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New! Can someone review my program?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:01 pm
by lovehasrisen
I’m new to the blue print boards!
I have read the program last night and today, so twice and also read 8-10 logs. I think I have the “over-all” concept down, but still need some input from the experts.
Can someone please check my run [draft] I made for my 1st blue print run.
I'm planning on running the Blue Print next month [Around June 17].

My overall goal is to
#1. Lose Body Fat
#2. Increase strength/PRs

Here's what I'm going to do…

Pre- Blue Print:
Rest 4 days - Make sure i'm not "overtrained"

Famine Period
1. Will take Muscle Nectar [multi-vitamin formula, can you please check the ingredients and see if this product will be "okay"…] Also might include the EC stack during the “famine period” (12.5g E. sulfate + 100mg caffeine twice a day)

2. Will eat around 1800-2000 calories [Stats: 6'2, 250lbs]
3. Lots of Fruits and veggies [fruit juice - v8], will do something similar to the "warrior diet"..
4. Workout program

1. Superset between BB Squats and Lat Pulldowns (3 sets of 6 reps) – Rest 2 minutes between sets
2. Barbell Curls (3x6) – Rest 2 minutes
3. Incline DB Curls (3x6) – Rest 2 minutes
4. Preacher Curls (3x6) – Rest 2 minutes
5. Bodyweight Squats, walking lunges [each leg] (3x15) –DONE

1. Superset between BB Bench Press 10 reps and DB Arnold Press 8 reps for total 4 sets – 1 minute rest in between sets
2. Since I cannot do close grip bench press [injured my left arm during football, for some reason it still hurts after I do close grip bench press], I will do tri-rope press down on the rope machines (4x10)
3. BB Hang Cleans (4x8) – perform with light weights, something around 135 lbs. –DONE

Friday – Basically Monday’s workout but with 30 seconds rest in between, lighter weight (goal: 15 reps), 5 sets of each workout. – DONE

Feast period
1. Supplements: E-BOL (2,2,2) tbol trib (2,2,2) cbol creatine (6,6 workout days, 2,2,2 on off-days), Vasolate (1 scoop in the morning, 2-3 scoops throughout the day), ½ serving of Muscle Nectar, 3g of ON Fish Oil, BCAAs through the day, WaxyMaize Preworkout, Intrabolic PreWorkout
2. Will try to eat around 3500 calories on workout days and 2800 calories on “off-days”. I understand it should be my BWx15, but honestly I have trouble eating. Yes, I know… I am 250lbs and I can barely eat over 3000+ calories per day. My Macro is going to look something like this: 60% Protein, 20% Fat, 20% Carbs.
3. Will drink and eat protein throughout the day and will still try to do something similar to the “warrior diet” where I eat most of my calories near my workout and on “off-days” around 4-5pm.
4. Workout Program [Fun Part]
Workout #1
*BB Bench Press (1x10) – After Warm-ups
*Slight Incline DB Pullovers (1x10)

1. BB Incline Bench Press / Lat Pulldowns
PR zones: 20 minutes total
2. BB Squats / BB Romanian Deadlifts
PR zones: 20 minutes total
3. Seated DB Curls [with or without incline] / Tri Rope press downs

WORKOUT #1 8-10 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #2 4-6 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #3 2-3 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #4 6-8 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #5 Attempt new 1RM
Rest 2 days

After this workout program I will go straight into Bill Starr’s 5x5 int. program. Will Include some pull-ups, arm workouts… etc [Here is the program: ... ar_5x5.htm] If you guys can recommend something better please let me know. I was going to do WS4SB Part III but now I’m not 100% sure what to do! Any tips?

Cruise Period
1. Same supplements
2. Will eat around my maintenance calories on workout days and will eat –800 calories on “off-days”
3. Diet: “anabolic diet” + “Warrior diet” [Basically: Will eat 60-65% fat, 30-35% protein and <50g of carbs per day] On workout days I will drink/eat carbs pre-workout and post-workout, so I will NOT have a carb-up day.
4. Workout Program – Maybe WS4SB Part III, not 100% sure… need some help here! []

If you guys can help edit my workout program, diet… etc and give me some tips that would be awesome! Need some help from the Blue Print experts.


Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:04 pm
by RobRegish
All welcome Brother Love!

I want everyone to know Love has been spreading the BP gospel for some time....without even having the course! So forever grateful man, and we're all here to support you on your first BP run..
I’m new to the blue print boards!

I have read the program last night and today, so twice and also read 8-10 logs. I think I have the “over-all” concept down, but still need some input from the experts.

Can someone please check my run [draft] I made for my 1st blue print run.

I'm planning on running the Blue Print next month [Around June 17].

My overall goal is to
#1. Lose Body Fat
#2. Increase strength/PRs

A. Appreciate you sharing as it helps me tweak your master plan.

Here's what I'm going to do…

Pre- Blue Print:
Rest 4 days - Make sure i'm not "overtrained"

A. Solid. If you can, consider taking a full week. Helpful insofar the mental/physical preparation for what lies before you. Also helpful in establishing your waking avg heart rate.

Famine Period
1. Will take Muscle Nectar [multi-vitamin formula, can you please check the ingredients and see if this product will be "okay"…] Also might include the EC stack during the “famine period” (12.5g E. sulfate + 100mg caffeine twice a day)

A. Solid. Do rule out any pre-ex conditions prior to the E/C. Can't stress this enough.

2. Will eat around 1800-2000 calories [Stats: 6'2, 250lbs]
3. Lots of Fruits and veggies [fruit juice - v8], will do something similar to the "warrior diet"..

A. Excellent. Check this out to assist: ... .php?t=389

4. Workout program


1. Superset between BB Squats and Lat Pulldowns (3 sets of 6 reps) – Rest 2 minutes between sets
2. Barbell Curls (3x6) – Rest 2 minutes
3. Incline DB Curls (3x6) – Rest 2 minutes
4. Preacher Curls (3x6) – Rest 2 minutes
5. Bodyweight Squats, walking lunges [each leg] (3x15) –DONE

A. Looks good except the curls it's only one set of each, not 3. Please see this thread for clarity: ... .php?t=377


1. Superset between BB Bench Press 10 reps and DB Arnold Press 8 reps for total 4 sets – 1 minute rest in between sets
2. Since I cannot do close grip bench press [injured my left arm during football, for some reason it still hurts after I do close grip bench press], I will do tri-rope press down on the rope machines (4x10)
3. BB Hang Cleans (4x8) – perform with light weights, something around 135 lbs. –DONE

A. For the most part, looks good. I'm fine with substituting different exercises. ... .php?t=377

Friday – Basically Monday’s workout but with 30 seconds rest in between, lighter weight (goal: 15 reps), 5 sets of each workout. – DONE

Feast period

1. Supplements: E-BOL (2,2,2) tbol trib (2,2,2) cbol creatine (6,6 workout days, 2,2,2 on off-days), Vasolate (1 scoop in the morning, 2-3 scoops throughout the day), ½ serving of Muscle Nectar, 3g of ON Fish Oil, BCAAs through the day, WaxyMaize Preworkout, Intrabolic PreWorkout

A. Good plan. I'd time the workout doses of tbol trib/Ebol about an hour prior and immediately post workout. Suggest keeping the cbol creatine for the cruise

2. Will try to eat around 3500 calories on workout days and 2800 calories on “off-days”. I understand it should be my BWx15, but honestly I have trouble eating. Yes, I know… I am 250lbs and I can barely eat over 3000+ calories per day. My Macro is going to look something like this: 60% Protein, 20% Fat, 20% Carbs.

A. Odd, but I understand. You'll be hungry after Famine though :) Liquid feeds (blender drinks) are your ticket. Consider an appropriate blender/thermos concoction to consume throughout the day. Certainly makes it easier getting those calories down..

3. Will drink and eat protein throughout the day and will still try to do something similar to the “warrior diet” where I eat most of my calories near my workout and on “off-days” around 4-5pm.

A. Here we have a most interesting twist: Warrior Diet during Feast. Fully support this experiment and I'm very, very curious to see how it goes. Needless to say, most of these should be takein in peri-workout where they'll benefit you most.

4. Workout Program [Fun Part]

Workout #1
*BB Bench Press (1x10) – After Warm-ups
*Slight Incline DB Pullovers (1x10)

1. BB Incline Bench Press / Lat Pulldowns
PR zones: 20 minutes total
2. BB Squats / BB Romanian Deadlifts
PR zones: 20 minutes total
3. Seated DB Curls [with or without incline] / Tri Rope press downs

WORKOUT #1 8-10 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #2 4-6 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #3 2-3 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #4 6-8 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #5 Attempt new 1RM
Rest 2 days

A. Very solid. Check this out as it may help: ... .php?t=378 ... .php?t=437

After this workout program I will go straight into Bill Starr’s 5x5 int. program. Will Include some pull-ups, arm workouts… etc [Here is the program: ... Linear_5x5.
htm] If you guys can recommend something better please let me know. I was going to do WS4SB Part III but now I’m not 100% sure what to do! Any tips?

A. Curious as to why you wouldn't use the German Loading pattern #1 as recommended? If you're not inclined, fully support Starr's 5x5 to run out feast with WSBB4L during the cruise. Suggest you use cbol creatine here as it segways well with the increased workload...

Cruise Period
1. Same supplements
A. I'd discontinute Ebol/tbol trib and run the cbol creatine as stated above. Just my $.02..
2. Will eat around my maintenance calories on workout days and will eat –800 calories on “off-days”
A. Good plan. I'm assuming you mean 800 less...
3. Diet: “anabolic diet” + “Warrior diet” [Basically: Will eat 60-65% fat, 30-35% protein and <50g of carbs per day] On workout days I will drink/eat carbs pre-workout and post-workout, so I will NOT have a carb-up day.
A. Concerned about this given the total tonnage involved/demands on your system. If intent on doing so, suggest WMS or like product loading in and around the workout on training days. If you're going to run carbs (and it's my opinion you'll need them), it makes the most sense to use them here!

4. Workout Program – Maybe WS4SB Part III, not 100% sure… need some help here! []

A. WS4SB fits well here. Starr's 5x5 too. Whichever one you DON'T use to finish up Feast makes a LOT of sense.

If you guys can help edit my workout program, diet… etc and give me some tips that would be awesome! Need some help from the Blue Print experts.

Please let me know if I answered your questions satisfactorily. Here to support you 100% my man... :)

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:23 pm
by lovehasrisen ... .php?t=389
Great Post

A. Looks good except the curls it's only one set of each, not 3. Please see this thread for clarity: ... .php?t=377
Ahh.. Do I warm up.. or go into straight 6 reps [assuming.. 6 reps max.. heavy weight]

A. Good plan. I'd time the workout doses of tbol trib/Ebol about an hour prior and immediately post workout. Suggest keeping the cbol creatine for the cruise
So, no creatine during the Feast Period?

A. Curious as to why you wouldn't use the German Loading pattern #1 as recommended? If you're not inclined, fully support Starr's 5x5 to run out feast with WSBB4L during the cruise. Suggest you use cbol creatine here as it segways well with the increased workload...
Is the German loading pattern for only 2 workouts [2 days]? I have been on the Bill Starr's 5x5 workout program before, so i'm familiar with it. But the German Loading pattern is a bit new to me!

A. I'd discontinute Ebol/tbol trib and run the cbol creatine as stated above. Just my $.02
Will discontinue both products

A. Concerned about this given the total tonnage involved/demands on your system. If intent on doing so, suggest WMS or like product loading in and around the workout on training days. If you're going to run carbs (and it's my opinion you'll need them), it makes the most sense to use them here

Yeah I was basically thinking.. higher carb intake [~100g+] on the days before my workouts.. and higher carb intake on workout days! I do have waxymaize and will add that to my pre-workout supplement/meal :p

Thank you!

Re: New! Can someone review my program?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:11 am
by sovabrat
lovehasrisen wrote:Hello!

Feast period
1. Supplements: E-BOL (2,2,2) tbol trib (2,2,2) cbol creatine (6,6 workout days, 2,2,2 on off-days), Vasolate (1 scoop in the morning, 2-3 scoops throughout the day), ½ serving of Muscle Nectar, 3g of ON Fish Oil, BCAAs through the day, WaxyMaize Preworkout, Intrabolic PreWorkout
2. Will try to eat around 3500 calories on workout days and 2800 calories on “off-days”. I understand it should be my BWx15, but honestly I have trouble eating. Yes, I know… I am 250lbs and I can barely eat over 3000+ calories per day. My Macro is going to look something like this: 60% Protein, 20% Fat, 20% Carbs.
3. Will drink and eat protein throughout the day and will still try to do something similar to the “warrior diet” where I eat most of my calories near my workout and on “off-days” around 4-5pm.

First, welcome to the community, I think you will find that purchasing the BP will change the way you approach training forever. The results will speak for themselves.

One thing I want to point out that I commonly see is the nutrient goals people make. In my opinion most people don't fully understand what they are putting into their body. Although the intentions are most definitely there to eat properly and meet goals, they are often not met. I would HIGHLY suggest using to track your daily nutrient intake and monitor your weight. I believe it is the 2nd most important part of the blueprint besides the methods themselves. It allows you to accurately track what you are eating and analyze hard data.

I think you might find that eating 60% protein, 20% fat and 20% carbs is going to be very difficult. One great source of protein (eggs) is loaded with healthy fats and if you are like me and eat at least 3 a day, your fat content will be already close to 30%, especially at your intake level. Add to that any cheeses. With that said, I think everyone will agree that the fat and cholesterol found in these sources are very beneficial to the body.

Another much debated topic is the intake of protein shakes vs natural sources of protein. I dont have the facts on this, but I know that your body digests the liquid much differently than the whole foods. You will definitely be able to reach 60% protein if you are only consuming shakes. I think you might get tired of this though.

My best piece of advice to offer for dieting during this program is to track what you eat for a couple days and see what is reasonable. You don't want to spend so much time trying to get exactly a certain percentage. Instead I would suggest that you concentrate on getting the adequate protein levels and maybe just limit your carbs such as bread and pasta as you seem to be aware of. You will find the experience so much more enyoable! As long as you are making healthy choices outside of your protein sources, you will find that you can still lose fat VERY quickly while still retaining and even packing on muscle.

Let me know if I can clarify anything for you based on my experience so far! I think you are going to do great on this program. I bet with the right diet you could lose 20+lbs.

Re: New! Can someone review my program?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:49 pm
by lovehasrisen
The results will speak for themselves.
Yes! :D

One thing I want to point out that I commonly see is the nutrient goals people make. In my opinion most people don't fully understand what they are putting into their body. Although the intentions are most definitely there to eat properly and meet goals, they are often not met. I would HIGHLY suggest using to track your daily nutrient intake and monitor your weight. I believe it is the 2nd most important part of the blueprint besides the methods themselves. It allows you to accurately track what you are eating and analyze hard data.
Thank you for the website. I'll make sure to accurately track what goes in :)

I think you might find that eating 60% protein, 20% fat and 20% carbs is going to be very difficult. One great source of protein (eggs) is loaded with healthy fats and if you are like me and eat at least 3 a day, your fat content will be already close to 30%, especially at your intake level. Add to that any cheeses. With that said, I think everyone will agree that the fat and cholesterol found in these sources are very beneficial to the body.
Yeah, since I have trouble eating.. I was thinking of making shakes.. and adding protein powder to the shake to make sure I get my calories..

Let me know if I can clarify anything for you based on my experience so far! I think you are going to do great on this program. I bet with the right diet you could lose 20+lbs.
Thank you for the reply! I sure do hope.. I lose 20+ lbs :D

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 6:48 pm
by RobRegish
sovabrat, GREAT job helping out man. Can't say it enough..

Love, on to your questions!

Do I warm up.. or go into straight 6 reps [assuming.. 6 reps max.. heavy weight]

A. Definately warm up. Check out this stickie when warming up:

WARM UPS: How To ... =4291#4291

Is the German loading pattern for only 2 workouts [2 days]? I have been on the Bill Starr's 5x5 workout program before, so i'm familiar with it. But the German Loading pattern is a bit new to me!

A. GLP #1 is a 6 workout routine that radically boosts strength in a very short period of time. Check out page 62 of 2.0 and you'll see what I mean. Also, make sure to see this link on page 68: ... dSheet.pdf

I really undersold this in 2.0, and hope more of you guys study it.

A. Concerned about this given the total tonnage involved/demands on your system. If intent on doing so, suggest WMS or like product loading in and around the workout on training days. If you're going to run carbs (and it's my opinion you'll need them), it makes the most sense to use them here

Yeah I was basically thinking.. higher carb intake [~100g+] on the days before my workouts.. and higher carb intake on workout days! I do have waxymaize and will add that to my pre-workout supplement/meal :p

A. Solid plan

Thank you!

A. My pleasure man, always..

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 3:34 pm
by lovehasrisen
Thank You!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 3:47 pm
by DaCookie
lovehasrisen is in the house! :D

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:11 pm
by lovehasrisen
DaCookie wrote:lovehasrisen is in the house! :D
Sup brah? :oops:

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:35 pm
by Big.jazayrli
lovehasrisen wrote:
DaCookie wrote:lovehasrisen is in the house! :D
Sup brah? :oops:
now i just gotta plan my blueprint.

imma need all you folks help! :D

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:37 am
by nowski1381
Big.jazayrli wrote:
lovehasrisen wrote:
DaCookie wrote:lovehasrisen is in the house! :D
Sup brah? :oops:
now i just gotta plan my blueprint.

imma need all you folks help! :D
Same here! I'll be planning mine soon and will def have some questions!

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:25 am
by lovehasrisen
Big.jazayrli wrote:
lovehasrisen wrote:
DaCookie wrote:lovehasrisen is in the house! :D
Sup brah? :oops:
now i just gotta plan my blueprint.

imma need all you folks help! :D
Lots of great help here! :D

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:31 am
by Big.jazayrli
lovehasrisen wrote:
Big.jazayrli wrote:
lovehasrisen wrote: Sup brah? :oops:
now i just gotta plan my blueprint.

imma need all you folks help! :D
Lots of great help here! :D
yeah man for sure. im just getting through reading the e-book. im kinda planning this as i go. Gonna do a short run through of this program cause i have 4 weeks before i leave on a trip. that makes for 7 day famine/21 day feast/no cruise. So we'll see how it goes. worst case scenario i guess i end up where i am, right?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:10 am
by RobRegish
Here for all you guys to make the MOST out of your BP runs!