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Awisler's First BP Run

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:17 pm
by awisler
I figure that typing this out will not only help me make sense of this a bit easier but also allow for some feedback. That said I am hoping to do a daily update, although I might get one up every other day.

Currently I am preparing for it, starting next Monday. I am taking the week off aside from a few cardio sessions, I realized I definitely need a week off of lifting. Right now I am just reading the book over and over but mainly preparing for the famine phase.

Until then I may end up posting a few questions in here.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:05 pm
by RobRegish
Post away!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:09 pm
by awisler
RHR appears to range from 66-72. This is after sitting down watching some TV for a while, I only remembered to get one true WHR so far and it was 60. Is it OK to go by RHR(Taken after an hour of laying down watching TV or something) or should I get more WHR recordings

Also, about to order my BP stack:
3 Bottles Kre-Anabolyn
4 Bottles Gamma GH
1 MASS PRO Whey - Going to trial run the first tub and most likely order more
Plus my multivitamin and fish oil

A couple of questions:

Sleep in the famine stage - Should I try not to sleep much? It said if you want to stay out late etc now is the time, I am assuming that I will be tired/fatigued and tempted to nap. Should I avoid this and go with just 8 hours/night?

I am also still sort of confused with the PR zone concept if anyone could care to explain it?

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:16 pm
by awisler
Actually decided to give the Adaptogen N/Kre-Anabolyn duo a try. Order confirmed, ended up as:

1 Adaptogen-N
3 Kre-Anabolyn
4 Gamma GH

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:51 pm
by RobRegish
Great choices there, I'm sure you'll be pleased..

On the Famine, don't purposely limit sleep but if you have a few nights too little it won't hurt you here. That's all I was trying to say in The BP.

With respect to EDT blocks, check this out: ... .php?t=437

Please let me know if that helps!!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:02 pm
by awisler
Thanks, helped to clear things up. Been preparing for the famine, 1.5 days until I start. I just got notification that my supplements shipped, should be here in time for feast when I need them.

For some background on me to make this journal more than just a list of numbers, I am 18 years old, 5'10", ~223lbs. I just graduated high school a few months ago, I played football in high school and I am heading to Ohio State in a month to study business, not sure which area of it yet but I am looking into logistics or operations & management. I would like to lose some fat(I believe I am in the low 20s in BF%, not sure though) and still pack on some muscle. I have heard good things about being able to recomp with this program and it looks pretty solid. Even if I gain a small amount of fat(Going to do caloric zigzag in feast to try and avoid this) the amount of muscle I gain should ultimately lower my BF% in the end.

I have my famine workouts written down, and I am planning to eat 1500-1600 cals/day during this phase.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:31 pm
by RobRegish
Great work/preparation!

I assure you it will pay off...

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:10 am
by awisler
Day one, will post an update later after the lifting cardio. Weighed in at 223.5 this morning, and unfortunately still 5' 10" haha. I think I am a bit bloated up from carbs, Friday-Sunday I ate at maintenance but it was all crappy food since I knew it wouldn't be eating it again for a while. My WHR has been 54-60, RHR 60-66. Which one should I be looking to go up by 8BPM? Both?

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:35 pm
by awisler
Just got back from the gym. Felt great, was going insane after that week off but it helped a lot. Before the rest week I was nearly puking/falling asleep during lifting but was in denial that I was overtraining, pretty sure I was though.

Famine Day 1 Workout

Warmup Squats - 135x5, 185x3, 225x4

Squat 245x6 / DB Row 95x6

Squat 255x6 / DB Row 95x6

Squat 255x5 / DB Row 85x6 (Adjusted DB weight for this set to maintain form, otherwise it would have been all arms)

Seated Cable Rows 170x6 / Lat Pulldown 230x6

Seated Cable Rows 150x6 / Lat Pulldown 230x4

Seated Cable Rows 140x6 / Lat Pulldown 210x4 (Was dying on this last set, I lowered Cable Row weight a little to maintain form)

Standing Straight Bar Curl 80x6 (Tried doing 100, got 3 reps, did not realize how fried the biceps were)

Preacher Curls 80x6 (I am assuming bar to be 10lbs)

Hammer DB Curl 30x10 (Was too light, did the set anyway) then 40x6

At 195 calories so far today, heading out to the metro-park for my 1 hour of cardio. I got my supplements today, I know to avoid the adaptogens/protein during famine, does the same go for the Gamma GH? Is that just for feast/cruise?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:35 am
by awisler
Day one went fine, finished in at about 1450 calories, that hour of cardio was brutal it was 95 degrees outside.

Very sore today from the squats/running, the week off probably didnt help. I am dealing with the hunger part just fine, but I have some intense cravings for protein foods like salmon/burger/chicken.

I know I need minimal protein, is it OK to eat natural PB? Just a tbsp on a sandwich or something, that would end up being 12g protein all together.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:50 pm
by RobRegish
That's fine. And nice job making it through day 1!

You are beginning a wonderful journey and we're all here to help you along... :)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:56 pm
by awisler
Day two was OK, I actually dislike the rest days more than the workout ones because I find myself thinking about food more often since I am not as occupied. I finished in around 1600 cals.

Day Three workout was tough, the 1 min rest was killing me coupled with the low calories. My bench was just instantly fatigued out, had to drop significant weight. Shoulder press weight stayed the same and wasn't TOO bad I only got 7 reps on the last set though.

Famine Day 3 Workout

Warmup Bench 135x4, 185x4, 225x1

Bench 225x8 / DB Shoulder Press 50x8

Bench 205x6 / DB Shoulder Press 50x8

Bench 185x8 / DB Shoulder Press 50x7

Close Grip Bench 135x10 / Skullcrushers 70x6

Close Grip Bench 135x8 / Skullcrushers 60x6

Close Grip Bench 135x8 / Skullcrushers 50x8

I was disappointed I didn't hit the 8 rep minimum on a lot of the workouts, and I had to significantly lower my close grip bench from its usual. The 1 minute rest was definitely killing me, I think only a small part of the fatigue is calorie restriction.

Afterwards I relaxed a couple hours and then did 1 hour of jogging out on the metro-park trails.

Start of the famine I was 223.5lbs, after cardio I weighed in at 215.5lbs.

The hunger really isn't as bad as I thought it would be, perhaps because I know it will end after Friday. I am dreading Friday's workout now though after seeing what 1 minute rest did to me I do not want to see what happens with the 30 second rest. Oh well, aint nothin to it but to do it I guess.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:35 am
by dracotdrgn
If you felt the strength go down today you will really feel it on Friday. Just part of the fun. Know what you're sayin about staying occupied. Keep it up buddy your priming for greatness...

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:23 am
by RobRegish
Totally natural part of the plan as Draco mentioned. Still, your work here is outstanding and I commend you for it.

"RHR 60-66. Which one should I be looking to go up by 8BPM"

You want to watch your avg waking heart rate during famine (at rest) and in MOST, it increases. Don't be alarmed if it doesn't. It's just one indicator.

Lastly, do take care to observe extreme caution during workout 3. If you at all feel sick, nauseous, "off" or just not right discontinue.

Health first, always.