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The First Blueprint Run of a New Member! Excited!!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:54 pm
by Nismo32
Hello Everyone!

Let me first start out that I am very, very excited to begin The Blueprint. I purchased The Blueprint after reading logs and seeing the great results that people were getting. Also, I was confident that Rob would be right here with me along the way providing help and assistance: something that lacks in most workout programs. I began reading some of the logs on the forum as well so I am finally able to start my Famine Phase on Monday, June 21st. I have been taking the past couple days off and my last day of hard training was Tuesday, so I will have almost a full week off before famine.

A little background information: 19 years old, attending James Madison University, majoring in Integrated Science and Technology. Ive been lifting seriously since October 2009, and lifted a good amount in high school since maybe 11th grade, but nothing consistent or nothing in which I had major gains. In my first year of college, I went from weighing around 125 to around 140 now, and my bench from 205 August, 245 November, to 275 while weighing 137. in May. I like to consider myself strong for my size and look bigger than 140, but the Blueprint is something that I hope will help me add around 10 pounds and get some strength.

So where does that put us, the inition of the Famine Phase.

Goals: Gain roughly 10-12 pounds to put be around 150-155 with still a low bf. Visible abs will be wanted for sure. I think I am fairly proportioned as well but want to get bigger and stay cut. I would like to get my legs up as well.

Height: 5'7''
Weight: will take sunday (probably around 139-140)
Waking Heartbeat: Took it twice when I woke up, first was 58 and second time as 55. So I am guessing somewhere around 57 to be my average waking heartbeat. A HR meter will be a great help and will be purchased shortly.

Supplements I will be using during this week of Famine:
TwinLab DualTabs Multivitamin
TwinLab C-1000 vitamin C
Green Tea Extract Pills
Greensformula GreenMagma Dr. Hagiwara
ON Stress B complex pills
Organic Nature Spectrum Fishoil

Based on the reccomendations, I will not be taking E-bol, cbol creatine, Intrabolic, MP Recon, Any Protein, and I will not be taking any preworkout or BIOFORGE PRO MAX.

My diet will consist of lots vegetables, fruits, and carbs. I will drink V8 juice and make fruit blends and smoothies. I will cut out meat for the most part except for dinner and maybe something for lunch. Now generally I have been consuming around 3500-4000 calories a day but will cut down to roughly 1120-1200 calories per day. Salads will be a large part and I have plenty of nuts in stores. Also, I will be sure to party responisbly this week to add stress to my body.

My typical workout went from a 5 day split hitting each bodypart once, to a new 6 day split hitting nearly all bodyparts twice per week (Chest and Tri. Back and Bis. Legs. Shoulders and Tri. Bis and Back. Legs). In my opinion, I felt fine doing this and felt I was able to recover quite well. Two things to note: its been a while since I have deadlifted but I am more than able to. Also, for the past few months, I have been front squatting instead of doing regular squats. My best is 225 for 8 reps as a final set, but my question is: "Should I continue doing front squats, or should I do regular squats for the blueprint?"

Now, I will admit that not working out will in fact be a bit different and difficult for me, but I just need to trust the blueprint that I am making the right choice. Afterall, I probably am young and niave but have had steady results going 5-6 days per week.

Front or Regular Squats: 3 sets 4-6 reps
Seated Cable Rows right after the squats, 3 sets 4-6 reps
Basically it will be squat 4-6 reps, right into rows 4-6 reps, then two minute rest and repeat two more times.
Next: Standing BB Curls: 4-6 reps
2 min rest
Incline DB Curls: 4-6 reps
2 min rest
Preacher: 4-6 reps and Finish

Well I know this is pretty much directly from the book but it should work out well. My question is squat or front squat???

So this will start Monday, then I will have my wednesday and Friday workout that I will type up. Then on Saturday, Feast starts, and on Sunday I leave for the beach and will continue my feast but luckily at the beach I will be able to lift at a golds gym, otherwise my blueprint would have been delayed by a whole two weeks and that would not work with me!

To sum up, this upcoming week of the Monday the 21st will be famine. Then starting on Saturday is Feast, and the first week of feast will be on vacation. Rob, do you see any problems with that? I am pretty confident everything should be good with it!

Cannot wait to get started and hope to bulk up before college starts up again. Im sure I will have lots of questions along the way but in the end I will become knowledgable and get to help others out :)

Note: I will post up before pictures Sunday night, I am on my laptop right now that doesnt have any good pics.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:32 pm
by Justin
good luck man!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:50 pm
by Nismo32
thank you, best of luck to you as well!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:38 am
by RobRegish
Wow. I really, really appreciate the work you've put into preparing for your BP run. Trust me, it will return in spades.

"Should I continue doing front squats, or should I do regular squats for the blueprint?"

A. No question, a return to full squats is in order

COMMENT: You have some astounding lifts for your training age (for any age at your bodweight really).

The rest days you'll find difficult at first are going to unlock explosive strength gains. TRUST THE NUMBERS YOU SEE PILING UP, not the mirror/subjective feelings.

I must say, haven't been this excited for a log in quite some time, b/c I know exactly what's coming... :)

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:19 pm
by nolyman777
nice write up. Those are some impressive stats considering your age/weight. Good luck on your blueprint.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:30 am
by Richard91
Im just glad to see another person from Virginia!!

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:12 pm
by Nismo32
Thanks so much Rob, I am starting famine today and will be posting before pics and my diet plus workout for the day. I certainly think famine will be a little hard, my stomach is already growling haha.

And to Richard91, I go to college in Virginia but grew up and reside in Pennsylvania. But I am beginning to like VA a lot since I am there most of the year!

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:07 pm
by sovabrat
Good luck man, it doesn't really seem that you need it though. You are my height already but weight almost 30 lbs less...

That is very impressive that you can bench 245 already, I am actually quite amazed that you can do it at your weight.

As Hank would say, "The PR Clouds are forming"

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:48 pm
by Nismo32
Alright so the first day of famine has begun. I would like to thank everyone for already being so helpful, wishing me luck, and those following me along and tracking my progress.

Here are some pictures of me...I am not too pleased with how they came out but whatever, here they are:

The leg picture look bad, in person though I have decent separation and the past few weeks I noticed some small striations.

Woke up today with a HR of: 58 (this seems to be my average)

Weight: 139
Arms: 14.1
Legs: 20.5 (small...)

Chest: 39

Those will be the main measurements I will be keeping track of, but certainly not measuring everyday.

1 multi
2 fish oil
2 charcoals to clean my up my system
1 joint pill since my knee is a bit sore lately
1 stress b-complex
1 vitamin c
1 coq10

I woke up and had my Greens formula followed by:
1 Banana 100 cals
1 applesauce dish 45 cals
1 yogert 100 cals
A handful of cheerios 30 cals

My stomach was really hurting which is why I had some cheerios and yogert...

Then I had a spinach and romain salad. 60 cals

At 1:30 I ate one carrot: 30 cals

I will be lifting around 3 today and plan to eat some more before then. This post will be edited and updated throughout the day until this first day is concluded!


Had some blueberries, three carrots, and a cup of grapes before my workout.

Went through the workout quite well, squatting weight was 285 for 6 reps. Knee felt a little tender today but surprisingly after working out, the pain is gone which is really nice.

Arms felt good too even though there was only three sets for bis.

I had half a cucumber after lifting and dinner which consisted of:

Potatoes and Green Beans
A few pieces of ham for some taste
A slice of cornbread.

The portion was small though so I know my calories are well under 1000 so far. Tonight I will be buying some more fruits for the next four days.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:46 pm
by RobRegish
Great conditioning man, and a solid start!

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:47 am
by dracotdrgn
Welcome Nismo, and good luck. Good frame, build etc.
I like to consider myself strong for my size and look bigger than 140,
I fully agree here, looks like you have a serious fast twitch muscle fiber make-up. Lucky you! PR clouds are forming, I see them too.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:56 pm
by Nismo32
Today is an off day from lifting on the famine schedule.

My diet today has been:

2 bananas
1 fiji apple

2 cups of grapes
1 organic carrot
10 large cherries

1/2 cup of chickpeas
1/2 cucumber
1 raw corn

This day has gone well so far, Ive been hungry through the most of it and only had my stomach ache in the morning-I attribute this to the fact that I am not having my usual large breakfast.

Fish Oil
Green tea extract
Vit C
Vit D
Stress B complex
Juice Plus
and Echinacea were the supplements of choice today

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:28 pm
by RobRegish
Startin' to feel it?

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:19 pm
by Nismo32
Indeed Rob, its hard not to eat a lot but I have quickly come to enjoy the fruits and veggies that I eat.

Legs felt nice and sore today and even my biceps felt tight. I just need to keep stressing my body and tomorrow will be a busy day with yard work and lifting, haha.

It will be interesting to see how my benching is tomorrow for sure!


Dinner included a:

Romain and Spinach salad with chickpeas
1 organic carrot
1 roasted green bell pepper
Chickpea (i love them) and green bean salad