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John's First BP Run

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:33 am
by HyperActive136
I have made some notes along with writing out my schedule to start the BP. Please Let me know if you have an suggestions or i need to change anything.

Famine: 5 Days
-No supplements!
-Cut out as much protein as possible
-Keep calories at 8x body weight (leave meals still hungry)
-Drink as much water as you want
-Stick to the Warrior Diet (Workout days) eat small amounts of fruits & veggies throughout off days
-Pre-workout meal should consist of a juice 20-30 min prior or fruits 30-45 min prior
-Post-workout meal should consist of a greens salad, vegetables (cooked and raw), and fruit

Monday: Legs, Back, & Bi’s- 3 sets of 4-6 reps with 2 minutes of rest between sets
-Squat SS w/ DB Rows
-Seated Cable Rows SS w/ Chin Ups
-Standing BB Curl
-Incline DB Curl
-Preacher Curl

Wednesday: Chest, Shoulders, & Tri’s- 4 sets of 8-12 reps with 1 minute of rest between sets
-Wide Grip Bench Press, Incline, & Decline SS w/ Shoulder Press
-Decline Close Grip Bench Press, Skull Crushers, & Cable Press Downs

Friday: Repeat Monday but with 30 seconds rest between sets and do 5 sets of 12-15 reps

Feast: 30-42 Days
-First 72Hrs focus on eating and sleeping
-Protein load
-Calories should be slightly above maintenance
-Add packet of salt to each meal
-Workouts will start on the 4th day

-Anavite-Dose (3) with breakfast and lunch
-E-bol= Dose (2) 1 with lunch, 1hr pre workout, and within 1 hr of post workout
-Non workout days=Dose (2) with protein shakes
-cbol creatine=Dose (6) 30 minutes pre workout and another within an hour of post workout
-Glutamine=Dose (5g) pre & post workout
-2:1:1 Recovery-Dose (1 ½ scoops) immediately post workout

Training: STATIC HOLDS !
Workout 1: Monday
-Bench with a max weight for 8-10 reps SS w/ HEAVY DB Pullovers for 8-10 reps
-Squat with a max weight for 8-10 reps SS w/ Stiff Leg Deadlifts for 8-10 reps

Workout 2: Thursday
-Bench with a max weight for 4-6 reps SS w/ HEAVY DB Pullover for 4-6 reps
-Squat with a max weight for 4-6 reps SS w/ Stiff Leg Deadlifts for 4-6 reps

Workout 3: Sunday
-Bench with a max weight for 2-3 reps SS w/ HEAVY DB Pullovers for 2-3 reps
-Squat with a max weight for 2-3 reps SS w/ Stiff Leg Deadlifts for 2-3 reps

Workout 4: Wednesday
-Bench with a max weight for 6-8 reps SS w/ HEAVY DB Pullovers for 6-8 reps
-Squat with a max weight for 6-8 reps SS w/ Stiff Leg Deadlifts for 6-8 reps

Workout 5: Saturday
-Bench for a 1RM
-Pullovers for a 5RM
-Squat for a 1RM
-Stiff Leg Deadlifts for a 5RM

After the 5 prescribed workouts i will continue on to the german loading pattern 2 times a week.

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:35 am
by RobRegish
Wow, great work!! You really did your reading... :)

A few notes/clarifications:

"Add packet of salt to each meal" - Unclear as to how much a packet is. No need to add it to each meal. I'm just suggesting a higher sodium intake vs. Famine i.e. a few shakes of salt on 2-3 of your solid food meals. That's all... I don't recommend any type of sodium loading as that could be detrimental to your health.

Your feast workouts 1-5 look good. Note though that these are full range movements and not static holds. Also, you'll want to incorporate EDT blocks AFTER the big barbell lifts are completed. You may add a static hold here or there during Feast. ... .php?t=437 ... .php?t=378

Other than that, I APPRECIATE the work you put into it!!

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:15 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Welcome to the club man! I hope you're as blown away by this as i am :)

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:26 pm
by xxtotuxx
Welcome bro! Remember, push yourself to the max and give it you all! It's gonna be all worth it!

Have fun too!

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:08 pm
by HyperActive136
just to clarify, the EDT blocks will be added in on the days that i do the german loading pattern twice a week ?

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:29 am
by RobRegish
Yes. You may also want to add them to workouts 1-5 but only AFTER you satisfy the work done on the big barbell lifts...

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:39 am
by HyperActive136
ok, great ! Also before i jump into my cardio tomorrow, i was wondering what you would reccomend. doing cardio in the a.m. then eating small throughout the day or warrior till the afternoon and then do my cardio?

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:15 am
by HyperActive136
Day 1

Fast until 2pm: 15-20 cucumber slices and small box of pineapple juice
Pre-Workout 4pm: Medium apple and serving of almonds (24)

Workout (in pounds*)
Squat SS w/ DB Rows: 3 sets of 6 reps at 225 (squat) & 70 (Rows)
Seated cable rows SS w/ Chinups: 3 sets of 6 reps at 70 (cable rows)
BB Curls: 3 sets of 6 at 85
Incline DB Curls: 3 sets of 6 at 40
Preacher Curls on EZ bar with wide grip: 3 sets of 6 at 25 on each side

Post-workout 1745: Large lettuce salad w/ cucumbers & broccoli, small cup of grape juice, and medium pear
Snack 8pm: kiwi w/ skin (skin for nutrients and vitamins :wink: )
Pre-Bed:2 tbsp of organic PB

I was hurtin' at 2pm so i threw a snack in there which i know isnt a bad thing but i wanted to see if i could stick it out. i NEEDED the nutrition so i didnt necessarily feel bad about it. Other than that, this is going to be an intense 5 days that oddly enough i am looking forward to haha.

Just wondering if on my off days i should do cardio in the a.m. and snack small throughout the day or warrior till the afternoon then do cardio like on workout days.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:13 pm
by RobRegish
I like cardio in the AM... just fits my schedule better. It's probably better from a recomp angle though placed later (before the main meal).

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:04 am
by HyperActive136
Cardio before the big meal sounds better anyway.

After reading over the EDT information, i still think that i'm a little confused so here's what i came up with. the following will be my german loading pattern to be done twice a week in feast. i am just confused on when to add the edt block in there (if this is correct).

Workout 1: DB Pullovers (for prescribed sets and reps)
Workout 2:Cable Rows (for prescribed sets and reps)
Workout 3:Hack Squat (for prescribed sets and reps)
Workout 4:Leg Press (for prescribed sets and reps)
Workout 5:OH Tri Ext (for prescribed sets and reps)
Workout 6:Preachers (for prescribed sets and reps)

this is what i came up with from the german loading pattern. From what i understand, EDT is to be done in a superset fashion but what i dont understand is how to pair the exercises, how many sets/reps should be done, and where to place the EDT block.

if you can tell me these 3 things i think i will have everything down for when i start feast.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:48 am
by RobRegish
how to pair the exercises, how many sets/reps should be done, and where to place the EDT block...

A. The exercises are best paired in antagonistic fashion. Examples:


How many sets/reps?

A. Begin with a weight that allows you to perform 10 clean reps. On your first set, do not go to (or near failure). Suggest 5-7 clean reps. Do your two jump sets, rest 2 min and repeat. First workout it's not important how many reps/how much weight you move. It IS important to establish a baseline. Then beat that baseline next workout.

Please see "How to contruct EDT blocks" in this section for more info (assuming you already haven't).

Where to place the EDT Blocks?

A. AFTER the big barbell work...

Hope that helps!

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:46 am
by HyperActive136
Day 2

Fast until 2pm: 25 cucumber slices and small box of pineapple juice
Pre-Workout 4:45pm: Medium apple and serving of almonds (24)

15 minutes of HIIT on Treadmill: 1min run & 30sec sprint

Post-workout 1745: Lettuce salad w/ cucumbers, collard greens, 1 whole grain roll with tbsp of omega 3 butter, small cup of grape juice, and 20 grapes
Snack 8pm: Medium Pear
Pre-Bed:2 tbsp of organic PB

Fasting today was even worse than yesterday but i know i'm doing good so it doesn't bother me as much..I am definately dropping weight and i THINK my love handles are slowly disappearing but i'll have to work hard to keep them off come feast time. I'm not over weight by any means but i was always lean and couldnt get rid of those darned love handles.

Does anyone recommend anything for my feast diet to stay away from or to add in order shed the last bit of belly fat besides cardio? i can see my top 4 abs so i know im close!

I got this ! :twisted:

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:02 am
by HyperActive136
Ok Rob, I think you put me on the right track here so let me know how this looks...As i understand, the EDT blocks will be placed after either Benching, Deadlifting, or squating...Right?

Workout 1: DB Pullovers (for prescribed sets and reps)

EDT Block (EX: Bench Press SS w/ DB Rows)

Workout 2:Cable Rows (for prescribed sets and reps)

Workout 3:Hack Squat (for prescribed sets and reps)

EDT Block (EX: Cable Curl SS w/ Cable Press Down)

Workout 4:Leg Press (for prescribed sets and reps)

Workout 5:OH Tri Ext (for prescribed sets and reps)

Workout 6:Preachers (for prescribed sets and reps)

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:11 pm
by RobRegish
The way you have it written out there is weird. Sorry but i'm not following..

You DO have it right insofar as EDT blocks come after those big barbell lifts..