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AvD's First Run

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:11 pm
by AvD
Hello Blueprint members. This is my first run with the Blueprint and this is the last night of my famine. It was awful lulz. One more night of protein dreams. Also the final workout was VERY intense with the calories being so low. Ive lost 3-6 pounds during the five days of dieting. My weight starting varies between 177-181. ok now for some questions

1. Should i take my cbol creatine with the e-bol during the feast phase or wait to take it during the cruise phase?

2. I work at a sheet metal factory six days a week and on most days it is very physically demanding. Is it recommended to take in more calories then say someone in an office job. so for my feast. Instead of taking in 20x my body weight in calories how much more would you recommend?

3. Tomorrow ill probably take in around 5-7000 calories. is that ok or too much the first day? I have a plan ive been constantly thinking/dreaming about for days now. Starting by going out for breakfast and ect ect.

Thanks guys


Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:46 am
by RobRegish
Nice work AVD on making it through!

You've been through the hardest part. Now, on to your questions..

1. Should i take my cbol creatine with the e-bol during the feast phase or wait to take it during the cruise phase?

A. I'm going to deviate from my normal advice due to your work schedule. Suggest using both during Feast to ensure muscles are saturated with ATP during this time. Suggest dosing Ebol/cbol creatine on workout days one dose an hour prior to the workout and one immediately after.

2. I work at a sheet metal factory six days a week and on most days it is very physically demanding. Is it recommended to take in more calories then say someone in an office job. so for my feast. Instead of taking in 20x my body weight in calories how much more would you recommend?

A. I'd start with 25X bodyweight. You can get away with eating more (much more) during the first 10-14 days of Feast.

3. Tomorrow ill probably take in around 5-7000 calories. is that ok or too much the first day? I have a plan ive been constantly thinking/dreaming about for days now. Starting by going out for breakfast and ect ect.

A. Perfectly fine. As stated above the enzyme turnover really doesn't start for 10-14 days and you won't start laying down much fat until that time.

Great work!

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:25 pm
by AvD
Thanks for the response Rob. Today was a great day for me. Lots and lots of food. What surprised me was how much food i could take in today. I thought i would become full very easily due to the famine and how small my meals were. I've been taking in huge meals all day with ease. Also i have been using the water influx technique. I have a couple more questions.

1. Food at night? Its 8 right now and i plan on taking in a shake with a couple scoops of protein, greek yogurt (chobani mmmmhhh) wheat germ, and heavy cream. Do you recommend staying away from anything during the night. Fats or carbs?

2. I was thinking while taking the cbol creatine i would dose a full days worth (12 pills) on training days and 6 pills on non training days. Do you think thats a good idea? Or stick with only taking it on training days?

3. Which training routine would you recommend for my first go?

Thanks AvD

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:07 pm
by RobRegish
1. Food at night? Its 8 right now and i plan on taking in a shake with a couple scoops of protein, greek yogurt (chobani mmmmhhh) wheat germ, and heavy cream. Do you recommend staying away from anything during the night. Fats or carbs?

A. Perfectly fine. Do take care to lean toward fats/proteins at night. Greater GH release during sleep that way..

2. I was thinking while taking the cbol creatine i would dose a full days worth (12 pills) on training days and 6 pills on non training days. Do you think thats a good idea? Or stick with only taking it on training days?

A. Stick with training days only. Thermo knows the product far better than I do..

3. Which training routine would you recommend for my first go?

A. Pretty much by the book. 5 workout HIT bridge with EDT blocks into the GLP/EDT blocks. Pick one or two barbell lifts to peak and you're off to the races!

So glad to hear about the appetite. Is a good sign... :)

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:56 pm
by AvD
Thanks for the response Rob. Things are going good. Im a food monster and im feeling really good (Veins are popping).Tomorrows my first workout for the feast phase and i have a couple more questions.

1. Intra-supplementation. I have extend and i understand the the protocol but im not exactly sure on how much i should take, 6 scoops?. Serving Size2 Scoop(11.5g)
Servings Per Container30
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxine HCL) 10mg 500%
L-Leucine 3.5g †
L-Glutamine 2.5g †
L-Isoleucine 1.8g †
L-Valine 1.8g †
Citrulline Malate

A. 3-4 scoops should deliver the needed 20+ grams of BCAA's specified plus extra gluatine/citrulline malate etc.

2. You said to take e/cbol creatine an hour proir and immediately after. With food pre? and after, would i take my post workout shake with the e/cbol creatine (isolate/oats shake) or wait on the shake?

A. Take with a small amount of dietary fat prior (or a light meal containing such) and with the shake afterwards. 3.

I have a bottle of Anadraulic GT (preworkout) that i never used. Would you recommend taking it?

A. This looks good. I'd give it a whirl but note the stim content. Always want to be cautious so rule out any pre-existing conditions with a doc prior to using. I'd feel better if I knew how much caffeine/synephrine were really in it...

Serving Size16Grams(1Scoop)
Servings Per Container45
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value*
Total Calories 30 **
Calories From Fat 0 **
Total Fat .5g **
Saturated Fat 0 **
Cholesterol 5mgs **
Carbohydrates 7g **
Dietary Fiber 0 **
Sugars 4g **
Protein 0 **
Anadraulic State GT Proprietary Formula 16,625mg
Stimulant Complex
Caffeine Anhydrous, Bitter Orange (20% Synephrine)
Adaptogenic Complex
Quercetin, Schizandra Berry Extract, Wolfberry Extract, Cinnamon 10:1, Mulberry Extract
Amino Acid Complex
Whey Protein Hydrolysate, Partially Hydrolyzed Pea Protein, Aspartic Acid, L-Leucine, Free Form Amino Acids
Estrogen Control Complex
Ellagic Acid 40%, Trans-Resveratrol 50%, 3beta-Hydroxyurs-12-En-28-Oic Acid 25%
Creatine Complex
Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine, Creatine Citrate/Malate, Creatine Ethyl Ester
PSARM Complex
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis, Osthole 80%
Carbohydrate Complex
Dextrose, Waxy Maize Starch

Thanks AvD

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:23 pm
by AvD
eerrrr... I thought i was running this program right until i read anothers persons log.
My first 5 feast workout only consisted of 1 set of bench SS with pullovers, then squats SS with stiff legged deadlifts. Stretching during the pullover and stiff legged deadlift, all for the recommended sets/reps.

Are these EDT blocks in the blueprint? I thought i was following it by the book. I feel like i basically wasted a week. I havent been even remotely sore in 5 days. Im only at the gym for about 20 minutes and i miss lifting weights lol.

A. You're OK. EDT blocks weren't originally in the book no. They were added later (in the stickies). No worries you'll still be fine. As long as you've been getting stronger/hitting the required rep ranges you'll be fine. ... .php?t=482

So confused, for the GLP using squats and bench (for my 2 Big Barbell Lifts) how do u choose/split the edt block exercises so you hit all your muscles. During squats day for example say you use Romanian Deadlifts and the Leg sled. then during the bench day you choose two more. I feel like im abandoning my other muscle groups because my next workout i would be back to legs.

A. No worries. You can add EDT blocks for those muscle groups if you feel the need. See this sticke for some suggestions: ... .php?t=378

Ok so heres my first workout with the german loading phase.

Bench press


For the EDT block I cant figure out how to split the muscle groups but i understand how its done

?x6 SS ?x6
?x6 SS ?x6
?x5 SS ?x5
?x3 SS ?x3
?x2 SS ?x2

Then Decline BP Static holds (2 sets)

A. Here's a great thread on how to perform EDT: ... .php?t=437

I hope you can understand what im saying (too much invested to screw up everything)



A. Tell you what AVD. PM me if this doesn't clarify things. I'll see if I can help you out!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:31 pm
by AvD
Ok great, and yes i hit all target reps..theres one thing im a little confused about but ill shoot you a PM tomorrow.

Thank AVD