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Mos Jeff's First Run

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:42 pm
by Mos Jeff
Hey everyone - just wanted to make an initial post as I plan to start my first run at this on Monday. I am currently taking the week off, recording resting HR and making sure I'm prepared to get started in a few days. I've been spending a lot of time re-reading the book, as well as reading the logs here, and Rob has been incredibly helpful in answering my many questions so far. I feel prepared to begin, but after reading the book again there is something I am a little confused about and was hoping someone with experience could help me out.

Starting at the bottom of page 30 there are mentions of other workout programs to use in feast - would these be programs to consider for future runs of the blueprint? I assume you would use one to follow over the initial five workouts prior to German Loading? Just not sure if I'm understanding correctly.

Also, later on in the book I also read about a German Loading II - at one point is this supposed to be followed?

Thanks in advance for any help - I'm looking forward to getting started, and appreciate everyone's help along the way. I will post begining stats over the weekend.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:14 pm
by RobRegish
All welcome Mos Jeff!

You nailed it. The Feast phase lends itself well to MANY types of training/loading patters and I've identified IDEAS for each of your runs. Vince Gironda said it and it's 100% true: The mind is more powerful than any steroid ever created.

You may consider any and all programs identified in The Blueprint Periodic and elsewhere beneficial during feast. I built it this way for one very important reason: Only YOU know what you respond best to, not me. I'd never be arrogant enough to tell somebody that.

Having said that, the loading patterns/programs I've identified have enjoyed a tremendous amount of success among BP trainees. The 10% solution is probably the next most popular, along with GLP #2. For some reason the Russian Program (length of it?) hasn't caught on. It too though, is an excellent program.

GLP II is ideally run right after GLP #1, although it doesn't have to be..

Hope that helps..

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:29 am
by Mos Jeff
RobRegish wrote:All welcome Mos Jeff!

You nailed it. The Feast phase lends itself well to MANY types of training/loading patters and I've identified IDEAS for each of your runs. Vince Gironda said it and it's 100% true: The mind is more powerful than any steroid ever created.

You may consider any and all programs identified in The Blueprint Periodic and elsewhere beneficial during feast. I built it this way for one very important reason: Only YOU know what you respond best to, not me. I'd never be arrogant enough to tell somebody that.

Having said that, the loading patterns/programs I've identified have enjoyed a tremendous amount of success among BP trainees. The 10% solution is probably the next most popular, along with GLP #2. For some reason the Russian Program (length of it?) hasn't caught on. It too though, is an excellent program.

GLP II is ideally run right after GLP #1, although it doesn't have to be..

Hope that helps..
As usual, you cleared things up perfectly :)

So GLP II is basically an additional option to add to the program, correct?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:48 pm
by Mos Jeff
So tomorrow I finally get this thing started - just wanted to give some quick beginning stats...

200 lbs
~16.5 % bf
Avg resting HR during week off: 64

I've got my diet prepared for famine tomorrow for around 1600 calories - looking forward to seeing how the workout goes.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:54 am
by RobRegish
Correct on GLPII...

Glad I could help!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:29 am
by Mos Jeff
RobRegish wrote:Correct on GLPII...

Glad I could help!
You've been more then helpful - thanks again for clearing everything up for me up to this point.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:16 pm
by Mos Jeff
Quick question for anyone who can help...

In the sticky for "sample famine phase workout template" the legs/back portion of the workout is structured as...

"- Squats with a weight that finds you able to perform 4-6 reps immediately into

- Seated cable rows for 4-6 rep range

Rest for approximately 2 minutes and repeat for 2 more rounds"
Then it goes into the 3 sets of biceps.

However, in the book it is stuctured as...

Squats supersetted with rows (cable, t-bar or 1 arm) for 3 sets and then rows (cable, t-bar, 1 arm) supersetted with chin-ups or pulldowns for 3 sets," then the 3 sets of biceps.

I'm just unsure which I should be following, or if I'm simply misunderstanding something.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:11 pm
by RobRegish
The seated cable rows were cited to keep things.... simple. Solid stretch position movement.

Feel free to use Tbar, 1 arm rows etc OR even all 3!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:15 pm
by Mos Jeff
I understand choosing from the three different rows. What I am referring to is in the sample workout there is only 6 working sets (3 squat + row, 3 different curls), but in the book it has 9 sets (3 squat + row, 3 row + pulldown, 3 curls). I went ahead and did the following...

Squats supersetted with t-bar rows
rest 2 min
squats supersetted with t-bar rows
rest 2 min
squats supersetted with t-bar rows

cable rows supersetted with lat pulldowns
rest 2 min
cable rows supersetted with lat pulldowns
rest 2 min
cable rows supersetted with lat pulldowns

bb curls
incline curls
preacher curls

I looked at some other logs and saw others did it this way. The workout went well, but I am hungry! I'm actually surprised, the diet is harder then anticipated.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:26 pm
by jimmyk21
Mos Jeff, good luck buddy...and sweet user name :D

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:15 pm
by Mos Jeff
jimmyk21 wrote:Mos Jeff, good luck buddy...and sweet user name :D
Thanks man, appreciate the support!

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:04 pm
by RobRegish
Ya done good!

Take care during famine.. don't take it too deep. Health first!!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:40 pm
by Mos Jeff
On day 3 of famine and just finished workout #2. The workout went well and actually wasn't too difficult. I did the following...

Cybex chest press
DB shoulder press

Close grip BP on smith
rest 1 min
DB shoulder press

Hammer strength incline press
rest 1 min
DB shoulder press

Hammer strength decline press
rest 1 min
DB shoulder press

Decline close grip BP
rest 1 min
Skull crusher
rest 1 min
Tricep pressdown
rest 1 min
Tricep pressdown

Once I move on to feast I will post my weights and reps.

Overall I feel alright - the first two days I was really hungry and was getting some pretty bad headaches, which I assume is from the lack of calories/protein. Today, though, the hunger was a little more bearable as I guess I'm gettting more accustomed to the calorie deficit. I've also noticed that I am urinating A LOT more frequently. Other then that, so far so good.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:47 pm
by Mos Jeff
On a completely irrelevant note, Rob, is there a way for me to find out my PW if I forgot it? The "forgot my password" link at the sign in page doesn't work. I've managed to stay logged in on my computer from when I first signed up, but I'd like to be able to login on my iphone, but can't figure out the password. Thanks!