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Curious about results... Was anyone in the same boat as me?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:39 pm
by Suedec
Like I stated before, I will not begin this till after my vacation but back when I started hitting the gym in March, I have been wanting to find the thing that would yield the best results.

My measurements when I first started the gym were the following:

14% BF
Chest 38"
Arms 11"
Hips 40"
Waist 35"
Thighs 22"
Shoulders 44"

As you can tell, I was a small individual. While my legs maintained a stronger muscle mass than the rest of my frame, I have over all a weaker system.

I was curious if there was anyone that is in the same boat as me and might have completed the BP or has been in it for a while and what kind of results you are seeing from it. While I know that EVERYONE is different and not everyone will yield the same results, I am curious to see what others have seen in their performance, measurments, and gains.

I am beyond stoked about starting and in a since don't want to wait till after my vacation but I will begin it almost immediately after I return.

I must admit, this makes me want to push myself beyond what I thought I could do. I can't wait to see what kind of weight I can pull out of this after the first run is over. I am anxious!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:00 pm
by RobRegish
Ha ha! I was, when I started.

Now I didn't have the Blueprint advantage upon starting, but I will share with you what helped me, and you can leverage it in The Blueprint.

- Focus on squats, deadlifts and variations therein of each. The Hip Belt Squat is your new best friend. Even if you have no back issues, you can reliable peak both the SQ and DL due to ZERO vertical loading of the spine with the hip belt. Can't say it enough.

- The Blueprint Periodic (starts of page 60) is TAILOR MADE for you.

- Super Squats is yet another routine screaming for your attention.

- Eating is a big part of the game for ectos. Make that HUGE. You will likely need to identify at least 3 blender drinks/liquid feeds that you can rotate to get the necessary calories in.

- Do your cardio/sled dragging etc. As you gain (and you will), you'll need a cardiovascular system to keep up and deliver the nutrients/oxygen to all that new muscle. Very, very important.

- Ask questions and keep asking them. We'll do our absolute best to shave years off your learning curve. That' s why we're here!

So excited for this journey. Let's roll...

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:28 pm
by Suedec
Regardign Sled Drags, my gym does not have a sled that I am aware of and I live in a condo near downtown St. Louis, MO so my potential areas to do this are limited as well...

Any recomendation on other tactics, technics, or machines I can attempt this with? What areas does a sled drag work with?

As for Squats and DL's, I love em. I know practice makes perfect with them and my form will get better as I go on but I love how it pushes myself to follow through with the whole motion... I feel like a monster even though my weights aren't that heavy yet.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:42 pm
by Suedec
Also, regarding my diet. I can control it to where I can eat only like 1500 calories for the famine stage but my matabolism is crazy and my body would LOVE to snack ALL DAY LONG.

I tell you, I can eat and eat and eat and not gain weight... :?

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:11 am
by RobRegish
In lieu of sled dragging, consider medicine ball throws/plate throws.

I take one out into the backyard. From the ground, toss it overhead. Walk over, do it again over and over.

You'll build up your work capacity, stimulate bloodflow and look like a total loon. Fantastic way to keep the neighbors talking/gains going :)

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:20 pm
by dracotdrgn
RobRegish wrote: You'll build up your work capacity, stimulate bloodflow and look like a total loon. Fantastic way to keep the neighbors talking/gains going :)
Gee Mick just have Rocky chase around a chicken! HA

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 8:54 pm
by Suedec
Today, after my school finals for the semester I went to the gym. I was hyped to go but damn, my upper body is weak... I need to build it up.

I had one of the trainers re-measure me from my March measurements. I think I am doing rather well and think with the BP I will drastically increase those numbers. Here are the changes:

March--------------April 11th

I think for just after about 2 months, my progress is rather nice. I would like to see higher numbers in the future with my measurements and lifting weight as well. My trainer was quite impressed by my gains especially doing it by myself. He now sees I am self motivated and that I am not giving up like a number of people they see coming in.

Rather than those numbers, I am not so impressed with the following and I tell you what... I was wasted afterward. I could not even do any medicine ball push-ups, ARGH! Here is what I did today for a test run on my Famine Test run for Back, Shoulders, and Tri's.

Wide Grip BP:
70x8, 60x8, 50x8, 50x8
superset w/
Seated DB Shoulder Press:
35x8, 35x8, 35x8, 35x8

1min Break

Incline BP:
30x8, 30x8, 30x8, 30x8
superset w/
Seated DB Shoulder Press:
25x8, 25x8, 25x8, 25x8

1min rest

Decline BP:
50x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8
superset w/
Seated DB Shoulder Press:
25x8, 25x8, 25x8, 20x8

1min Rest

Decline Close Grip BP:
50x8, 50x8, 50x8, 60x8

1min Rest

Skull Crusher:
45x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8

1min Rest

Cable Pressdown:
30x8, 30x8, 35x8, 40x8

The DB Shoulder presses tore me up... I was so tired, when I actually do the Famine phase, I can only guess what I will feel like. Yet, I am looking forward to it. I would just like to see myself being able to bench more but then I use the others around me for inspiration for what I can achieve.

I think I am doing rather well but DANG, talk about tired!