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Brand Spanking New

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:31 am
by KEissawi
First of all REALLY excited to be here, I really feel this is what Ive been looking out for for YEAARSS!!

A brief intro to help give an idea where i am

I was always the chubby kid my whole life like i was 13 and at like 160 i started working out the summer before my freshmen year of high school because of my older cousins theyre pure gym fiends but they juice and alot and i never wanted to do that always too worried and its way too much money for me

i worked on and off till now, im almost 22, and im not where i expected to be

my main supps is isopure carb free because im a magnet for weight gain

i have a workout buddy whose a pro bodybuilder i learned alot from him yet i realized if im not juicing hes not that helpful i feel everyone around me is growing but me

another big mistake i did was going to muay thai classes 3 times a week 6 hours a week while going extra hard at the gym besides being tired all the time yea i lost weight but i was always tired and my muscles if they didnt changed most likely got smaller

im sort of a big confused mess i just really need a shit load of advice

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:47 am
by RobRegish
Welcome aboard! This is rapidly becoming THE place to Learn, Share and Grow as we say around these parts...

Your background information is invaluable and I appreciate you sharing it with us. As you know, BP is 69+ pages of very detailed (perhaps too detailed) information that provides the most powerful anabolic known: ideas.

These ideas, when put into motion at the proper time and in their proper place are responsible for the kind of progress, commonplace PR's that you're reading about. I expect this to be the norm in my training and it's my belief that you should too. The Blueprint strives to create, amplify and extend this state. Most important, it teaches how to re-create it over and over.

As your BP journey starts, it's important to reflect on where you've been. You've already begun that process so nice work!

Next up is taking stock of where you currently are. Here again, you're right where you need to be, taking stock of the present.

Finally, the suggested week off prior to starting BP is there for a reason; to read, re-read, set some new goals and formulate any questions you have. It is here where you will have them answered.

So take this time to perform the above. What you're about to embark upon will be difficult but it will also change your life (for the better). There is no greater anabolic than a sharp mind and a strong will. It is time to fill that mind with the right information and allow your will to carry it forward.

And we are right here with you, every step of the way!!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:54 am
by KEissawi
wow a week off ok i guess this is a much needed rest for the ass whooping im gona be getting after?

is there a specific way i should be eating?

or something i shouldnt be doing?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:58 am
by RobRegish
During the week off, you should observe a normal diet and no weight training. If you do perform cardio, it shouldn't be anything intense.

One other thing to do: Take your waking morning heart rate in beats per minute. This, to establish a baseline going into famine.

Invaluable diagnostic tool that is both 1.) objective and 2.) free.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:00 am
by KEissawi
another thing is i keep seeing the mention of Kre Anabolyn

what is it? a steroid? what does it do?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:08 am
by RobRegish
Kre-Anabolyn if for sure NOT a steroid. It is composed of 4 elements:

1.) Kre-Alkalyn (buffered creatine)
2.) Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract (a plant based adaptogen)
3.) Red Velvet Bean (natural source of L-dopa)
4.) 4-Hydroxy-L-Isoleucine - an amino acid derived from Fenugreek seed

These ingredients are all natural, not drugs and can very much benefit your Blueprint dietary/training protocol. NOTE: It is NOT mandatory, nor is it needed to derive results from The Blueprint. I strive to be up front about this. Up front as in page 1:

"Let's be up front about this; The Blueprint protocol is what is at the forefront here, not the supplements".

Like any other piece of technology, supplements allow you to get to your destination faster and more efficiently. You can still get from point A to point B by walking. Most would opt for a bike or a car.

Supps are the bikes/cars we use to get to point B. Again, they are not necessary or mandatory by any stretch.

Hope that helps..

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:12 am
by KEissawi
if i do choose to take it is there a specific kind you suggest?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:22 am
by RobRegish
I'm partial to Kre-Anabolyn.

There are others, but KA was the supp that all of the diagnostics you read about in The Blueprint was done with.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 11:55 am
by KEissawi
i was going over what supps i should be taking and im stuck on what kind of protein to take and this alkaplex and all this stuff any recommendations?

and if i choose to buy the mass pro whats the right choice im confused over whats mass pro amino and mass pro whey and mass pro mvp?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:05 pm
by askmass
Welcome KEissawi!

MASS PRO Whey is a top shelf protein powder. It is available in four flavors- Hershey's Chocolate, Vanilla, Berries & Cream and "MVP" (non flavored/straight).

MASS PRO Amino is a precision ratio of Glutamine/BCAA's only. A highly targeted and more specific use styled product than the all-purpose MASS PRO Whey.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

Lots more info on the site link in my signature.


Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:26 pm
by KEissawi
im gona start the famine stage in a week so im trying to get my supps together

i read in an earlier post by rob that mixing the mass pro mvp with pineapple juice maize and bcaa pre and during workout kind of shack so i wouldnt need the mass pro amino?

like mass pro is protein powder pro amino is a formula mix of bcaa and glutamine with no protein yes?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:37 pm
by RobRegish
You've got it right.

MassPro = complete protein, cold-processed whey. Whey is 25% BCAA's by weight. It also includes di-tri peptides which are fantastic for intra-workout.

MassProAmino = BCAA (leucine, isoleucine and valine) plus L-glutamine. These are unique insofar as they are immediately available for use and absorbed via a different mechanism. We include a precise dose (25g) in the peri-workout drink above and beyond what you're getting from other protein sources.

Why is outside the context of this discussion. I think if you run that drink with/without the BCAA's though..... you'll see what I'm talking about.

BCAA's are also ideal standalone insofar as BCAA protocol #1 in The Blueprint is concerned.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 6:03 pm
by KEissawi
Thanks alot you guys have been a ton of a help

another question i had was

the feasting stage

i ran into this diet which i think is amazing

4 eggs
2 slices of toast
1 glass of milk

Bran Muffin
1 glass of milk

Sandwich (i.e. meat, cheese, tuna fish, etc.)
piece of fruit
1 glass of milk

Granola bar
Slice of cheese
1 glass of milk

Meat (i.e. chicken, beef, pork, etc.)
Pasta, Rice, or Potatoes
Cup of veggies
1 glass of milk

2 slices of toast
1 glass of milk

is this good only for the feasting phase after the first 72 hours or can i use it for the 72 hours or does it need some additions?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 6:06 pm
by RobRegish
Hey man, our pleasure..

This looks like the Super Squats diet, and yes.... it's an EXCELLENT diet to plug into Feast - inclusive of the first 3 days.

The only addition I'd make to it is the upping of protein a bit the first 3 days AND the use of a peri-workout drink during training.

Other than that, SOLID as a rock.