DRJGN's 1st Run- testing BP on an out of shape guy!

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DRJGN's 1st Run- testing BP on an out of shape guy!

Post by drjgn »

Judging by the posts I've read, I'm probably the most undertrained person here, but at least I'm trying!

Today was first day of famine. I will post nutrition info on the following day, for the prior day. I figure at some point I may need help with it, so I'm tracking it on Livestrong.com and will report on this log.

Currently 6'2", 230 pounds (used to be 265 couple months ago). Would like to change my body and end up around 200-210 (with more muscle, less fat). I hold the vast majority of my fat in the gut/ love handles, so everything looks cool til the shirt comes off... I would like to change that.
Tape measure says I'm fat-
43.5 inches around fattest part of stomach/handles
43 inches around chest at nips
14 inches around bicep

Not sure what BF% I am, but I'm pretty sure it's not good.

My workout today:

Leg Press 4-6 Reps 270 x 6
Asst Chinups 4-6 Reps 20 x 6
Rest 2 Minutes

Leg Press 4-6 Reps 270 x 6
Asst Chinups 4-6 Reps 16 x 6
Rest 2 Minutes

Leg Press 4-6 Reps 270 x 6
Asst Chinups 4-6 Reps 16 x 4
Rest 2 Minutes

Pulley Curls 4-6 Reps 70 x 8
Rest 2 Minutes

Incline Dumbell Curls 4-6 Reps 25 x 6
Rest 2 Minutes

Preacher Curls 4-6 Reps 70 x 6 cybex

I'd appreciate any input/ help I can get from you all!

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Post by RobRegish »

Welcome aboard Doug!

ALL you need to know right here:

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=730
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Post by drjgn »

Thanks Rob!

I tweaked the exercises slightly to avoid aggravating an injury, so hopefully my changes won't affect anything...

Yesterday's final diet info:

Calories- 1881
56.81% Carbs
31.36% Fat
11.83% Protein

Today's Exercise:
60 minutes on elliptical (cybex)

Should I be doing 60 minutes cardio every day, or just off days?
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Post by RobRegish »

Off days is fine. 60 min is a bit much but admirable :)

Keep up the good work man. Feast is right around the corner. Train to gainsville leaves first day of Feast...
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Post by Hank! »

Good to have you on board. I like that 60 mins of cardio on your off days but I would say mix it up if you can. I suffered from Chonic Cardio syndrome for months and regardless of what i did I plateaued in my weight loss. If you can incorporate some Sprints, walking , stair master jump rope etc you may notice better results with less time consumed.

Also one request if possible can you post
1. Resting HR
2. Macros (just how many gms of protein)
3. How you "feel" physically and menatlly


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Post by RobRegish »

Great answers Hank and I appreciate the assist.

And for sure, MIX UP your cardio. I don't recommend HIIT during famine (generally) but if you feel you can pull it off, by all means.

You may want to consider some lesser form of it, meaning walk at a brisk pace for a minute/jog for 30 seconds and repeat.

Hope that helps!
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Post by drjgn »

THanks Hank and Rob. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to help me out.

Good ideas on the cardio- I'll definitely do that.

1. Resting heart rate was 64 prior to starting famine
2. first day of famine (9/20), I had 56 grams of protein
3. I really feel pretty good. We'll see how the lifting goes today, but really feel good so far. some soreness, but not bad at all!
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Post by drjgn »

My diet yesterday (9/21):

Calories- 1637
Protein- 58 (13.62%)
Carbs- 280 (65.77%)
Fat- 39 (20.61%)
Water- 120 ounces

Multi vit/ min- 1 tablet NOW brand "Vit-Min 100"
Alkaplex- 2 capsules
Vitamin D3- 5,000 IU NOW brand
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Post by Hank! »

Doug I would say try your protein below 35gms during this stage, the lower the better really. Sadly even at 58gms youre probably are still getting more than most Americans consume in their daily diets.

It really helped me to post each meal what I had up here (especially on my 1st run), plus it kind of challenged me to really lower my protein.

What website do you track your macros on?
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Post by drjgn »

Hank! wrote:Doug I would say try your protein below 35gms during this stage, the lower the better really. Sadly even at 58gms youre probably are still getting more than most Americans consume in their daily diets.

It really helped me to post each meal what I had up here (especially on my 1st run), plus it kind of challenged me to really lower my protein.

What website do you track your macros on?
WOW! that's low. I'll try to do it (although looking at today I'm already at 43grams).

I'm using the Livestrong.com website

Thanks again Hank!
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Post by drjgn »

Just finished workout #2. I have to say that my weights are embarrassingly LOW, but it does feel good to be lifting again! Hopefully people reading this can understand we are at different levels, and not laugh too loud at the weights I'm using (at least don't tell me your laughing).

Workout #2 of Famine:

Wide Grip Bench Press 8-10 Reps 165 x 10 smith
Military Press 8-10 Reps 75 x 10 cybex
Rest 1 minute

Incline Bench 8-10 Reps 125 x 10 smith
Military Press 8-10 Reps 70 x 10
Rest 1 minute

Decline BP 8-10 145 x 8 smith
Military Press 8-10 Reps 70 x 8
Rest 1 minute

Decline Close Grip BP 8-10 Reps 95 x 15 smith
Military Press 8-10 Reps 55 x 8
Rest 1 minute

Skull Crushers 8-10 Reps 52 x 10
Rest 1 minute

Cable Tricep pressdowns 8-10 Reps 80 x 10
Rest 1 minute

Cable Tricep pressdowns 8-10 Reps 80 x 8

DB Side Bends 25 x 30/side
DB Side Bends 30 x 30/side

Cardio- Easy (3.2mph @ 2% incline) 25 minutes
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Post by RobRegish »

Ok now Famine hits hard on day 3 and your #'s are reflecting exactly what we're trying to accomplish. I know that sounds weird but it's part of the plan.

If you haven't already, you'll be cursing my name shortly. Take heed of the following from the author:

If you at all feel sick, off or just not right at any time - discontinue. Many find they're reduced to bodyweight squats during workout three to make it through. Some wake up that last day, don't feel right and just finish Famine out sans the 3rd session.

And if that's you, it's the RIGHT move to make. If you wake up on day 5 with a RHR at or close to 8 beats per minute above 64, have lost about 5lbs and looking at that working thinking it'll kill me.... skip it.

You're there. Otherwise, if you're up for it give it a go. Plenty of guys do and while difficult, there's a tremendous feeling of accomplishment that accompanies it.
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Post by JlCh »

No one is laughing man. I find it more respectful if people can drop the ego and lift properly. You'll see better gains in the end going that route from my perspective. Keep up the hard work, that 3rd workout is a b****. I ended up dropping the last set on the 3rd workout, as I felt very light headed and couldn't regain composure even after 5-10 minute rest. Happens to the best of us, so do heed Rob's words :p.
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Post by drjgn »

RobRegish wrote:Ok now Famine hits hard on day 3 and your #'s are reflecting exactly what we're trying to accomplish. I know that sounds weird but it's part of the plan.
The truth is, the low weights are probably not from day 3 of famine. They're probably low because I'm weak from not lifting for a long time. Just letting you know, so you don't expect me to be benching huge weights when I hit feast!
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