Size gains

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Size gains

Post by hah2110 »

So I just wrapped up the second set of GLP in Feast and am seeing phenomenal structure and growth in my legs. While my BF is too high to see lines in my legs, I feel it and touching my legs feels weird because there is such new structure there. My upper body isn't seeing it though. My bench is definitely getting stronger as is my DB press but I'm seeing no size increase in arms or chest. Also, while I think I WAS losing BF, the BF loss has stopped (which pisses me off!). Anything i can do to combat either of these?
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Post by sovabrat »

I know exactly what you mean in the legs. I have a new ridge of muscle along the outside of my quads that is very distinct. You said you are in the second GLP during feast?Do you mean you have gone through the progression for 6 workouts already and now are starting your second one?If so, I think your fat loss has stopped because your body may have adjusted. This is a sign that you are ready to cruise. I felt this same thing happen to me. In my logs I stated that the fat and weight loss appeared to stop and although I was exerting more and more in my workouts and doing more cardio, I ultimately wasn't progressing as I was before.

I would suggest that it is time to wrap up your run and review your notes and log. See what was working and analyze where you are at from the beginning. Make up some goals for the next run and take it easy for a week after cruise.

Then start famine all over again!!
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Post by hah2110 »

Sorry... I just started GLP in Feast (my first run). I just meant that I have done the second "pattern" for both BP and Squat. Does that change your opinion?
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Post by sovabrat »

Oh yes.

There are a number of factors that go into the fat loss.

Be completely honest in answering these questions.

How much do you weigh:
How many times a week do you do cardio:
What type:
How long:

How many calories (exactly) are you consuming a day:
How many grams of protein:
How much fat:

How are you tracking the caloric information:

Once you answer those I could give you a better response.
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Post by RobRegish »

It's largely the calorie rotation...
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Post by sovabrat »

RobRegish wrote:It's largely the calorie rotation...
I would agree also, but its possible the calories are at maintenance but there isnt enough cardio to aid in the fat loss. Just trying to tackle it from all angles.
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Post by hah2110 »

RobRegish wrote:It's largely the calorie rotation...
Wouldn't the calorie rotation help? I am rotating my calories. I can get some more accurate info later tonight as I'm off to GLP squats right now. I'm more concerned with the lack of upper body size gain than fat loss but still want to figure it out. I am only starting cardio this week.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes I should have clarified.. the calorie rotation does help and will create the needed (slight) caloric deficit to kickstart fat loss again. And sovabrat is right... the cardio accelerates it.

The key here is objective vs. subjective. You sound like you're going by visual ascertations only? If so, it would be helpful to keep tape measurements of the chest, shoulders etc. for an objective comparison.

Oftentimes your daily grind experiences can transfer over into the mirror. I vividly recall a training parter who minutes after discovering the wonders of ephedrine call me and say... "and I swear Rob, I know I just took this stuff 30 minutes ago but I was just in front of the mirror and I look more cut".

Hell 30min into a good dose of ephedrine and the world sure is a better place for just about anybody :)
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Post by hah2110 »

But my cycling is maintenance and then maintenance plus 500 so can I still burn fat?
RobRegish wrote:Yes I should have clarified.. the calorie rotation does help and will create the needed (slight) caloric deficit to kickstart fat loss again. And sovabrat is right... the cardio accelerates it.

The key here is objective vs. subjective. You sound like you're going by visual ascertations only? If so, it would be helpful to keep tape measurements of the chest, shoulders etc. for an objective comparison.

Oftentimes your daily grind experiences can transfer over into the mirror. I vividly recall a training parter who minutes after discovering the wonders of ephedrine call me and say... "and I swear Rob, I know I just took this stuff 30 minutes ago but I was just in front of the mirror and I look more cut".

Hell 30min into a good dose of ephedrine and the world sure is a better place for just about anybody :)
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd suggest downshifting cals the final two weeks of Feast to 100% and 70% on non-training days IF you think your bodyfat is unacceptable at that point.

Keep in mind cruise is a nice time to do this to and if that doesn't do it, your second Famine will :)

In all honesty it's such a tall order to set new 1RM's, build brand new LBM AND drop fat simultaneously. Sovabrat and others have done it so YES, it can be done but it takes some experience to do so. Likely at least 2 runs to get it "perfect".

Still, 2 runs is nothing. Some people (most) will never find it because the system they're using (if they have a system) doesn't teach - it just feeds them. Blueprint doesn't give you a fish, it teaches you how to fish.

There is a difference.
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Post by hah2110 »

RobRegish wrote:I'd suggest downshifting cals the final two weeks of Feast to 100% and 70% on non-training days IF you think your bodyfat is unacceptable at that point.

Keep in mind cruise is a nice time to do this to and if that doesn't do it, your second Famine will :)

In all honesty it's such a tall order to set new 1RM's, build brand new LBM AND drop fat simultaneously. Sovabrat and others have done it so YES, it can be done but it takes some experience to do so. Likely at least 2 runs to get it "perfect".

Still, 2 runs is nothing. Some people (most) will never find it because the system they're using (if they have a system) doesn't teach - it just feeds them. Blueprint doesn't give you a fish, it teaches you how to fish.

There is a difference.

I agree... Sovabrat, what were your stats like before/during/after? So are you suggesting to do it during the end of feast or the cruise phase? Which is better? What can I realistically drop? Current stats:

22 years old
152ish lbs
11% best guess BF (this is going off of visual cues combined with previous tests and comparing to those points)
13.25" arms
33" waist
35" chest (seems to be biggest point in center of chest)

Calories are roughly 1800/2300. My "healthy" days are usually something like wheat bagel, sweet potato, chicken, steak, baked potato, mashed potato, etc. If I cheat, it is normally a burger and fries or chicken fingers and fries. My weakest link is my sweet tooth. I love my candy but try to not over indulge. Sometimes a brownie when my girlfriend makes them ;-)
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Post by RobRegish »

IF your strength is still up and IF it doesn't compromise LBM gains then you can experiment with this the last 10-14 days of Feast. Ideally, you finish up the GLP workouts early but if not DON'T sweat it.

You can start zig zagging in Cruise. What's possible? Provided you stick to it and cardio is performed as prescribed... shedding 2% or more bodyfat at your weight is perfectly doable in 2-3 weeks.

The key is your bodyweight/current bodyfat levels. You're not a beefy man (yet) and you for sure aren't carrying much fat around. As an added bonus, you're not even really dieting right now and in fact, building LBM which will act to burn more calories at reast.

All of which spells fast(er) fat loss when you get more aggressive with that protocol. In other words... you have room to maneuver!
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Post by hah2110 »

RobRegish wrote:IF your strength is still up and IF it doesn't compromise LBM gains then you can experiment with this the last 10-14 days of Feast. Ideally, you finish up the GLP workouts early but if not DON'T sweat it.

You can start zig zagging in Cruise. What's possible? Provided you stick to it and cardio is performed as prescribed... shedding 2% or more bodyfat at your weight is perfectly doable in 2-3 weeks.

The key is your bodyweight/current bodyfat levels. You're not a beefy man (yet) and you for sure aren't carrying much fat around. As an added bonus, you're not even really dieting right now and in fact, building LBM which will act to burn more calories at reast.

All of which spells fast(er) fat loss when you get more aggressive with that protocol. In other words... you have room to maneuver!
So can I not finish the last sets of GLP while running below maintenance zig zagging? Would the workouts change at all last 1.5 - 2 weeks?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, you can... Just keep an eye on your strength levels. If you find them waning, PM me for guidance :)
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