Blanchdawg's first BP Run

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Blanchdawg's first BP Run

Post by blanchdawg »

First workout of the Feast today. At the end of the famine I weighed 201; prior to my first feast workout I weighted 206.

Flat BB Bench Press - 250lbs x 7 reps
Pullovers - 80 lbs for 10 (should have gone heavier on the pullovers).

Squats - 355lbs x 8 reps
Stiff legged Deads - 135 x 10 (should have gone much heavier on the stiff deads).

Felt great on my work sets - nice to have food back in the system again.

So far, so good. Anyone got any advice on how long to wait until workout 2?
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Post by RyannayR »

It all depends on how you feel but I think I took like 3 days because I had DOMS in my hamstrings from the SLDL.
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Post by xlb57 »

Personally, I am liking two rest days between training days right now. I used to workout far more frequently, but have gotten to like the additional rest.
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Post by JlCh »

No EDT sets? I'd say it depends on how fast your recovery is. I was doing 1 on 1 off for the first 5 sets (other than 2 days rest before 1 rep max); but like Rob says, test the waters and see if you need to have an extra day to recover. I think he suggests 1 on 2 off.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, toy with 1 on 2 off. Think you'll like what you find :)
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Post by blanchdawg »

I did some additional EDT sets for chest (incline DB's, flys) and biceps (BB curls, incline DB's, Preacher, Hammer) but didn't include all the detail.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK, how are you feeling so far? Overall impressions?

I know it's early, but I like to know these things. Great work...
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Post by blanchdawg »


I'm going into the second feast workout today (tonight actually).

The famine was very tough, especially the last famine workout. After the first 72 hours of the feast, I felt great. The first feast workout was good - high energy, good workout.

The only part I am still skeptical about is the full body methodology required by the feast workouts. I have an apprehension to performing bench and squat in every workout. This apprehension comes from the fact that I am required to extend these full body workouts over a longer period of time when the EDT blocks and warmup sets are included. (I thoroughly warm up - for instance to get to the workset of 355 for 8 reps on squats in my last workout, I started at 135 for 10, 185 for 5, 225 for 2, 275 for 2, 315 for 2, then 355 for 8. As stated below, you can see how this will extend a workout.)

As such, my typical hour workout is now going to be 1 1/2 - 2 hours to get in bench, squat and all the EDT work. Doesn't the ability to build muscle decline in these extended workouts (because of increased cortisol levels)?

In summary, I do feel good going into the second feast workout but I'm still a little skeptical. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this.
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Post by RobRegish »

The time/duration studies done on increased cortisol levels were done with NO nutrient intervention (i.e. intra workout drinks). Load up on Pure karbolyn and the like and that big insulin spike keeps cortisol low.

Appreciate what you're saying though. Age 41 and big weights means a LOT of time for me warming up. I support a split if you deem it necessary.

You have my blessing :)
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Post by blanchdawg »

Second Feast workout -

BP - 275 x 5
Pullovers - 90 lbs for 6

Squats - 365 x 6
Stiff Leg Dead Lifts - 205 x 6
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Post by RobRegish »

Great man, how did that feel.

Feeling any traction yet?
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Post by blanchdawg »

It is feeling good. I am going to break up my feast workouts over 2 days though.....bench/EDT's on one day and squat/EDT's another. I'll let you know how it goes.

Yesterday was my third feast workout (bench / EDT's only).

I hit 300 for 2 reps on the bench press. Pullovers with 90 DB for 4.
My EDT's consisted of DB military press; upright cable rows; and side lateral raises.

Today I'll hit the squat/EDT portion of the third feast workout.
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Post by RobRegish »

Very, very nice.

You're settling into a groove now. That's the sense I get. Let me know if I'm right!
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Post by blanchdawg »

I do seem to be getting into a groove. It is nice to see some gains again - you know how it is to spend years in the gym which leads to feeling too comfortable in your workout scheme and not incorporating enough change.

Squats yesterday - 375 x 2.
Stiff leg Deads - 225 x 3.

EDTs - Leg Press; Leg Extension; Standing Leg Curl.

On to the deload workout (feast #4) in a few days. By the end of the week I'll have my new ORM and be ready to see what the GLP can do.

Thanks for the support Rob.
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