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Bear Parkers first run:)

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:26 am
by bearparker
Hey everyone getting ready to start my first ever BP run this week and im more than excited to get started on this run, I cant thank rob enough for his patience and understanding with my annoying questions! cant believe how much information is in this forum, everyone has been more than helpfull

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:55 pm
by RobRegish
Glad you're on board Bear :)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:49 am
by bearparker
So i started my first day of famine today, workout was fairly cruisey im hungry as hell tho haha will keep posting progress as much as possible.

can someone tell me if this was the correct workout ( just double checking)

Squats suppersetted with DB rows 3 sets in the 4-6 rep range

Seated cable row suppersetted with Lat pull down 3 sets in the 4-6 rep range

BB bicep curls 3 sets 4-6 rep range

Incline bicep curls 3 sets 4-6 rep range

Preacher curls 3 sets 4-6 rep range

i put 2 minutes rest in between every set is that to much? am i only meant to put 2 minutes rest between each exercise?

thanks in advance

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:54 am
by RobRegish
Almost :)

The only place you erred was biceps. That should have been 3 TOTAL sets, picking one movement for each. No worries, ya' done good :) And yes, 2 min rest periods...

Direct from The Blueprint


- Squat OR leg press (feet close, high on platform) supersetted w/seated cable, Tbar or 1 arm dumbell rows
- Seated cable rows, Tbar rows or Dumbell rows supersetted with chin up or pulldowns

*Care should be taken with the lower back and exercise selection planned

- Biceps should be placed after legs/back.
- I suggest you pick 3 movements, 1 set of each: Standing barbell curls, incline dumbell and preacher curls
- 3 total sets with 2 minutes of rest between each. Select a weight that puts you in the 4-6 rep range

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:54 am
by bearparker
oh ok haha i thought that was the case but it seemed to easy, or was this workout meant to be pretty light

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:52 am
by bearparker
can someone check this protein out and tell me if its ok to use on the feast phase?

i know its not a pure wpi its a whey blend but im doing what i can with my budget ... &Itemid=26

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:52 am
by RobRegish
Likely not the kind of quality you're looking for at that price point..

Heads up to John/AskMass: They're calling this product MassPro!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:59 am
by bearparker
its the cheapest protein i can find around here in Australia that's any good we pretty much pay double what you guys pay over here..i was going to purchase from ask mass but i heard you need a permit to get protein shipped into aus

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:01 pm
by askmass
RobRegish wrote:Likely not the kind of quality you're looking for at that price point..

Heads up to John/AskMass: They're calling this product MassPro!
Thanks, Rob.

I think they use the term "Meta-Pro" on their U.S. label so as to not infringe on us, but I'll check with them tomorrow to be sure that is still the case.

We could demand they not use it international as well, I suppose, as our real MASS PRO predates this by many, many years.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:27 pm
by bearparker

and i must say for me this was surprisingly easy i thought i would struggle like crazy with this phase

i found for that 1,300 calories a day were to many so i cut back to a diet of

Meal one: 1 apple 1 glass of water and multivitamin

Meal 2- about 5-6 hours later. 2 celery sticks 3 pieces of broccoli

Meal 3-bed time.1 cup of vegetable juice, half or whole banana depending on how i felt. water intake was around 2 litres.

the strange thing is i wasn't really hungry that much during the phase, i found some of the workouts pretty cruisey so i doubled up on all sets
and suppersetted a few extra to, when it came to sleep i would sleep around 6-7 hours a night which is three less than usual i remained very active did a lot of walking, MMA training, basketball, running, and put everything into the workouts. Also had alot of special family occasions happen during this time which involved going out for dinner with the family and it was pretty hard to sit there and not eat delicious food while everyone around me was feasting hah

My resting heart rate was around 56 at the start and today it hit 70 which i hope is ok?

i weighed in at 202.4 lbs before i started and i will weigh myself again today at the final workout.

i actually felt alot better and healthier on this phase than i have been feeling of usual at late.

my strength increased, not sure if it was a mind set and good determination but my workouts increased

Bench press- previous 121 10 reps...current 147.4 10 reps i know that sounds like a big jump but maybe i just never really pushed myself until now

Cant wait for the Feast phase

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:09 am
by bearparker
first day of feast today and all i have done is eat and sleep haha will be posting my diet later, is it normal to be really tired after the famine?

i wasnt really that tired during the feast but once i got a full stomach today it was like it hit me all at once i was super tired and just crashed out haha

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:33 am
by RobRegish
Great work on Famine! You did it!!

Probably the easiest account of such I've seen yet.. Perfectly normal to feel sluggish with the new food intake. You're spot on and doing great!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:04 am
by bearparker
Cheers mate i honestly think i could of done it for another week, maybe next run i will increase the length and lessen the calories?

also how often is it before you repeat a blue print run after finishing it?

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:58 pm
by RobRegish
You can do them back to back but most prefer 3-4 runs a year. Really your preference!