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On Fire, on The Blueprint and E-Bol

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:48 am
by On Fire
It's a Sunday night, and I'm tired as hell, so this first post is going to be a little brief and devoid of fancy formatting. It's been a good workout week, met a new girl, ate about at maintenance all week and tomorrow I shall start "The Blueprint".

My current plan is to start my "Famine phase" tomorrow (Monday), beat the shit out of myself in the gym all week (Monday to Friday). I'll be doing the workout described in The Blueprint. While I've got some skepticism on the volume of training during this famine, I will stick to guidelines to attempt to preserve what apparently works.

Rob, I'm going to need your help with designing the EDT program you'd like me to utilize during the feast phase. You asked in the email about any injuries I've had, and nothing comes to mind except that I've been known to have shoulder/rotator cuff pain when performing bench press @ or over 225 pounds, but since very recently switching to a powerlifting style arch, I've been able to lessen the pain, and sometimes I don't feel it at all. I'm still working on getting a better arch. Other than that, my only other problem is that I pulled a muscle either in my trapezius or rhomboid early last week, but it's slowly getting better. The ice burn I gave myself the other day might even show up in my photos tomorrow.

I should also mention that I'm VERY skeptical of taking so many days off during the feast portion, as in the past with my splits, I've been able to adequately rotationally recover without taking much rest at all. I guess we'll see how this plays out, but I haven't taken 3 days off between workouts since I was ~15.

Thanks again to Doctor P and Mixelflick for their work in making this happen. I'll do my best to test out both products fairly.

Here's a link to the thread where this project all started: ... =124703391

Here's a link to my log: ... t500973481

Here's a link to my Thermolife log: ... #post24037

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:52 am
by Big.jazayrli
Glad you're here with us man.


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:07 am
by RobRegish
OK On Fire, appreciate you being here with us and let's get movin'...

With respect to EDT, here's a good overview insofar as how it works/how to construct: ... .php?t=437

Now the shoulder issues/recent injury info is much apprecited. I'd like your thoughts on exercise pairings that would work.

For upper body, we favor the following:

Incline DB Presses
One arm DB Rows

Decline DB Presses
Tbar Rows

For lower body, we favor the following:

Romanian Deadlifts
Leg Sled

Romanian or Dimel Deadlifts - These are outside the context of EDT and we perform one, perhaps 2 sets and rotate the following rep ranges from workout to workout:

20 reps
15 reps
10 reps

Let me know your thoughts on that and I'll refine as we approach Feast.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:54 am
by RobRegish
"I should also mention that I'm VERY skeptical of taking so many days off during the feast portion, as in the past with my splits, I've been able to adequately rotationally recover without taking much rest at all. I guess we'll see how this plays out, but I haven't taken 3 days off between workouts since I was ~15".

A. Part of this is due to the unique load/de-load and resulting super-compensation you'll be experiencing. Of all the parameters we modulate in The Blueprint, Frequency is the biggest variable that lends itself to success.

It is an eye opener to many but in a pleasantly surprising way. The stresses we'll be imposing are far greater than anything you're likely to have experienced prior (you'll probably agree after Famine concludes).

In any case, great questions and I appreciate the feedback. Part of planning your future success lies in looking at your past training history. For it is here where many of the clues lie in vaulting you to new personal records, improving LBM ratios etc..

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:27 am
by Hank!


Before I started the Blueprint I shared some of the same skepticism you are currently experiencing, however I did follow the program as written. I was very happy with progress I made.

I look forward to following your progression, you look pretty ripped in the profile picture on so your gains should be very apparent very quickly


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:04 am
by SiLkPaDrE
Welcome aboard man. I am still prepping to start my run so I can't vouch for the BP's effectiveness yet, although I am feeling extremely good about what's in store for me, but I can still assure you that you have a whole bunch of people here to help you along the way. Good luck!

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:50 am
by On Fire
RobRegish wrote: For upper body, we favor the following:

Incline DB Presses
One arm DB Rows

Decline DB Presses
Tbar Rows

For lower body, we favor the following:

Romanian Deadlifts
Leg Sled

Romanian or Dimel Deadlifts - These are outside the context of EDT and we perform one, perhaps 2 sets and rotate the following rep ranges from workout to workout:

20 reps
15 reps
10 reps

Let me know your thoughts on that and I'll refine as we approach Feast.
The exercises look alright aside from the log sled. My gym isn't really well set up for carrying weights all over the place.

Also, I'm not sure if you chose DB presses instead of bar presses in respect to my shoulder, but if bar is deemed more effective, then I'd prefer to do it. Likewise, one arm DB rows are fine, but I can easily rip out a clean set of 12-15 barbell rows @ 185lbs if that's going to provide more/better stress.

Not sure if you're holding back or if it's by design, but I'm a very experienced "gym rat". The only exercises I typically perform under what I should are intense powerlifting movements like clean, snatch, jerk, etc. I don't really perform them. Though I had been learning a proper hanging clean and managed to perform a clean set of 8 @ 135. My explosive drive is a little weak.

Can you give me an idea of what ONE workout will look like with EDT? Will it be something like:

6 sets (as explained in the link you supplied) of Incline bench jumpset w/ 6 sets of one arm DB rows, followed by 2 sets of each of RDL and (an adequate replacement for Log sled... maybe rack shrugs?)

And that's IT? What kind of cardio am I allowed to do on this program? I was hoping to get the tri-bike back in race shape when the weather clears up a little.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:47 pm
by RobRegish
The exercises look alright aside from the log sled. My gym isn't really well set up for carrying weights all over the place.

Also, I'm not sure if you chose DB presses instead of bar presses in respect to my shoulder, but if bar is deemed more effective, then I'd prefer to do it. Likewise, one arm DB rows are fine, but I can easily rip out a clean set of 12-15 barbell rows @ 185lbs if that's going to provide more/better stress.

A. Bar work is fine. I chose DB's due to your shoulder issues, playing it conservative. But if you're partial, by all means perform with a bar

Not sure if you're holding back or if it's by design, but I'm a very experienced "gym rat". The only exercises I typically perform under what I should are intense powerlifting movements like clean, snatch, jerk, etc. I don't really perform them. Though I had been learning a proper hanging clean and managed to perform a clean set of 8 @ 135. My explosive drive is a little weak.

A. There will be no holding back here. The exercises you perform in this run will be identical to your Ebol run. I think that's only fair.

Can you give me an idea of what ONE workout will look like with EDT? Will it be something like:

6 sets (as explained in the link you supplied) of Incline bench jumpset w/ 6 sets of one arm DB rows, followed by 2 sets of each of RDL and (an adequate replacement for Log sled... maybe rack shrugs?)

And that's IT? What kind of cardio am I allowed to do on this program? I was hoping to get the tri-bike back in race shape when the weather clears up a little.

A sample EDT upper body day:


Dumbell pullover


Incline Barbell Presses
One arm DB rows


EZ bar skull crushers on a flat bench
Overhead dumbell tricep extensions (both arms, one dumbell)

Your PR Zones are going to last a bit longer than usual, perhaps 15-20 minutes. That should be plenty of volume, much of which is applied with big basic exercises that will deliver the most overload.

When the time comes, I'll sketch all of them out for you. I realize this might not look like much, but once you run through them (particularly the leg day) I think you'll see they're plenty when pushing yourself. And I know you will...

Cardio is performed on off days. I favor 3 different types:


Long distance, low intensity steady state (LISS)

This is your classic "jogging" or long distance bike riding over a flat terrain (no hills!). Anywhere from 20-30 minutes in a fasted state (preferred) is acceptable. I do NOT want you to exceed 30 minutes given the potential for LBM catabolism


General Physical Preparedness training

Sled dragging, medicine ball throws etc.. This superb form of exercise elevates heart rate, increases blood flow and workload capacity WITHOUT causing eccentric damage seen in lowering of weights while weight lifting.

If you don't have a sled already, please get one or build one!: ... sp?cid=390

Medicine balls: ... sp?cid=261

I simply can't say enough about the sled insofar a a conditioning and rehab tool. It has endless applications and is my go to form of conditioning.


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Here we have an interesting hybrid that allows for some high intensity work interspersed wtih periods of lower intensity periods. Suggest either sprinting/walking for 5 seconds/1 minute respectively. Start with 4-5 minutes of such and work your way up. No more than 20 minutes total.

Rotating these 3 forms of cardio will allow you to 1.) Maximize your workload, recovery and cardiovascular capacity and 2.) Keep you from going out of your mind.

I don't know about you but any one form of anything gets pretty boring after a few sessions. Especially long distance long duration cardio. I mean, is it any wonder they put TV's and stair steppers in front of the treadmills?

Also, get outside for these sessions once in ahwile. Cardio more than weight training allows for this and it only makes sense to use this time as an opportunity for such.

Hope that helps..

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:35 pm
by On Fire
OK. First workout is done. I RARELY do reps in the 4-6 range, so this workout was kind of a PR on all kinda deal. A lot of first times, but I'm sufficiently happy with the results, and I think I accurately gauged my weight marks. Here's how it went down:

Block 1
Squats to parallel:
135x10, 225x8, 275x5, 275x5, 255x6
Seated Cable Row:
180x12, 225x7, 225x7, 225x6

Block 2 (memory failed me this time, I'll have to correct it for friday's workout. I absolutely hate taking notes at the gym. Would've done rows jumpset with pulldowns).
Leg press:
450x6, 450x7, 450x7 (not overly happy, but my form was on point so what can you do).
Cable lat pulldowns:
185x5, 185x5, 185x5

Block 3 (Biceps, did 4 sets rather than the prescribed 3, didnt feel first set did me any good).
Seated simultaneous inclined DB curls: 55x6
Standing Bar curls: 100x8, 110x6
Preacher curls: 95x6 (if the ezcurl weighs the standard 25, didnt weigh it, rarely use it).

No cardio today. Woke up with a protein shake @ around 300 cals, then didn't eat until I hit the gym ~4 hours later. Haven't had much to eat today. It's affected my mood for sure.

Supp stack:
Protein, Multi, Fish Oil

Pre: Cryoshock or Jack3d
Intra: SizeOn V1 mixed with IntrAbolic

Forgot to get on the scale today at the gym, and I don't have one at home :(
Pics will follow, but I might just post them @ or something. Since they can't really see my workouts that log will be pretty boring.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:41 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe the use of protein powder and intra products will somewhat counteract the purpose of famine, won't they? :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:05 am
by On Fire
I'm not using much. 1 scoop on wake, 1 scoop after workout. If the intrabolic is taboo on the famine, please let me know Rob, and I'll pass on it until the famine phase ends.

The rest of my dietary intake this week is mostly carbs and moderate fat. Dinner was boring as fuck. Big bowl of oatmeal with PB, All Bran and Pretzel M&M's mixed in.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:03 am
by Big.jazayrli
Like I said, I could be wrong ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:38 am
by RobRegish
Yes please discontinue all intra-workout supps immediately, especially products like you're using. Doing so counter-acts the mechanism we're trying to generate. From The Blueprint:


"During this time, your diet will consist of largely fruits and vegetables, leafy greens and some nuts. If you're not into the math, I recommend you leave each meal a bit hungry. In fact, you should find yourself quite hungry during this entire 5 day period. You should attempt to cut out as much protein as you can....."

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:38 am
by Hank!

I know you didn't want to take the week off of the gym because you were not burned out thats fine but in order to run this program RIGHT you have to follow the program

During the week before you started you should have determined your Resting Heart Rate upon waking

Roughly 5 Days keeping cals way under maintenance, BW x 6 or 8, protein below 40 gms a day. Eat fruit, veg, carbs..

Workout will be of increasing workload through the week. Three workouts minimum(i did 5).

While you are increasing your workload and decreasing your calories you should be monitoring your waking RHR.

The point of this is to put your body into a very stressed state, thereby setting up the Sling - SHOT that the feast gives you.

I haven't seen stats or where you've posted any RHR/Blood Pressure , weight etc forgive me if I am missing something..but these measurements are crucial for you to see where your at or heading in this 1st stage