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Little confusion - famine workouts

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:27 pm
by ericpad
Hey All,

I have began the BP program today and I'm excited to see what results I'll get after giving it my all over the next several weeks.

I did the Monday workout today as follows:
Squat / Seated Cable Row super sets
followed by
One arm DB row / Chinup super sets
followed by
Standing curl
followed by
Incline curl
followed by
Preacher curl

as described in BP 2.0. Was that correct?

I'm confused on the wednesday workout though.

Am I supposed to do each of wide grip, incline, and decline super setted with shoulder press?
wide grip / shoulder press super set
followed by
Incline / shoulder press super set
followed by
decline / shoulder press
followed by 1 set of each
decline close grip
skull crush
lying tricep ext
cable pressdown

I apologize if this has been asked and answered elsewhere in this forum. I did search and read a few pages of posts before posting myself.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:06 pm
by awisler
I dont believe so, or at least I didn't. I just picked regular bench press and supersetted it with DB shoulder press, for 3 sets. However, I could have done it wrong, and I dont think that it would necessarily be wrong to do it either of the two ways. Just keep in mind that with only a small rest period, it could be tough to switch around from wide grip to incline to decline etc.

Again, I am not 100% sure on this, but I dont think either one is necessarily wrong. Someone else who knows more will clarify this soon Im sure

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:12 pm
by ericpad
Found the answer . . .DOH! a little more research would have been good . . .

For anyone else intersted: ... .php?t=377