Ryan's 1st BP RUN

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Ryan's 1st BP RUN

Post by rzaragoza »

So pretty excited to get this show on the road. Today's my first day of the famine so so far I've had some watermelon and pineapple for breakfast and just ate a half a banana with a little peanut butter on it. Will post stats and before pics later. Getting my hydrostatic bodyfat checked today at noon so I'm interested to see where my clean bulk has gotten me. Main goals for this run are to increase my bench with DBs from 100's for 6 to the 115's for 6 reps. Not really sure about my BB bench because I've never maxed it and overall prefer the DB's. Deadlifts I'd like to go from 365 for 1 to 405 for 1-3. Squats I've also never maxed but I want to go from 315 for 5 to 365 for 3-5. Goals for my body are to gain some size on my arms and shoulders. My biceps and delts are seriously lagging. I also plan on dropping some fat so I can get more of my ab definition back and get some more upper chest and shoulder veins comin out again. Overall, I'd like to put on at least 5 lbs of lean muscle mass while possibly dropping around 5ish pounds of fat so basically a recomp. Hope to be able to stay consistent with this log as I am pretty busy with college life but I'll do my best to keep things up to date. TTFN
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Post by RobRegish »


Your goals are very attainable and in fact, modest by most standards. I have every confidence you'll achieve these... perhaps more. ONE WEEK at a time. And I'm here day and night to help!

So glad you're here man, so glad you're home..
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Post by rzaragoza »

Thanks Rob!

So today's workout went great! Felt like a light load compared to the typical high volume training I'm used to and felt as if I should have done more but all in all a good workout.

Squats 275x6 3 sets
T-Bar Rows 180(4 plates)x6 2 sets 200x6 1 set
Cable rows 195x6 3 sets
Lat pulldowns 140x6 3 sets

Barbell curls 70x6
Incline DB curls 35'sx6
Preacher curls 50x6

did some hanging leg raises and rope crunches for abs at the end but that was it for the workout. Look about right?


Breakfast- two small plates of watermelon and pineapple 150-200 calories (friends tripped out i wasn't eating my typical mountain of egg whites)

Snack- half a banana with half tbsp of pb 100-150 calories

Lunch- salad of romaine spinach and brocolli with lemon juice, hot sauce, and a tad bit of hummus and 1 apple 150-250 calories

Pre workout- 1.5 bananas frozen and blended into banana ice cream with a bit of cocoa powder and peanut butter 250 calories

Post workout- .5 banana with .5 cup oats and .5 tbsp PB 250-300 calories

Dinner- same salad as lunch 150-200 calories

So adding up all the latter calories puts me at 1350 for the day so i have about 200 left for a late night snack. are fruit, like bananas, okay to eat before bed?

BTW, not excited about no workout tomorrow. been on a 7 day split for awhile now (i have really good recovery) so it just feels weird knowing i won't be lifting tomorrow.
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Post by RobRegish »

Workout looks great!

Pre-bed banana is fine. Actually more than fine since banana's are relaxing due to high potassium levels, etc..

You're off to a great start. Understand the "urge" to workout but always remember... things get intense FAST during Famine. You'll find out shortly what I'm talking about :)

And heed the advice I ALWAYS give: If you ever feel sick/off or just "not right" - STOP. Done correctly, this is a healthy exercise involving detoxification etc. But you can't make gains if you're sick.

Health first, always!
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Post by rzaragoza »

Yeah I definately understand what you're saying. I can't make gains during the later phases if I'm laid up in bed. Great advice as always!

Also, yesterday I had a lab for my Exercise Science course and they took my RMR and hydrostatic body fat. Here's what I got(though I think the body fat may have been a bit off because the skinfolds I received last week put me at under 10, but who knows. There's always some margin of error in these calculations. As long as I can see my abs I'm happy! Now back on topic...)

Height: 176 cm
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Weight: 81 kg
BMI: 26.1
RMR: 2253

For hydrostaic weight analysis
Density= 1.06779
% Fat= 13.7809

There were a bunch of other numbers I had to use to make the calculation but I don't want to fill up too much space with all the nitty gritty.

Be back later to post my diet up and hopefully have time to go for a run later on!
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work here. These #'s will serve you well at the end of BP run #1.... to illustrate just how much progress you've made. And progress made you will :)
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Post by rzaragoza »

Great cardio sesh yesterday!
20 min stair master
10 min treadmill
10 biike
Varied the speed/incline/resistance so that I was constantly breathing hard and sopping in sweat and exhausted by the end

small plate of watermelon and pineapple and 1 apple 150-200 cal
half a sandwich thin w/ 14g PB 130 cal
half banana w/30g oatmeal and 4g PB 200 cal
1 apple 40-80 cal
large plate of spinach salad w/squash, zuchini, jalapenos, salsa, and tabouleh 100-150 cal
other half of sandwich thin w/ 14 g PB 130 cal
1 banana with less than half tbsp of PB 150 cal
also had a cup of black coffee, double shot espresso before cardio, and a cup of herbal tea 0 cal

going with the latter calorie counts only put me at 1040 for the day so I'm positive I'm keepin my body deprived. Only three days left including today till the feast! Got my eye on the prize!
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Post by rzaragoza »

Had to run 1.5 miles today for my personalized exercise prescription class. Suprsingly, I tied for first with a time of 9:40 which I was pretty satified with seeing as I haven't done much endurance cardio since soccer season finished a few months back. We then had to do steady state bike test for 6 minutes. Got my VO2 max around 53.

Bout to grab an espresso and then head off to the gym for workout #2!
And once again still have about 1000 calories left for PWO! :D
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man. Sounds like its going well.. :)
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Post by rzaragoza »


Small plate of pineapple and watermelon 100-150 cals
Half a sandwich round with 7g drk choco dreams PB and 7g PB 130 cals
1 banana 120 cals
Half sandwich round (same as above) 130 cals
50g blackberries 50g blueberries 50 cals
1 apple 70 calories
Mixed greens spinach brocolli and a bite of rice and pasta from dining hall 100-200 calories
1 sandwich round with 17g drk choco PB and 17g PB 300 cals
1 cup of herbal tea and 1 cup of iced coffee 0 cal

Latter totals: 1,150

might have a banana in a little bit just because I'm kinda feeling hungry. Only 2 days left!
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, GREAT work!

Heed this warning - health first, always! If you feel sick/off or just not right during workout #3 or even going into it - discontinue. PM me if further guidance is needed but ALWAYS err on the side of caution!

Otherwise, Fanfingtastic work so far...!
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Post by rzaragoza »

yesterdays diet

coffee 0 cal
spinach salad with brocolli and tabouleh 100-150 cal
1 apple 50-100 cal
1 more apple with some salad and brocolli and sweet potato 150-250 cal
1 sandwich round with 14 g pb and 14 g drk choco dreams pb 300 cal
1 orange 50-100 cal
1 banana 100-150 cal

Latter totals: 1,050 calories

was writing a paper all day so no time for cardio
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Post by rzaragoza »

Todays diet so far

coffee 0 cal
1 apple and 1 orange 150-200 cals
Spinach salad with brocolli and tabouleh and small slice of sweet potato and a couple bites of dry cereal 150-250 cals
1 banana with a lil bit of pb 100-175 cals

gonna get that last workout in soon and so ready for the feast tomorrow!

Question though: Can I work out on the first day of the feast tomorrow given my body feels good enough to handle it?
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Post by RobRegish »

OK as always, exercise caution and STOP if you at all feel sick, off or just not right HEALTH FIRST.

Having said all of that, no - no workouts for 3 days! If you made it through workout #3 and still want to workout tomorrow... you're a machine, not a man :)
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