Vetrans 4th run

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Vetrans 4th run

Post by dracotdrgn »

Hello brothers friends and newcomers.
I once asked readers at BB if they had ever come across a program that will forever change the way they work out. There was no reply.... All the "work outs of the month" (that I do read and incoorperate by the way) are just a means to keep things fresh, pinpoint specific muscles, and sell magazines but they do not compare to the BluePrint.
This is my fourth run in the last year. I tinker and change things up a lot but that's another great thing about this program, it's flexible.
Every run has brought me a new PR in at least one way shape or form.
Weight has ballparked from 215 -235 with varying bf%. 13-10.6-9.2. 9.2% being at the end of a cut and the end of this famine.
Bench has moved around from 355 to my best press of 370 and best est. of 380 to trying to use 315 for my 5X5.
Squats started in the low 4's to an easy 465 and a failed 485. Putting 1220 on the sled with feet high for 5's SS with hack squat. And doing 5X5's with 405.
Rack pulls shooting from 675 to 855.
I love this program and hope to post some useful info on this fourth run. I am a user but am here to help you guys out in anyway I can. I invite questions comments and tips.
I use MASS supplements mostly, am 35 years young, and love what I do.
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Post by RobRegish »


Can't wait for your next run Draco. Here to help and guys.... (especially you newer guys), you can learn a LOT from Draco and his past postings/logs here - going back to his first BP run. In fact, he helped me refine 2.0 when he ran into trouble gaining traction during Feast.

He didn't give up and we didn't either. We both took it as a learning experience and both Draco and the BP emerged bigger and better!

And no, he's not making these #'s up (past logs and this one that's sure to follow). Some wild stuff...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Age 16~155 lbs
Age 18~170 lbs Could only bench around 200
Age 22~ Worked my ass off and ate 5000 cal/day to get to 200 lbs. Workouts and supplements from John @ MASS. (Yes John was my first coach) Barely able to press 315, started working out legs for the first time pushing 600-700 lbs on sled. Only started this because I fully ruptured my achillies playing basketball. Running was a big part of my workouts prior to and slowly after.
Age 24~Life changes got me down and out of the gym. Poor eating, drinking, smoking....that's all I have to say about that.
Quit smoking about age 28
Age 31 deconditioned, overweight, unhealthy- started running.
Age 32 Bench 275 Sled 500 + - Running 5 miles under 45m weight 205lbs
Age 33Weight 215/ bench 305/ sled 770 4X5/ 5 mile 42 min/ ran first race (sick) 12k just over an hour
35 now and, well you know where I am now. No more 5-7 mile runs but 2's will do to keep my weight up.
You are never too young, never too old, never too skinny/fat, never too weak, and bad habits can be broken with full force. Make goals & keep to your dreams, failure and quitting are not options. Ever!
Keep friends with similar goals and dump the friends that lead you astray. Always keep the fam close.
That's all.
If Hank's grandpa, and Duff's great grandpa, I just want to be the big brother.
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Post by Hank! »

dracotdrgn wrote: BOTTOM LINE
You are never too young, never too old, never too skinny/fat, never too weak, and bad habits can be broken with full force. Make goals & keep to your dreams, failure and quitting are not options. Ever!
Keep friends with similar goals and dump the friends that lead you astray. Always keep the fam close.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Week One Plan

Monday All with two sets of w-u
Bench SS Pullover X 10
Belt Squat SS SLDL X 10
Bi-Tri EDT set 10 min~ Little or no rest from curl to sk crusher 3reps/per

Run 1-2 miles Heavy Ab, oblique, core
(Had to teach core class after this too)
Wed (abs are sore)
Monday's workout rep range to 7
EDT same (tri's sore, slightly lower weight on sk crushers)

Run 1-2 miles light core

Same as Monday & Wed shooting for 3-4 rep range keep EDT same

Strength and weight coming back slowly. Squats felt better than bench. Will feel out how tomorrow goes, I want to skip right into program next week.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Hey Rob do you remember that goecities sight before it was closed down? It had that bench program that had you doing negatives every other workout witn 100% 105% etc etc. Did you ever run that program?

A. Not sure if you're referring to the Shawn Phillips Powerbuilding Bench program? If so, yes I've run it in the past. Good results too but damned if you can't use that one soooo infrequently. Too many workouts in the 90th percentile if you look at the chart.

With the new KA formula I moved to two a day for the first two weeks then three on 3,4,5, then back to two on six off for cruise. Do you see anything wrong with that? seemed to work fine but I wasn't maxin on that run.

A. That's fine. Interesting dosing scheme!

Running felt good, kept on to 2.5 m. I know it will be hard to gain that weight back if I'm running but I'm looking for balance. If I chose this w/o to the T it has me benching twice a week but only squatting once. This may make 500 hard but will allow more time for running and/or sled pulling.

A. Good balance :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Yeah, looking back it is the same as MM but i think the overall program belonged to Phillips.? It is a lot more in depth than the MM link. It will be pressing but frequent failure tests will keep me in check.

I dosed the KA that way because of the new formula. Wasn't sure if three was needed or not but with my track record of week four being my best week I bumped it up for that then tapered down for maint.

I was pretty close to max strength by Friday. WO felt good feeling fuller again, forgot to weigh in. I'm going to start the program and loading patterns on Monday.

Just found out the gym wants me to get my lifeguard cert. I will be throwing in some swimming during this run as well. :shock:

I have been reading other logs here and don't always comment, but for those of you peeking in here know I am probably checking in on you too. You all are doing awesome just as I knew you would. Keep up the hard work guys!
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Post by RobRegish »

Thanks Draco, for you continued contributions to this board!!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

The Plan A workout designed by Shawn Phillips with my own little change ups denoted by *. His program was centered around bench, I don't want my squat to suffer b/c 500 is so close. I will be squatting only once per week on this program but have changed leg day to be a bit harder than original

Bench Press Lodaing Pattern 1,3,5,7,9,11,13
Dumbbell Bench press 3 sets 8 reps
Shoulders Lateral raises or reverse flys* 3sets 8 reps
Triceps Skull Crushers* 3sets 8reps
Tues OFF Run and Heavy abs,obliques, and core*
Wed Back Wide grip Pulldowns* and cable rows* 6-8 sets each
Biceps Barbell Curl 6-8 sets
Thu OFF Swim and light core*
Fri Shoulders Rotator Cuff Exercises 3 sets 12-15 reps
Bench Press Loading Pattern 2,4,6,8,10,12,14
Triceps Weighted Dips 3 sets 6 reps
*? Loading pattern for squat alternate hip belt and SLDL vs Back squat and leg ext.*
Back Pullovers* or Pulldowns 3 sets 8 reps
Bicep Incline dumbbell curls 3 sets 8 reps

Tue & Thu should be off, I will try cardio and abs early or maybe even the night before so I can still have a full day off. Legs day may be adjusted.? Pullovers may affect my bench and the swimming ????
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Mondays workout went well, I guess full traction hasn't been obtained yet but I'm close. Loading pattern went like this
1@ 280 X 6 :D
2@ 295 X 5 :D
2@ 310 X 4 :x 1st set got 3 ~ 2cd set X 3 + 1 forced rep
Everything else was fine. This program does have me doing tri's on top of this loading pattern. Different from the others I've seen. :?: We'll see.
Today ran 2 miles in the Vibram's much better times than last week. Calves are burnin...Heavy abs, obliques, and core and wouldn't ya know I had to teach core class tonight on top of it :shock: LOVE IT!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Sounds like everything is falling in line, as always :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Whoa, had my doubts going in today. Chest was still sore yesterday. Back day was fine just another back day, my day off was a day off except for teaching toning class and core class. But today, wow, my loading pattern was brutal
2 sets 305 X 3 no problem
2 sets 330 X 2 grr 1st rep both sets was fine but second needed help 2cd set 2cd rep really needed help rested 5 min to prep for negative
365 neg~ 1st 50% ROM nice and slow the rest- turbo :shock: chest is DONE
Weighted dips w/105 3 sets of six
Went for a swim afta :x swimmin sucks- I'm beat- Tomorrow squats, back and bis
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Squattin day was fine. Haven't done back squats since my hip belt came in, so that was fun. Hit all reps in all sets of GLP.245-370. Was a bit sore for a few days.
Benching day was tough
280 X 6 no prob
300 X 5 no spotter stopped at four thought I had this
300 X 5 had spotter needed help to get the 5th
315 X 4 only nailed three :evil:
315 X 4 three again + 1 fr :twisted:
I don't think this is delayed traction, I think this workout plan is heavy duty. Maybe it is dt. :?: Maybe I need to take my days off more serious.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah I think it might come down to rest days in your case. You hit some incredible poundages (and volume) in some of these workouts so look into that. It may well be the key...
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