Famine Question (I need some advice/help)

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Famine Question (I need some advice/help)

Post by C.J.Sinclair »

Let me start by saying that it is very refreshing to not have to be "in the green" to be taken seriously on this forum. But that's besides the point...

...I was looking to start the famine phase on Monday. However, I am worried about the potential mental toll that cutting calories so drastically and depriving my body of protein will cause. I am a student and cannot afford to be taken too much off my game. So, I was wondering if any of you guys had some advice for me, or could share some insight into your experiences with the famine phase and how it affected you academically or even just mentally.
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Post by siegtyr »

I'm brand new here, as well, and I just finished the famine yesterday. I don't know if there are any tricks the vets are using (I did use the lecithin), but I did notice some loss of concentration. For instance, I just started a really great self-improvement book, entitiled The Trophy Room, and I had a hell of a time focusing on it despite my eagerness. I should add that I was also using a stimulant/energy pill which may have contributed to this. Either way, Good Luck!!
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Post by Hank! »

I can only speak from experience, and I think you'll find you become a bit clearer thinking during this very short famine. I would not worry about this too much

Lecithin is a good additive to help stave off any real CNS and mental shutdown, you can eat a few tablespoons a day.
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Post by sovabrat »

I will be honest (2 famine runs under my belt), it only gets tough to concentrate on the 4th day in my opinion. On the last day you are so focused and can see the finish line that nothing gets in the way.

Just take the lecithin to prevent CNS overload. I am a financial consultant and was working at client locations during the famine and I was fine, no one asked if I was off my game.
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Maybe I’m too hardcore, but in my opinion a quality famine phase WILL seriously distress cns functioning. There have been several discussions herein about this, but I imo, they are ultimately about not taking it TOO far. Also, I think everyone who has gone through multiple famines has also had days when they actually felt better and more alert too.
My first famine wiped me out – but it also revealed a lot to me about my true state of health and resiliency. Since then I’ve learned to modulate and time the famines to more gently create pathway vulnerabilities the first three days and then really tear into and stress out all the pathways the last day (or two if needed). To me, it’s all part of the price you pay for a kickass feast phase. Maybe plan to schedule less ‘academics’ , etc. near the end of famine… hth
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Post by sovabrat »

I agree with Brain to a large extent. You should be pushing yourself and your CNS, that is the point of famine. To alert your body that it is under serious stress.

If you aren't stressing the body, then you really aren't following the Blueprint. Unfortunately until you try it, you wont know how YOUR body reacts. One run through and you will have a whole new sense of perception to the signals your body is sending you. This might not make much sense right now, it is one of those moments you just experience and everything makes sense. It really requires a paradigm shift.
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Post by hah2110 »

I've asked a LOT of questions and I'm glad to give back. I came into this with ~6 months of weight training experience and nothing more. The famine HURTS. I was able to get through it with slow, methodical eating throughout the day and lots of water. Believe it or not, I actually couldn't wait to do the workouts as they made me feel better. My initial thought was that it would suck to workout with no gas in the tank but I loved it. It was hard though, and I dreaded it. Eat slow, keep up on the water and you will be fine.
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Post by C.J.Sinclair »

Thanks to all you guys. I really appreciate your insights. I'm on day two and it is very difficult. I'm confident I will be fine though :wink: ...

I look forward to feasting.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

oh c'mon guys. its just hunger.

Its cleansing of the soul. Allbeit difficult cleansing, well worth while.
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Post by RobRegish »

Do exercise caution... properly done this is a healthy exercise replete with detoxing the body.

You can't make gains though if you're sick/injured. If at all not feeling "right", STOP. Especially workout #3. You may have to relegate yourself to bodyweight squats etc but the same advice holds.

HEALTH first, always..!
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