JlCh Log - 1st Run, better late than never!

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JlCh Log - 1st Run, better late than never!

Post by JlCh »

Well, I was going to keep quiet and only ask Rob questions via PM to test the waters with the program, but I'm already seeing increases in lifts and figured I might as well start a log so Rob isn't constantly flooded with all my questions :p. Also, I'm not running any adaptogens or anything, so may be a some-what unique log.

Height: 5'10
Weight: 187-189 (I bounce around, kind of hard to give a solid number)
Age: 21
BF: 14% is my guess

CL Purple Wraath
CL Green Mangitude
USPLaps Jack3d (until it runs out)
ON 100% Whey

Now, I've been through Famine and today was the #3 workout for Feast, which I'll be starting the log with. I maxed out on Bench/Squat on the 29th, so those numbers are:

Bench press: 245 lbs
Squat : 275 lbs

Injury wise, I've had problems with shoulders, elbows, wrists, and lower back. The warm ups that Rob has suggested has worked wonders but I'm still icing everything 1-2 times daily to try and keep inflammation down (not lower back). Due to the shoulder problem(s), I have never really lifted much on BP and usually stuck with dumbells for chest workouts. Anyway, time for today's workout. Will include it in a post of itself to keep information overload minimal, just tried getting everything out in the open. Anyway, lets get this going.

August 29th:
Sept 18th:
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Post by JlCh »

Bench press - 235x3 (help on 3rd rep)
Dumbell pull over 65x6 (Don't feel too comfortable going really heavy with it yet)

Bench press static hold - 245x10 seconds
Bench press SH - 255 x 10-15 seconds (spotter counted 15, I counted 10 but was going slow)

EDT Block:

Incline Dumbell press - 60x6 (too light)
Incline Dumbell press - 65x6 (too light)
Incline Dumbell press - 70x6 (too light)
Incline Dumbell press - 75x6x5 (PR) <-- made me think about if I had started with the weight

I super setted the above with Standing dumbell rows:

Squats - 275x2 (PR, was my 1 rep max)
Romanian DL - 185x6

Squat SH on Smith Machine:
315x10 seconds
315x10 seconds

EDT Block:

Leg press -

Super setted with overhand pull ups:
6 reps
6 reps
5 reps
5 reps
4 reps

I finished the workout with Deadlifts: 205x6x8x8

Reason for low deads are my lower back. Have had issues with it since high school. I have done deads before, but I think my form must've been off as every time I did them my lower back would hurt for days (injured hurt, not sore). I finally manned up a few weeks prior to BP and started doing 135 3x10 with really good form to try and strengthen it up and seems to be doing good.

Reason for RDL's instead of SLDL: I thought RDL's were regular deadlifts and SLDL were RDL's lol -- I feel kind of stupid there :p.

Edit: Still testing the waters with everything. Seems I have been underestimating myself a lot, so hopefully I can get a good grasp of numbers soon.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great start! Good to hear strength is already increasing. Do look into Super Cissus Rx or like product for those injuries. It's done wonders for me/others...
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Post by JlCh »

Uh, what all can I do for stretch marks? Not sure how long they've been there (think they're new), but they're coming up above the lat/next to my armpit on both sides.

Edit: I did take Blue Gene by Controlled Labs and it didn't help a whole lot. Not sure how it compares to what you suggested.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good god man wear them proud! You've earned them!!!
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Post by JlCh »

Well, I guess I just bust out the cocoa butter and hope for the best then lol. Everyone keep saying I'll have to slow down/take time off, but I like the feeling too much to stop now. Plus, not going to let that famine week go to waste -- especially until I try out the first 1 rm (Thurs).

Would it be wise to do fasted cardio in the morning on off days? Or will it harm strength/size gains? I do need to start running again, as I haven't since I was doing my cut (May). I finally got my punching bag set up as well, so I may just got out there in the morning and beat the hell out of it for 20 min or so.
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Post by RobRegish »

That's fine and a great way to do cardio. I wouldn't do it during Famine, but any other time is great.
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Post by JlCh »

Didn't feel too hot today. Once I started my warm up for bench, I got a pain in my elbow on the down rep, which ended up leading to a dull ache for nearly my whole work out (pain resided by the end of). I think the 2 off days will do me good. Will test the waters on Thurs and if I'm not feeling 100% I won't be trying my 1 rep max on bench. Anyway, due to that I didn't have the normal drive I usually do, but I still pounded out a good lower body workout.

Feast Workout 4:

Bench press - 215x6 (Really wanted to try more, just didn't want to push things too far)
Dumbell Pullover - 70x8

Incline DB press: 75x6x6x6x5x5x4 (32)
Bent-over BB Rows: 135x6x7x6x6x6x5 (36)

Squat: 225x8
SLDL: 205x8

Leg Press: 405x6x6x6x5x5 (28)
Deadlifts: 225x6x6x6x5x4 (27)

Was a great workout and super eager to test 1 rep max this Thurs.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man. Play defense if you have to but go on offense HARD where it isn't hurting.

Anything I can do to help, let me know. I have a feeling you're going to appreciate extra rest days and what they can do for you :)
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Post by JlCh »

Yea, I think I'll be fine by Thurs -- just keeping a skeptical mind about it. I haven't taken a 2 day break since starting Feast, so I think the heavy lifting just caught up with me, as I've taken leaps in weight moved. The dull ache is no longer there, but there's still a bit of pain, if you can call it that, when I flex my elbow (kind of like a bicep flex). Another reason I may not have been on top of my game today is due to lack of carbs. I usually have 3 meals before lifting and I basically had 1 1/2 as I was late for class and didn't eat as much as normal.
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Post by JlCh »

Will be hitting the gym in about 15 min for my new 1 rmes. Not feeling a full 100%, but we'll see how things are once I've warmed up.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great updates keep them coming. The extra rest day is no doubt needed now, especially as you get them stronger.

Glad the warmup tips helped :)
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Post by JlCh »

Well, I have good news ladies and gents, but before I get to that I have a few bad news :(.

On bench my elbow is still iffy. The good news, I found out what's tweaking it. When I'm unracking the weight, it puts a lot of stress on my elbow and is making it feel weird. Between that and the negative rep, it's making it hurt. The other bad news is, I ran out of time to fully max on squat, lol. I had 75 minutes to get dressed/warm up and spent a lot of it on bench since my elbow wasn't feeling great. Anyway, for the maxes:

Sept 29th:
Bench - 245 lbs
Squat - 275-80 (Was scared to try 280 without a spotter)

August 16th:
Bench - 260 (+15)
Squat - 305 (+30) <-- Think I could do more

On my squat I kind of lost my balance and tipped forward a bit. Not sure if it was because I was in a hurry (late for class) or because I've never moved that much weight before. I'm also not sure if I quite went down to parallel, but the balance lost kind of freaked me out. Either way, here is a sideways video (if someone knows how to turn it, I'd greatly appreciate it) of the 305:

Edit: After I recovered, I really plowed through the weight and the weights actually came up off my shoulders. You can kind of see it on the vid.
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Post by JlCh »

I've reread what to do on the GLP and would like to work out at least 3 times a week tbh. Could I flirt with doing 3 a week and see how my body reacts? I started up going to the gym as a way to pass time. A lot of my buddies moved out of town for work/college while I stayed to take care of my mom. I was thinking something like:

Week 1:

Mon - GLP BP 1
Tues - off
Wed - GLP Sq 1
Thurs - off
Fri - GLP BP 2
Sat/Sun - off

Week 2:

Mon - GLP Sq 2
Tues - off
Wed - GLP BP 3
Thurs - off
Fri - GLP Sq 3
Sat/Sun - off

Would alternate hitting the same groups twice a week. I feel I could do it and actually reap the benefits, as I have no other hard labor work (for the most part) during the day. I would stop doing 3 a week if I feel I could do better with 2 a week, but up for suggestions.

Edit: Figured I might as well post this. I put in my squat max at 310, which could be more, not sure. Rounded the numbers up/down depending.

Bench Press GLP:
130x10, 140x8, 160x8, 175x8, 190x8, 205x8

130x10, 160x8, 175x6, 190x6, 205x6, 220x6

130x10, 175x8, 190x6, 205x4, 220x4, 235x4

130x10, 190x8, 205x6, 220x4, 235x2, 252x1

130x10, 200x8, 215x6, 230x4, 245x2

130x10, 165x5, 198x3, 221x1, 247x1, 273x1

Squat GLP:
155x10, 170x8, 190x8, 205x8, 225x8, 242x8

155x10, 190x8, 205x6, 225x6, 240x6, 265x6

155x10, 205x8, 225x6, 245x4, 265c4, 280x4

155x10, 225x8, 245x6, 265x4, 280x2, 300x2

155x10, 235x8, 255x6, 275x4, 290x2

255x10, 200x5, 235x3, 265x1, 295x1, 325x1


Mid as well ask another question. I would like to add more to the work out on bench days. Would like to SS dumbell pullovers after GLP BP as well as have 2 EDT sets. It may be too much, but figured it would be worth asking. Something like:

GLP BP followed by:
dumbell pullover

EDT 1:
pull ups

EDT 2:
incline DB press
bent over rows

Decline Bench Press Static hold
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