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DaCookies Big Bulker

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:43 am
by DaCookie
Just gonna leave this log simple.Just questions and weight numbers.Im starting at 160lbs and about 8% bf.I lost my fat calipers score yoke so im just going to be judging bodyfat by mirror image/mostly abs as we progress through this.

Today is famine day 1 and I just bought a new camera so I might take before pics, I just need to learn how it works first.

Ill probably start a log on bb as soon as we hit day 9(first day of feast + weights) ill put a link here when i do

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:39 pm
by bull
da what gym do you work out in dublin??

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:45 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome stuff.

Go Cookie go!! Right here for you if you need me..

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:27 pm
by DaCookie
bull wrote:da what gym do you work out in dublin??
Home gym.Prices here are shockin.No quality golds gyms here or anything like that here man.Gonna check out that new one opening in rathmines though.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:48 am
by DaCookie
Took some before pictures on camera there yesterday.Damn look so bad on camera!When I look at myself in the mirror normally it looks much better.Maybe its cause I took it at the end of the first famine day.

Didnt workout yesterday unfortunatly but ill probably make up for it by working out every day these 4 days of famine.Probably gonna go for a jog most of the days aswell, we will see how it goes.At the moment feeling pretty crap compared to previous famines, probably because I have my sleeping habits normal now so im up at proper times and for much longer.

Green tea and smoothie are about the only things keeping me goin.There the only things that taste nice.Had a few crisps but there made of potato and i didnt go over my calorie limit so its not really a cheat food, dont have any left.The rest of the things in my house are proper cheat foods.Had about 7-10gs protein(my mother put some butter in my potatoe and didnt tell me, was only a smidgeon though)

So going pretty strong so far minus the fact that I didnt workout but ill make up for it today for sure.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:18 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome work man, keep that train chuggin...

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:09 pm
by DaCookie
So did the 2nd famine workout today even though I was meant to do it yesterday.Im thinking of doing it again if it will help.

Im allowed 1200calories and I only had that the first day.Have had all fruit and veg so far except that day where I had a few pringles but the first ingredient is potatoe so its probably the mildest cheat food I can have.Mostly carbs, some fat and very little protein in them.Every other day ive only had fruit and veg, usually 800-1000calories because everything tastes so crap.Only this smoothie I have tastes good.It has pineapple, banana, conconut, apple, orange and lemon.

Im on day 4 by the way.

Rob is green tea okay?Cause ive been drinking that on the odd day.

A. Yes that's fine.

And following this information do you think I should add in another workout?I havent done any actual cardio like a jog or anything but I have done some walking.Day 5 ill be doing some heavy cardio probably for my course work...that wont be fun.

A. No, I think where you are is where you need to be :)

I usually end early like day 5 at night i stuff myself with food.Dont think ill do that this time.Wel see how I far ive probably stuck to the diet the best out of all my blueprint runs.Usually I have like 1 cheat meal and my protein intake goes to like 20-30g that day.So far its been like 6-8g a day.

My beverly liver tabs and trinitine better arrive on monday or tues.According to bb they have been in customs since the 5th of October.Usually it only takes 2-3 working days once there in Ireland.

My weight has definitely fropped a few lbs.Ill know by a good estimate how many tomorrow.

A. Good man. Any read on your heart rate vs. when you started?

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:24 pm
by DaCookie
Yeh my heart rate has elevated.I dont know it exactly though, I dont really monitor it like I should and I prefer to look for different signs.Particularily that weird sweat smell on day 5.

Fucking trinitine and beverly liver tabs didnt arrive today!Better arrive tomorrow or I wont be starting them day 1 of feast :(

Did like 20min of heavy cardio today, also cheated a little with some simple sugars.I ate a cookie.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:39 pm
by RobRegish
Ha ha like that smell do you?

It's odd yet pleasant (to me). Nice, subjective way to measure things...

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:17 pm
by DaCookie
Nah I dont like it :p

Today I did the final workout, today was the only day I went a little over my calorie allowance, id say I had about 1400calories.This is because I had bought some sweets/chocolate to consume the next day and I had that cookie and of course I ate some of them but worked out about 10mins after.But again all these are low protein, so my protein intake for today was still under 10g.Like I said these are probably the mildest cheat food you can have and im not even sure if they are considered one.

Had painful pumps in my biceps from that workout, noticed that weird smell when I sniffed under my armpit.Tomorrow is feast so I cant wait...going to bed now.

That package better bloody arrive by the time I get home at 4pm tomorrow.Its been in customs like 5 working days now...

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:29 am
by RobRegish
Nice work making it through man :)

Hope your package comes in!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:50 pm
by DaCookie
Didnt arrive how annoying.

Im aiming 1.5g-2g protein per lb of bodyweight and about the same carbs.Im having this splitted into 7 meals a day.Eating about every 2-2h 30mins.Im taking diet very serious this time around.Trying to get 40g-50g of protein in every meal but sometimes its less.Like one of my meals today was only about 20g protein.

First meal was 2mexican chicken wraps then about an hour later I had 450ml cream + wheat germ + 1scoop trutein.

Next meal was a chicken sandwich with mayo

Next meal was beef meatballs(there wasnt many of them though...only like 20g protein) and spagetti.I also had like 700mls of smoothie.

Next meal was a ham and cheddar cheese sandwich.(This was probably over 50g)

Now im going to have some chorizo as a snack

Later on it will be roast potatoes and lamb and some veg

Probably more chorizo here as a snack.Or scoop of mass pro with full fat milk or something.

Then ill do something else for myself later, probably chicken breast or mince beef with some carb.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:28 pm
by RobRegish
Wow Cookie's serious about the grub.

Nice work Cookie! I can't WAIT to see how your little experiment turns out!

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:13 pm
by DaCookie
If anyone wants the link to my log on bb please pm me on bb or just go sponsored section.