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ebol + tbol trib stack and libidio

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:58 am
by scump
yeah guys name says all, how does your libido fare whilst on this stack?

normally my libidio is through the roof, literally stupidly high, but on this stack ive noticed is maybe 1/7th of its normal?

is this normal? anyone else experience this?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:53 am
by RobRegish
Depends upon your age.

If younger than 21, I see little need for a test booster. Most report the opposite, so something may be going on unique to you that's causing it. I'd dis-continue the tbol trib for now just to see if in fact it's causing it.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:22 am
by scump
hey man sorry about that, im 23 years old.

only thing is, the strength gains are brilliant and im liking the results so far, so im willing to sacrifice some libido for another few weeks for that :D.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:27 am
by RobRegish
Fine by me.. glad your strength gains are brilliant!

I have a favor to ask, I'll PM you..

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:50 am
by kboy69
It killed mine too.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:02 pm
by DaCookie
RobRegish wrote:Depends upon your age.

If younger than 21, I see little need for a test booster. Most report the opposite, so something may be going on unique to you that's causing it. I'd dis-continue the tbol trib trib for now just to see if in fact it's causing it.
Doesnt work like this for me at all...i love decent t boosters.There practically what I look at in my free time, finding the best ones with best bloodwork and checking peoples logs.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:00 pm
by scump
i also like the idea of natural boosters, as i dont believe my test would be anywhere past 500 odd.

cookie what do you think of Triazole? i know its anti-E but shown some promising test boosting properties!

lol they say it works synergisticly with AEX but i dont think they know the meaning of synergism as its alot more difficult than that to come by in nature...

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:35 pm
by DaCookie
scump wrote:i also like the idea of natural boosters, as i dont believe my test would be anywhere past 500 odd.

cookie what do you think of Triazole? i know its anti-E but shown some promising test boosting properties!

lol they say it works synergisticly with AEX but i dont think they know the meaning of synergism as its alot more difficult than that to come by in nature...
Yeh man triazole looks beast, that bloodwork dont lie but fuck AEX man lol

That shit is garbage.Prop blend based on the old divanil which was proved to be not nearly as effective as claimed dont buy that shit.Probably most over hyped test booster at the moment.Synergy is a load of bollox, they just say that so you buy as much of their products as possible.Yeh there is synergy id say but its real over exaggerated.

Personally soon after this blueprint cycle im gonna take a break off of test boosters(time on=time off??) then go for a triazole + bioforge pro max + adatogen n stack on another blueprint run, maybe testforce aswell and im gonna get some bloods done before and after and see if it was worth it.Cause thats a pretty overkill stack.Usin testforce at the moment and its pretty beast, bloods are good but not as good as pro max and triazole.

tbol trib is good but i dont think it comes close in bloods to these other test boosters.It has the new, proper divanil in it.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:11 pm
by scump
hey guys, since i have stopped tbol trib and commenced Activate Xtreme, my libido seems to be coming back up to normal?

its really weird that tbol trib lowered my libido (seems to have anyway) being a test booster, mind you since i finished it ive had some shtty days in the gym, lets hope thats just a coincidence!

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:57 pm
by askmass
We really try to stay out of the business of knocking other products that compete with ours, unless they are just outright junk and we are asked directly.

That said, to me there is something very wrong with a supposed test boosting supplement that kills libido, period, end of discussion.

We have tons of men who are not athletes like us and buy Adaptogen N for the libido boosting effects alone, and those effects are significant, make no mistake.

I'm sorry, but there is something very wrong at the core of a formulation that claims to be a natural test enhancer that blunts libido.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:32 pm
by RobRegish
This is true guys. ATD gives absurd test readings.

Too bad it CRUSHES libido. If you're just looking for that, get married.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:14 am
by seasoned
You NEVER know. Some test boosters boost LH which could conceivably do other stuff. and boosting testosterone could boost DHT and estrogen. Most men want to reduce DHT and estrogen. That is one reason why estrogen blockers "boost testosterone". There are two types. One simply mitigates reception of estrogen, but one cuts the enzyme that changes testosterone to estrogen.

BTW estrogen IS needed for some things while you are growing, which is one reason why you should stay of test boosters and estrogen blockers when you are young. BTW DHT has ITS use while you are younger also.

Pregnant mothers exposed to DHT blockers stand a HIGH chance of having deformed kids if they are male. In fact, if they have constant exposure throughout the early stages, the male child will appear FEMALE. THAT is the "birth defect" that propecia speaks about!

Anyway, estrogen can work against testosterone.

Don't you just LOVE drug warnings? It used to simply say birth defects, but HERE is propecia's warning NOW:

Women who are or may potentially be pregnant must not use PROPECIA and should not handle crushed or broken PROPECIA tablets because the active ingredient may cause abnormalities of a male baby’s sex organs. If a woman who is pregnant comes into contact with the active ingredient in PROPECIA, a doctor should be consulted.
PROPECIA tablets are coated and will prevent contact with the active ingredient during normal handling, provided that the tablets are not broken or crushed.


Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:28 pm
by askmass
My whole point is that from a holistic formulating standpoint, there is an inherent fault in a "test boosting" blend that somehow also lessens libido.

That's not a natural, "do no harm" type of result/product to research, produce and promote to our way of thinking.

We'd have gone back to the drawing board with that kind of neg. side effect result.

Interesting that you mentioned LH, Seasoned.

Adaptogen N very specifically targets optimizing LH, among a good half dozen other targets... but, the real key is in making everything work in harmony. In concert, in a balanced and very positive "multiple team players" kind of way.

I don't think anyone left in sports nutrition does the amount of research, testing, trials and forethought that we do before releasing a product.

Very few ever did.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:26 pm
by RobRegish
Seasoned, that was one of the finest posts I've seen on this board.

Thank you!

BTW, the propecia certain "side effect" they're talking about is micro-penis in males. You see, DHT is needed to grow that particular member while in the womb.

It's for this reason that they say "pregnant mothers shouldn't be exposed/handle the tablets"

I guess "micro-penis" might scare a few off though, huh? Bastards.