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DaCookie is turning into the Cookie Monster-2nd run, 1st log
Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:21 pm
by DaCookie
Ill be running the blueprint along with the anabolic diet.I recently did a cut and move to the anabolic diet so I lost a lot of weight.I was at over 170lbs and now I am 158lbs(It was mostly fat/water weight but I lost a bit of muscle too).I look better than I did at 170 lbs but I dont feel better as I got quite depressed when seeing my lifts go down so much and then this only brought them down more in the cut.Thus I pretty much half assed weights on and off for about one and a half months.It was the first PROPER cut I had done before.
Im here to correct that now, with a goal weight of 175+lbs.Sounds like a long shot but im willing and able, I was surprised by how much I gained before and I think I can gain even more this time, due to things like muscle memory, new knowledge and these new MASS supps ill be trying.Reading these rave comparisons/reviews on these forums being better than thermolifes supps has me pumped.Not only that but the compliments I got when I was 170lbs made me feel on top of the world.
18, 6'0, 158lbs, bodyfat%= ?(I dont really know, but ill have this thing in the next few days that will tell me...not really worried about it because ill be doing a cut after this anyway.)
I wont be using any supps for famine, I did this last time and it worked out well.
Supps for feast/some for cruise(dunno which ones?):
Intrabolic(Half tub left)
Opti-men or Multi-life?
MASS Pro Whey
Adaptogen N
NOW Vitamin D-3 5000 IU
NOW Super Odorless Garlic
Burn it up!(Thinking of using this for my cut instead along with an ECA stack)
tbol trib
cbol creatine(Smaller dose)
Green magnitude(Have like 5 servings to finish off)
Bronze Organic(Sample pack which im going to use near the end.)
They say loading of creatine is not necessary but I think it does help, especially since I cycle off it because I believe that helps also.So I will load by finishing the green mag off and doing cbol creatine at 6 pills for another few days and then go down to 3 cbol creatine.
The E-bol, tbol trib and cbol creatine is probably a bit overkill but I already have these supps bought and I want to use them up.I think they can contribute to my goal even if I get diminishing returns.
Mixel what program do you recommend to me?I wanted to do one that included flat bench, deadlift and squats.Is it possible to take one from the blueprint and modify it to add these excercises in?
I had good results with this one:
Bench press or Dips - 2 sets of 12
Squat - 1 set of 20 supersetted with
Pullovers - 1 set of 20
Bent rows - 2 sets of 15
Now I know its good to vary your workout, but you see I wasnt doing this workout for very long.I did 1 workout and then 2 rest days.Add in the 3 days of just eating loads for 3 days at the start of feast and those 5 first workouts after it that are different and then add in the fact I only did feast for I think 30-32 days and we see that I didnt do that workout for very long at all.
That was a mistake so now I plan to do 1 workout then 1 rest day etc.On rest day I might do some cardio.
By the way my MASS order arrived today, everything was fine except for one of the samples was broken.I believe it was a sample of burn it up with 3 pills inside, all of the pills had holes in them and the powder leaked out into the packet.
And Mixel after I do famine for five days how do I transition this to the anabolic diet?I was thinking something along the lines of after I finish famine I carb up for one or two days then the next day no carbs and then proceed to workout one the next day?
Ok, down to business.
Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:30 pm
by DaCookie
Day 1 Famine:
7hours sleep up at 8:30am.
9am: water and a pear
11am: pear, few blueberries, small stick of celery, passion fruit
1pm: few blueberries, small stick of celery, passion fruit, raw brocolli(YUM!

2pm: water
4pm: water
7pm: tried to sleep for 1hour, couldnt because of thinking about pizza etc!
8 30pm: Peas, Coliflower, celery
Its now 10 30 almost, going to do weights after I write this then 25min jog or so.
12: Apple
12-12 30: bed
Feel pretty shit and its only the first bloody day!Last time I cheated once, so i promised myself I wouldnt cheat this time.Only veg/fruit.Lets do this!All day baby

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:43 pm
by RobRegish
Welcome back DaCookie!
OK, let's get your questions squared away..
Supps for feast/some for cruise(dunno which ones?):
Intrabolic(Half tub left) -
Use during Feast/Cruise
Opti-men or Multi-life? -
Highly suggest the Multi-Life, at least during Feast
MASS Pro Whey -
Solid as a rock during Feast/CruiseKRE-ANABOLYN -
The new generation 5 
Adaptogen N -
Wow you went all out. 3 before bed during Feast, M-F. Take Sat/Sunday off.
NOW Vitamin D-3 5000 IU -
Good man
NOW Super Odorless Garlic -
Great immune booster/detox agentNOW Super EPA -
Solid. Minimum 3g/day. Feel free to go up to 6g/dayAlkaplex -
Super for Famine, Feast and Cruise.
Burn it up!(Thinking of using this for my cut instead along with an ECA stack) -
Perfect for cruise IMO, or anytime really. Cruise especially though.
E-bol -
Understand it's left over
tbol trib - Understand it's left over
cbol creatine(Smaller dose) -
Save this for Cruise
Green magnitude(Have like 5 servings to finish off) -
Save for Cruise
Bronze Organic(Sample pack which im going to use near the end.) -
Great stuff prior to the sun. You really need to load though to do it justice.
They say loading of creatine is not necessary but I think it does help, especially since I cycle off it because I believe that helps also.So I will load by finishing the green mag off and doing cbol creatine at 6 pills for another few days and then go down to 3 cbol creatine.
A. I'd re-think this. Kre-Alkalyn found in KreAnabolyn has changed a lot of minds about loading. Maybe you'll be one of them.
The E-bol, tbol trib and cbol creatine is probably a bit overkill but I already have these supps bought and I want to use them up.I think they can contribute to my goal even if I get diminishing returns.
A. Suggestion is to use them pre-post workout then where they'll give you the most bang for the buck. There is some research on Trib Alatus that lends itself to glucose disposal. Paired with Kre-Anabolyn's 4Hydroxyisoleucine it may very well be complimentary.
Mixel what program do you recommend to me?I wanted to do one that included flat bench, deadlift and squats.Is it possible to take one from the blueprint and modify it to add these excercises in?
A. This is a tough one. Tough because peaking all 3 lifts is a tall oder.Taller still on a low carb diet even if it is a bulk. I'm going to make a strategic call here and you may or may not be open to it:
- If you're intent on using the Anabolic diet, use the bulker calorie levels but forego the weekend carb load.
Instead, every workout day load up on carbs peri-workout. Largely in the form of your peri-workout drink. The only way to accomplish this without simple sugars is waxy maize starch or Vitargo (which is pricey). WMS is still excellent and very affordable. If you can get it, suggest no less than 200g in and around the workout. Here's how you do it:
Get a big shaker bottle, at least 26oz (I use one with a bubble top that holds even more water.
Pour some ice cold water in the bottom. Maybe a cup. Load in 200g of waxy maize starch. Add 2 scoops of MassPro MVP (or flavored version), 20-25g of BCAA's and fill the rest with water. If you're using MVP, add a whole container (makes 2 quarts) of crystal light peach iced tee. Shake vigorously.
You'll be surprised how soluble the waxy maize/bcaa/MassPro mix is. Very surprised. That'll be your first clue how refined/fast these ingredients in the WMS/MassPro are..
Start sipping that 15 min prior with your KA dose, continue drinking it througought your workout and finish up afterward with another KA dose. Doing this will keep muscle/liver glycogen levels up, your muscles feeling full (not flat) and these carbs won't "show" on you like sugar. Nor will they spill over into fat storage.
I had good results with this one:
Bench press or Dips - 2 sets of 12
Squat - 1 set of 20 supersetted with
Pullovers - 1 set of 20
Bent rows - 2 sets of 15
Now I know its good to vary your workout, but you see I wasnt doing this workout for very long.I did 1 workout and then 2 rest days.Add in the 3 days of just eating loads for 3 days at the start of feast and those 5 first workouts after it that are different and then add in the fact I only did feast for I think 30-32 days and we see that I didnt do that workout for very long at all.
That was a mistake so now I plan to do 1 workout then 1 rest day etc.On rest day I might do some cardio.
A. I'm going to make a judgement call here and have you forego the 5 day HIIT sessions and get right into super squats (your workout). The KEY is going to be managing frequency, as you astutely pointed out. You'll have to regularly insert rest days to keep pace with your growing squat poundage.
By the way my MASS order arrived today, everything was fine except for one of the samples was broken.I believe it was a sample of burn it up with 3 pills inside, all of the pills had holes in them and the powder leaked out into the packet.
And Mixel after I do famine for five days how do I transition this to the anabolic diet?I was thinking something along the lines of after I finish famine I carb up for one or two days then the next day no carbs and then proceed to workout one the next day?
A. You're somewhat sensing my recommendation above. You know you need carbs, you just don't know where. I suggest you include carbs for 3 days to get the weight up/traction going. Then follow the AD with the carb loads on every TRAINING day. Off/cardio days should be AD based. We'll take it from there.
Let me know what you think. Radical strategy but hopefully, you've come to expect that from me by now
Ok, down to business.
Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 11:49 am
by DaCookie
By grams of Super EPA do you mean grams of omega 3 fatty acids or grams of fish oil?
I dont count calories btw, I just go by the simple method of bulk=eat shit loads and keep eating even if full, cut=leave yourself a bit hungry.
Peri=intra?I dont know if I will be able to get my hands on any wazy maize starch before I start bulking.Delivery takes a good while.Always 7+ days and I dont know if you can buy it in Ireland...dont think so, the supplement shops here are crap, they just stock Gaspari/BSN and other garbage.Dont think I will be able to buy the BCAAs either.Presuming your buying bulk BCAAs otherwise I dont see how you could make it cheap with the mass pro ones?
So basically, if I cant get the extra BCAAs or wazy maize before I start feast, you are recommending I forget the whole anabolic diet thing altogether?
Also if I did do this peri workout drink, where do I fit in actual food carb days like the foods I like eg pizza.
But I thought your general opinion was that the anabolic diet was great for bulking?
The rest seems sound to me.BTW had an extra apple before I went to sleep yesterday.
Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:07 pm
by SudburyBaller
Cookie do you have b4 and after pics from your first run? Excited to follow you here. Sure I'll learn lots from you.
Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:20 pm
by DaCookie
SudburyBaller wrote:Cookie do you have b4 and after pics from your first run? Excited to follow you here. Sure I'll learn lots from you.
No I dont sorry
No camera except one on my phone thats 6 years old so crappy quality, cant even see what the object is that you point it at actually.
I checked some of your thread and noticed that pizza.Damn you.Almost died in a pool of my own drool.
Good luck to you mate.
Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:55 pm
by DaCookie
Mixel what do you think of this?:
The ratio of our BCAA is 2:1:1 (Leucine:Isoleucine:Valine).
Any other BCAAs to add to it?Or is the ratio not good?Was thinking to get L Glutamine to add to it.
5 pound delivery and 5% off from this site.I think its gonna take 3 working days so I might get it on Monday.
Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:28 pm
by RobRegish
Unfamiliar with that brand of WMS and BCAA but go for it.
By grams of Super EPA do you mean grams of omega 3 fatty acids or grams of fish oil?
A. Fish oil
The AD is for sure a good bulking diet. The big 3 increases you're seeking/program you're embarking upon though is going to take some glycogen stores for you to power through it. 20 rep squats are absolutely brutal and tough enough. I'd never suggest them on a low carb diet...even if it was above maintenance levels. You could try it but from experience, it's going to be a rough go.
In terms of carb foods, I'd consider adding a pre and post carb meal around the workout.
If you need carbs (and I feel you do on something like Super Squats), it makes sense to use them to increase insulin where it'll help you the most: in and around the workout. Recall from DiPasquale's readings that insulin is a storage hormone, drives aminos - glycogen - water in the muscle cell and is anti-catabolic.
In and around the workout is EXACTLY where you want those things happening. It just makes sense to me to elevate insulin during this time vs. indiscriminently on the weekends. Yeah, you should be fine with a 20 rep squat workout on Monday, Tuesday..maybe even Wed. But Friday? I dunno..
Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 7:17 pm
by DaCookie
Well im looking more for muscle here, not getting the big 3 up.Just I thought since my big 3 arent that great and could definitely be improved on that I should include them for greatest muscle gain
Bench press - 2 sets of 12
Squat - 1 set of 20 supersetted with
Pullovers - 1 set of 20
Bent rows(I see people do these stiff legged and not, whats the proper way?) - 2 sets of 15
Deadlift(non stiff legged?) - ?
Okay gonna order those supps, thanks.
Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 7:21 pm
by DaCookie
Day 2 Famine
9am Pear
11am Celery, few peas, apple, kiwi
1pm Celery, peas
5pm Apple
9pm Brocolli, Coliflower, peas
11 30pm Apple, 15 min jog/hill jogs, 10min ab excercises
12 30am Bed
Dreaming about all you can eats...
Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 8:21 pm
by SudburyBaller
Three days brother...

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 8:30 pm
by mars88
i feel ur pain bro just finished day 2 of famine and couldnt resist had some chocolate but im SO HUNGRY! Can not wait till saturday im going crazy at pizza hut!
From your first run you added about 17 pounds i remember rob was telling me im looking to do something like that did you add alot of fat that first run?
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:12 am
by DaCookie
SudburyBaller wrote:Three days brother...

Yeh for my first run I started at 154lbs then for famine I went down to 147lbs.My final weight was something like 170-172lbs.
It was mostly muscle but some fat, not much.Belly seemed the same and looked the same but quads got a lot bigger so the trousers I was wearin were very tight.Noticed a bit extra fat on ass and hips but nothing major.Didnt really see any more fat anywhere else.
I then lost a lot of weight cause I cut and went on low carb diet for a good while.
I weighed myself straight after I took a piss this morning(like i always do)im 155lbs.
From my first run I ended a bit early, will probably do the same with this one.Ended the last one friday night, most likely will end this one friday around 6pm if I dont cheat.Havent yet and dont think I will.But im definitely going to an all you can eat...
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:47 am
by SudburyBaller
How long was your cruise phase 1st run?
How long did you cut for?