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scumps BP run (finally!)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:38 pm
by scump
Hey guys finally turning this into a log... 1st post will just be some history/info on me, 2nd post will be famine and 3rd will be where im up to now in feast.

so im a 23 yo from australia, been lifting on/off for about 6 years (not srs stuff) then about 6 months of strength training followed by 2 months of serious focused strength training.

this was followed by about a month off period prior to running the BP.

prior to a week of snowboarding i was 92kg 202lbs.

old pbs look abit like this:

bench : 177lbs (poor form)
squat: 233 lbs
deadlift: 266 lbs (bad form) 244lbs (good form)

These all all my PR's after feast:
bench: 189lbs (12lb gain) x3 (also done 194.5x1)
squat: 275lbs (42lb gain)!!!! x3
SLDL: never really done prior but pb = 244x5

note: all of these pbs are not 1rm max, they are all for reps, minimum of 5 max of 8. ive never attempted a 1rm max since i work out alone at home.

supps ill be taking during fest (and a couple through cruise):
tbol trib
Green Mag
Purple Wrath
Adam multi + orange oximega fishoil supp
and of course protein (also trying dextrose in pwo shake)

oh yeah goals = grain size+strength... maybe lose some BF while im at it

(oh yeah if your wondering why some of my lifts look low or increase fast, i havnt done alot of the lifts in a long time, so im still finding my feet with them)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:47 pm
by dropthebeats
Sweet! I've been waiting for this. Good luck! Have fun with Famine. Lately I have started to crave it. Haha.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:53 pm
by scump
famine phase

my famine phase was extended a little as i missed a lifting day (was preoccupied) so i extended it another day to get in all 3 workouts.

workout 1:
rows=20kgx6 (per arm)
rows= 20kgx6

bb curl= 71lbx6
incline db curl = 10kg x6 (per arm)
db prone incline curl= 10kg x6 (per arm) [note: you feel wayyy better isolation if you use a BB for this exercise]

Workout 2:

Wide grip Bench:

DB press= 10kgx10

close grip bench:

DB press = 10kgx10

decline bench:

DB press = 10kgx10

decline close grip bench:

DB press= 10kgx10 (per arm)

skull crushers:
45lb x10

tricep extensions:
20kg x10

Workout 3: Final workout, note i did start feeling nauseated and dry reached a few times during this lol.


Rows=20kg x12
squat= 177x12
Rows= 20x 12
squat= 155x12
rows= 20x12
squat= 155x12
rows= 20x12

BB curl = 55lbx15
incline curl=10kg x 7
db prone incline curl= 7.5kg x12
db hammer curls = 7.5kg x12
conc curls= 7.5kg x 12

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:55 pm
by scump
haha thanks drop, yeah man i actually enjoyed famine a little, weirdly enough i think i still gained some muscle on it...

either that or due to the drop in BF it just looked like i did lol.

cals were low the entire famine phase, only a couple of points did i get naughty, had a big night on the booze during aswell lol.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:05 am
by RobRegish
Great work making it through!

Get some grub on and get ready for the BIG payoff...

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:05 am
by scump
hey guys will add up my first 4 feast workouts later this week.

had workout 4 today.... OMG i felt so beast through the entire thing... i waited a extra day cos i had a big night out couple of nights ago.

in workout 3 i started using a low bar squat grip, busted out some reps that were hella easy.

today was the deload day, i squatted bare foot and used the low bar squat form... my god it was like i was cheating, perfect form ATG and it was EASY... i write short hand next to some of my exercise and the not next to squat was (easy) and the comment next to SLDL was (fuk yea) barefoot helped shtloads!!!

also tried something different rob, would like your opinion on this, one of my mates said every now and then he will do a deload on bench press and do it with his feet off the ground ( i know right) but he said it allows him to focus on technique without worrying about assistance from pushing with his legs etc.

so i gave it a go on my warm up sets, felt a nice solid isolation!

lol sorry for using this like a diary entry, but felt great and loving this feast phase!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:15 am
by RobRegish
Great work and glad you're doing well...

I'm not a fan of feet up like that but if it's working for you.... go for it.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:10 am
by scump
not sure how many people are reading my logs, but thanks everyone... and a special thanks to you Rob! and im about to say why!

today was my fifth feast workout and i busted a massive PB!!

on squats today i done 265lbs! x4!!! (im shooting for a 3rep max) felt so good!

previous PB on squats was 233x5, and that was at the peak of my strength training! so im ecstatic about this!

did end up cutting the workout short due to hurting the muscle above my left shoulder blade (benching somehow?)

will update my log shortly! cant wait to start the GLP.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:12 am
by cappla011
Congrats on the PR dude! thats a big jump from 233 lbs to 265 lbs in just the 5th feast workout!

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:47 am
by scump
thanks man, that 233 was a while ago too, when i was on starting strength... so was mad pumped about the 265!

admittedly this 265 was with bare feet/low bar squat which helped alot.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:42 pm
by awisler
Nice work. I am just a few workouts behind in feast phase and hoping to see similar results. Good luck I will keep an eye on this one.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:36 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, new PRs this early (and big ones at that)! Does my heart good.

GREAT work!

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:46 am
by scump
thanks for the replies guys!

and Rob my man! when i done the pre-deload day, i done 5x221 ( i think) and found it mega easy.

so when i loaded up the bar this time i just said ah well fk it whats the worse that can happen? ive got my safety rails up anyway.

i was amazed at how easy i could drive that weight up! then astonished when i busted out 4 reps instead of 3! :D

i did end up however leaving out the EDT block on legs, which makes me sad because i like doing my RDL's now... but i was just run through after the 3rm max on bench+squat...

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:02 am
by RobRegish
So happy for you scump. Please tell the world :)