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1st Blueprint Run

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:56 am
by Joekenny187
I picked up a copy of BP yesterday after being taken back by all the positive feedback surrounding this routine. I've been reading up as much as I can, trying to absorb as much information as possible to prepare for my famine this Monday, Nov 1. I'll give a little background on myself...

I'm 22 years old and currently deployed to Afghanistan. No better way to pass your time over here than by pursuing your goals. I feel like I can give BP 100% of my effort with the minimal distractions of the daily life back home. I was concerned before I joined the BP community that might I could not be able to fully commit myself due to diet and gym equipment limitations. After speaking with Rob he convinced me I most certainly can make BP work for me.

I started seriously working out in the beginning of 09. Upon returning home from Iraq in January 2010 I had to sacrifice the gym in order to take on a full semester of school on top of my full time job with the military. I have not been able to return to the gym until now where I'm ready to start fresh with a new routine and all the advice I can take.

I'm 5'10 and weigh 153lbs as of two days ago. I have some supplements coming in that should be here any day now. If I would have found out about BP earlier my order would definitely look different but unfortunately I ordered these supplements over a week ago. I have coming in;

Bioforge Pro Max
ThermoLife E-bol
ThermoLife cbol creatine
ON's Whey Protein Gold Standard

I know there are quite a few other supplements that are helpful but seeing as it takes about a week or two to get here and not to mention the extra money, I feel satisfied with these supplements for now. If anyone feels that there are other supplements that are crucial for a successful run, feel free to chime in I'm more than willing to take the advice.

I will be eagerly waiting for Monday and continue to study this program further for the time being.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:59 am
by RobRegish
Welcome Joe! And THANK YOU for your service to our country. Glad to have you aboard and here to help.

First, is it possible to take a week off instead of starting Nov 1st? If not, I can still work with that. Just wondering.

Second, the BEST advice I can give you (either course - week off or not) is to look at the BP ONE WEEK at a time. You've done some good work sharing background info including starting height/weight, training history etc.

The one measure I'd ask that you track esp. if starting 11/1 is your waking avg heart rate. Important measure insofar as going into Famine. Having said that, here is the info you want to be focusing on..

NEW BP USER STICKIES ... .php?t=478 ... .php?t=482

WARM UPS - HOW TO ... .php?t=441

FAMINE STICKIES ... .php?t=377 ... .php?t=523 ... .php?t=389

Try to stay focused on these and only these for now. They detail your training, diet and other tips you may find useful during famine.

If you have ANY questions pertaining to this, by all means post away or PM me. I do my best to be here at least twice a day, usually early morning and evening.

All the best. Stay safe and our thoughts and prayers are with you. Bin Laden is no match for BP/you... :) If a BP Believer gets to him first, I'd be most pleased.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:25 pm
by Joekenny187
Thanks for your support Rob. I mislead you with the Nov 1st date, I apologize. In reality it will be Nov 2nd for me due to the time difference. I figured since I haven't worked out what so ever in the last couple months, that my rest was adequate and just needed a couple days to soak up all this information. If you think it is essential that I take an extra 2 days to do a little more research then I will whole heartedly take that advice. If you dont think these 2 days are neccesary than I will continue to press on with Nov 2nd as my starting date.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:28 am
by RobRegish
Thanks for sharing that.

One bit of advice: If you haven't worked out in awhile Famine training is going to be like jumping into a vat of ice cold water. Would you consider taking 2-3 weeks to do some general conditioning weight training... just to get back into it?

My only concern here is that Famine workouts 2 and particularly 3 assume a pretty high level of conditioning. Your call and I'll support you either way but I like to know people are "ready" for what's coming in Famine.

It is the most difficult part of the program, but once done - the sun starts shining quite brightly :)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:25 am
by Joekenny187
Hey thanks for your concern and I definitely appreciate the advice. Just wanted to let you know though, I have been doing physical training 3x a week since my absence at the gym. I usually run 3 miles combined with sit-ups, pushups, and pull ups just to stay in standard shape for the military. Im real excited to start this program and I honestly feel as though I am ready mentally and physically for the famine phase.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:42 am
by RobRegish
OK great news!

Sounds like you're ready. Game on!!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:22 am
by Joekenny187
After 4 nights of measuring my morning heart rate I have 60bpm as my average. My main goal is to gain as much mass as I can. Today was my first famine workout...

Squats Supersetted with one arm DB rows (2 min rest)

185x6 50x6
205x6 55x6
205x6 55x6

T-Bar rows Supersetted with Lat pulldowns (2min rest)

140x6 130x6
140x6 120x6
140x6 120x6

Standing barbell curls (2min rest)


Seated incline DB curls (2min rest)


Barbell Preacher curls (2min rest)


My diet consisted of the following


Meal 1
1tbsp of olive oil
2 watermelon wedges
1 grapefruit

Snack 2
2 watermelon wedges
1/2 grapefruit

Meal 2
1tbsp of olive oil
1 plum
1 apple

Snack 3

Meal 3
Instant oatmeal
1 oz unslated almonds
1 plum

Total Cals: 1209
Protein: 21g (6.15%)
Carbs: 217g (63.54%)
Fat: 46g (30.31%)

Felt amazing to be back in the gym after such a long break. I hope my weights go up to around were they use to be soon. I finished up the day with an hour of half court basketball. Gonna try to get around 6 hours of sleep tonight. If anyone has any suggestions either for the workout, diet, or anything I can imrpove I'd gladly listen. Looking forward to workout #2

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:48 pm
by RobRegish
Great start, great record keeping!

Nice going man. Like the looks of this..

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:09 pm
by Justin
Good luck!!!! and workout hard!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:44 am
by Joekenny187
Justin wrote:Good luck!!!! and workout hard!!!
Thanks for the support, I'll definitely hit the weights as hard as I can.

I just finished my 2nd day of famine. Tody I started noticing the effects of the famine. I felt drained, unfocus, low energy. I'm glad to see things are going right. Looking forward to tomorrows workout first thing in the morning. My diet today conisted of the following...

Meal 1
Olive oil

Snack 1
2 Tangerines

Meal 2
Orange slices

Snack 2
Unsalted peanuts,almonds,raisins

Snack 3

Total Calories: 1207
Protein: 27g (8.93%)
Carbs: 199g (65.79%)
Fat: 34g (25.29%)

Going to bed now, going to try to get 6 hours of sleep again. This morning my heart rate was still 60bpm, gonna see if tomorrow is any different.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:30 pm
by RobRegish
OK great work.

Don't be concerned if you find yourself reduced to bodyweight squats etc... I was first time :)

IMPORTANT: If you feel sick, off or just "not right" - discontinue. Much better to play it safe. You can't make gains if you're sick!

Otherwise, great work. I think you're already there so take that's for what it's worth. In fact, I'd supporting giving you a pass on workout 3 if you'd down with that...

Famine hits me on day 3. EVERY time..

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:42 am
by Joekenny187
Well im glad day 3 is over just two more days till feast! There was a huge difference between yesterday and today as far as feeling it goes. This morning's workout took me by suprise! A very humbling experience...

Wide Grip Bench Supersetted with DB shoulder press
135x8 40x8

Close Grip Bench Supersetted with DB shoulder press
135x8 35x8

Incline Bench Supersetted with DB shoulder press
115x8 35x8

Close Grip Decline Bench Supersetted with DB shoulder press
95x8 30x8

Skull Crushers

Tricep Pressdowns
90x8 90x8

...This workout was pretty intense. The one min rests were really winding me lol I felt like by the time I'd put new weight on the bar my one min rest was over. I might have to ask someone come with me friday just to set the weights up as I go, I don't see how else I could do it. My RHR this morning was 64bpm, a 4 beat increase. I weighed in at 148lbs loosing 4-5 pounds already. Today my diet consisted of the following...

Meal 1
Cereal with very little skim milk
3 Thin slices of honeydew
1 orange

Snack 1
1 oz Raw almonds

Meal 2
Winter Salad
Small serving of potato salad
1 and a half tangerines

Snack 2
Unsalted peanuts, almonds, and raisins

Snack 3
2 tangerines

Total Calories 1190
Protein: 26g(8.09%)
Carbs: 201g(62.52%)

The last 3 nights I have been getting about 6 hours of sleep and playing basketball 30mins to an hour before going to bed. Hunger levels are definitely rising!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:45 pm
by RobRegish
Ok now hear me out.

If you're down another pound before workout #3 you get a waiver on that workout - you don't need to perform it :)

Always exercise caution. When in doubt, stop! Everything you're telling me is that you're ALMOST there. Maybe already.

It hits me day 3 too. HARD.

GREAT work!!

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:51 am
by Joekenny187
So work was pretty busy yesterday and I didn't get a chance to post up anything. My diet for today and yesterday has been pretty consistant with the last 3 days. I ended up doing workout #3 which was pretty hard, had to bring a 2nd persond to help me set weights up so I could knock everything out in maintain the 30 sec rest period allotted...

Squats Supersetted with one arm DB rows
135x15 35x12
135x12 35x12
135x12 35x12
135x12 35x12
135x12 30x12

T-bar rows (couldn't superset with lat pulldowns, someone was using the machine.)

Standing barbell bicep curls

Incline DB curls

Preacher curls

In the end my heart rate this morning was 69bpm (+9 from the start) and my weight was 145 (dropping 7-8ish pounds) Theres this little italian place located across the base and I'm gonna see if maybe I can go tomorrow and try to actually feast on some half decent food. I'm glad is finally time to eat and I'm looking forward to these 3 days coming up. I'm going to start bioforge/e-bol/cbol creatine tomorrow. This is how I'm planning to dose

Training day - 2 pre workout, 1 20mins before lunch, 1 20mins before dinner
Rest day - 2 upon waking, 1 20mins before lunch, 1 20mins before dinner

2 before 3 main meals of the deal 20 mins prior 2/2/2

cbol creatine
6 pre workout
6 post workout

I'm not really sure how to does the cbol creatine on rest days, I'll have to look more into it. If anyone has any suggestions on dosing differently I'd appreciate it. Can't wait to hit up the gym this tuesday!