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Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:04 pm
by cgrover
Well today is Day 4 of famine for me. Things are going well (even though it sucks), Resting HR is going up each morning.

So this morning I went to a "hot yoga" class ("hot" room and fast pace). My trainer had suggested I try it to work on flexibility and balance. It was certainly not easy...was a good challenge and I kind of enjoyed it.

Just curious how this fits in with the Blueprint if at all? Is this bad for the famine phase since it improves circulation? It was certainly good cardio...I was sweating A LOT.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:06 pm
by RobRegish
Welcome aboard man! Glad you're here...

Yoga definately "fits' and I personally could/should do a lot more of it. Brainsquirt here has GREAT insight into this topic. Please peruse his posts or otherwise reach out to him.

And right here for you if you need me/us. You are among friends here so fire away with questions!

Re: Yoga!?!

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:03 am
by BrainSquirt
cgrover wrote:Day 4 of famine... "hot yoga" class ("hot" room and fast pace). My trainer had suggested I try it to work on flexibility and balance. It was certainly not easy...was a good challenge and I kind of enjoyed it.

Just curious how this fits in with the Blueprint if at all? Is this bad for the famine phase since it improves circulation? It was certainly good cardio...I was sweating A LOT.
Good idea. Not at all contra indicated for famine. But…

…my general opinion of ‘yoga’? It SUCKS! Americanized hatha ‘yoga’ is a commercialized corruption of the original intent of yoga. Most ‘western’ instructors only know Asana and a pinch of Pranayama ie they don’t really know squat about seven of the eight Limbs of yoga
1. Yamas - restraints 2. Niyamas - observances 3. Asana - postures 4. Pranayama - breathing 5. Pratyahara - withdrawal of senses 6. Dharana - concentration 7. Dhyana - meditation 8. Samadhi - absorption
Yanging it up more by adding a ‘calisthenics’ element corrupts it even more – speed asana, speed dating, speed sexing…

Initially it’s going to ‘feel good’ because it’s bringing circulation and compensation to areas that have been deprived. But I had to ask myself - why I was depriving those areas in the first place?!

For the great majority of athletes / bodybuilders, ‘pop yoga’ will not, IN THE LONG TERM, discreate unwanted tensions and help create wanted tensions. It will not provide adequate ‘compensation’ for the ‘chronic overuse’ of certain body parts that any athletic specialization, including lifting, will incur. More to the point, it will not directly produce the level of health in the myofascial bags and trains an athlete needs for staying power.

So - I 'think' real yoga and pop yoga is stupid. That said, I diligently practice prasara - a grueling, hard, yang practice that will accomplish those things mentioned that ‘american’ yoga will not. It is about flow, being in true flow, free from fear/reactivity – something only about 3% ever really attain to and are able to sustain… It, like with BP, is in a short list of real, relevant, significant discoveries I have been blessed with over the last 3 years...

(Disclosure: …have no financial interest… not an endorsement… yada yada)


Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:06 pm
by cgrover
Thanks for the post. Really appreciate your perspective.

I'm home for the summer and pretty much just getting ready for soccer season in the fall. I think our instructor is pretty knowledgeable...But who knows. I think I'll go like twice a week.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:01 pm
by askmass
I'm a proponent of the Dallas Page YRG style power Yoga.

It is a great discipline and will help you in dozens of ways.