09 am
by kribnutz
Thanks a lot for the responses. I guess I will read up some more before starting the Famine phase, probably starting Monday.