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About to run the BP, need a more novice oriented version?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 11:22 am
by TheIronTerminator
I am about to run the Blueprint for the first time, but I would appreciate a version of the program that allows for the much faster progress of a novice lifter or any advice on what modifications I should make. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 11:45 am
by SudburyBaller
I hate to jump in here, but from experience anything worth keeping is worth waiting for. Fast track results are not ideal, and often not permanent.
Rob has put decades of knowledge into this program, I'd run it like it was intended to be ran the first time. I'm sure the results will be exactly what your looking for. Just my $0.02.


Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:08 pm
by TheIronTerminator
But as a beginner something like a 5% increase in a 1RM can be achieved on a weekly or possibly per workout basis. When the weights you're using are in the hundreds, a 5% increase isn't nearly as dramatic.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:47 pm
by RobRegish
OK Iron T, a few suggestions.

The Famine training is going to be largely the same. No changes in fact as it does a nice job of teeing you up for the Feast/subsequent use of adaptogens.

Where things will differ for you is in the Feast. Specifically, the following:

- The 5 workout HIT protocol you're going to follow a very specific frequency recommendation. Let's assuming you start on a Monday..

Monday - Workout #1
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Workout #2
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Workout #3
Sunday - Rest
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Workout #4
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Workout #5

So 5 workouts in 13 days or about 2 weeks. You're then going to proceed as follows:

Sunday - Rest
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Rest

Wednesday - Begin Super Squats as detailed in The Blueprint. The key again here, is frequency.

Wednesday - Workout #1
Thurssday - Rest
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Workout #2
Sunday - Rest
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Workout #3
Wed - Rest
Thurs - Rest
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Workout #4

From here, every 3 workouts you are to insert an extra rest day. These rest days can (and should) involve some form of cardio, ideall sled dragging but nothing TOO taxing.

Strategically inserting rest days like this is THE KEY to keeping strength/size gains going. For as you get stronger the stresses grow on your body. You therefore need more time to recover from workouts. It's a fundamental law of muscle growth. Go ahead and try to train every day like this (the other end of the spectrum). You'll wind up either sick or injured.

Actually I take that back, I wouldn't do that to you. #1 offender right here in his youth and learned that lesson the hard way. Sharing it here so you don't suffer like I did..

Run that out throughout Feast and match it to the diet I lay out in The Blueprint. Better yet, buy the book off Amazon.

It may well change your life. I know it did mine...