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Famine phase workout queries

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:09 am
by kribnutz
Hello everybody,

I have some question regarding the workouts for the Famine phase, and am hoping someone would clear them for me. It is a long post so apologies before hand - just want to make sure I have got everything spot on!

(i) Have I understood the superset structure correctly here?
For Monday:
a. 1 superset consists of 1 set of 4-6 reps of leg press/ squat PLUS 1 set 4-6 reps of seated cable/ t-bar/ single arm dumbbell rows ( no rest in between)
b. followed by 2 minutes of rest
c. followed by 2 more supersets in similar fashion
d. Take a 5 minute break
e. Start next superset: 1 superset consists of 1 set of 4-6 reps of seated cable/ t-bar/ single arm dumbbell rows PLUS 1 set of 4-6 reps of chin-ups (isn’t 4-6 low for chin-ups?)/ pull-downs
f. Take a 5 minute break
g. 1 superset consists of 1 set of 4-6 reps of standing barbell curl PLUS 1 set of 4-6 reps of incline dumbbell curls PLUS 1 set of 4-6 reps of preacher curls ( no rest in between)
h. Followed by 2 minutes of rest
i. followed by 2 more supersets in similar fashion
j. done for the day
For Wednesday (this is where I get confused):
k. 1 superset consists of 1 set of wide-grip bench press PLUS 1 set of incline press PLUS 1 set of decline press PLUS 1 set of shoulder press, all 8-10 reps each ?! Isn’t that a bit much?
l. followed by 1 minute of rest
m. followed by 2 more supersets in similar fashion
n. Take a 5 minute break
o. 1 superset consists of 1 set of decline close grip bench presses PLUS 1 set of skull crushers/ lying triceps extension PLUS 1 set of cable press-downs, all 8-10 reps each
p. followed by 1 minute of rest
q. followed by 2 more supersets in similar fashion
r. done for the day

Please let me know if the above workout regimen is spot on or if I have messed up somewhere royally!

Thanks a ton!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:37 am
by RobRegish
You have most of this right, some of it wrong (that's OK, it's natural).

Here are your guidelines, all in one convenient place:

FAMINE STICKIES ... .php?t=377 ... .php?t=523 ... .php?t=389

Let me know if that clarifies things. If it doesn't, I'll go back tonight and answer each individual question for you.

Rushing to get out of here to save the insurance world from Armegeddon this morning :)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:29 am
by kribnutz
Ok I think I have understood most of it correctly. Just one last query w.r.t Famine:
- everytime I do a jumpset or a isolation movement, I complete 3 to 4 sets of the same (as suggested for that day) before moving onto the next jumpset/ isolation movement - is this correct?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:43 pm
yes sir that is correct!!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:58 pm
by kribnutz
Thanks turbo. Famine, here I come!! :D