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Dean's First run on Blueprint

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 9:52 pm
by Dean
Hey guys,
after reading the blueprint, I started the program yesterday. I am a small guy weight only around 120 lbs, so I really hope that I can put on as much muscle as possible. I have measured the resting heart rate for 3 days and the average is 67. I consumed 1000 cals yesterday and did my first workout as follow:
Squat superset with 1 arm dumbell rows (65*5)
Seated cable rows superset with pullups
Standing barbell curls(70*5)+ incline dumbell(35*4)+ preacher (55*5)
I was so hungry throughout the day and I feel like I am shrinking and getting even smaller :?

ran for 20 mins today, wanna run more but just to tired~
The resting heart rate today is 76??!! dont know why I got this big jump :?:
The diet is basically the same as yesterday~ around 500 cals up to now
I will do shoulder+chest tomorrow! I am excited!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 6:43 am
by RobRegish
Hi Dean!

Welcome aboard and nice start.

Being so light, you do have some leeway to go a bit higher in calories. 1000 is awful low for anyone so do feel free to bump that up to 1200 - 1400 or so. The protein lowering/training should take care of disrupting homeostasis we're after.

Most important: health first, always. I value your health far more than your gains. If you ever don't feel "right" or sick etc. please dis-continue and we'll re-group.

Having said that, we've had many ectomorphs do incredible things with Blueprint, so I have no doubt you'll be pleased. The one thing to watch out for though is taking Famine too deep.

In fact, you may get there by day 3. So, let's play it by ear. Looking forward to your next update!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:02 pm
by Dean
So today is the 3rd day of blueprint. I woke up at 7:30 this morning (forgot to take the heart rate) and had like 5 hours of sleep ( the sleep wasnt that great :( ) I had some juice before workout. Today is Chest, shoulder and Tri day and the workout is as follow:
Bench press 135*10 supersete with db shoulder presses 40each*10
rest 1 min
incline dumbbell press 55each*6 (I wanted to do 8 at least, but 55 just feel so heavy by the 5 rep) superset with db shoulder presses 40 each*8
rest 1 min
decline bench presses 110*10 superset with db shoulder presses 40 each*10

close grip bench presses 95*10
rest 1 min
lying tri extension 50*8 (cant do more due to previous injury on elbow :( )
is there anything that I can use to substitute lying tri extension?
rest 1 min
cable press down 120*8

Run for 25 mins~
I feel hungry all day long and lack of energy. Really looking forward to feast. I hope everything I am doing now will worth~ :x

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:02 am
by RobRegish
Nice workout Dean!

You might try overhead dumbell extensions for the tris vs. lying tricep extensions. Experiment too with a cable, at different angles etc to alleviate any pressure on the elbows.

And yes, it'll be worth it :) Famine is a difficult but necessary exercise, actually quite healthy from a detox perspective when done correctly. Once the rebound takes hold.... you get the kind of results you've been reading/hearing about here.

Right here with you if you have any questions. Great work so far!

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:50 pm
by Dean
Today is day 4, I miss my protein so much~~I took the resting heart rate this morning and is 66. My chest is a little bit sore, but I am so ready for tomorrow's workout~~!
Looking forward to feast~~
During feast I am going to run the power stack by MASS which is KA+burn it up+ DHEA 100.
So, how should I take these?
Is it as follows?
KA: 1 in the morning and 1 before bed on off days
1 before workout and 1 after on workout days
burn it up: 3 before workout
how about DHEA?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:34 am
by RobRegish
You've got the supp schedule down almost perfect. A few finer points:

- KA on your off days with your two HIGHEST CARB meals of the day.

- DHEA first thing in the morning.

Other than that, good to go!

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 1:18 pm
by Dean
I got a training question during the feast phase.
If I want to peak my bench and dead lift, how will the first 5 workouts look like in the feast phase? Is it like...
workout 1
bench 1 set as much weight as possible in 8-10 reps
follow by EDT ( but what kind of EDT? )
dead lift 1 set as much weight as possible in 8-10 reps (or do I still do squat like the book states?)
follow by EDT
*rest 1 day
Then similar thing in workout 2 but within 4-6reps

After these 6 workouts, run the German load ?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:11 pm
by Dean
Just got done with my last workout in Famine phase and I am glad that it is finally over~ The workout was really killing me. I couldnt catch my breath through out and have absolutely no energy to do extra cardio.
The weight today seems really heavy.
Leg press 90*15 superset with one hand db row 45*12 (5 sets in total, 30 sec rest in between sets)
seated cable row 80*12 + pulldown 80*12 (5 sets in total, 30 sec rest in between sets)
standing barbell curl 40*12
rest 1 min
incline db curl 15*15
rest 1 min
preacher curl 30*12
rest 1 min
standing barbell curl 40*12
rest 1 min
incline db curl 15*15

Feeling damn tired after all these even though this is not a lot of weight~
Remarks: Dont know why I catch a cold, dont feel too well today. But I can feel that as I rest more tonight and eat A LOT MORE tomorrow I will be fine~ :x
The heart rate this morning was 68, didnt go up at all~~~ am I doing something wrong??~?? :?: :?:

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:28 pm
by RobRegish
GREAT work on making it through Dean!

A small % of people don't observe a rise in resting heart rate. No worries.. it is but ONE diagnostic measure we use in The Blueprint to make sure you're "there". Your other feedback tells me all I need to know :)

Again, fantastic work and now... the BIG payoff!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:36 pm
by Dean
DATE 1 of feast today! Woke up and took the heart rate and it was 78!!?!!!! this sounds a lot for resting heart rate, isnt it?
I weight only 116 this morning ~ :( :( that's down 4 lbs in 5 days~~ :( :( :( my gf said that she is so jealous (she doesnt know how sad this is)
Now I am enjoying my 40g protein shake and a 8 oz burger as breakfast~ .... :D :D :D Protein is just so GOODDDDDDDDDDDDD~~

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:32 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah the HR is up from 67 to 78. Proof positive the Blueprint (and you) delivered the stress needed for adaptogens to adapt to!

Your bodyweight loss is consistent with the average, so good job there. Percentage wise though, it's less. I see this as a good thing given you don't have much to lose!

And now, the BIG payoff. Congratulations man. I'm proud of you for making it through. Bet it feels great to be eating again!

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:13 pm
by Dean
Day 2 of Feast !!! I am really enjoying the food. I ate as much as I can these two days and add about 2 protein shakes throughout the day.
Will have the first workout tomorrow ~ ..pump!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:53 am
by SudburyBaller
Good luck on the work out buddy.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 10:12 pm
by Dean
Day 1 of Feast workout~~!!! Had an headache throughout the day, but still cant wait to workout~~
Bench: 95*10 (warm up), 135*5 (warm up), 145*2 (warm up), 155*8
It was hard to get 8 on 155...I should have do less ....needed some help on the last two reps~~~~... :x followed by pullovers 60*10
Then did EDT for 15 mins
incline db press 50each* 6 + Tbar row 75*6 ...repeated 8 times during the 15 mins

1 working set of squat followed by dead lift
I just felt like wanna do a few more sets of dead lift..weight as follows
135*10, 155*6, 185*4, 185*3

Pretty good workout~ ..even though strength didnt go up much..but I feel like it is going to~ ...

I ate as much as I can and have like 3 protein shakes today~ ...Took DHEA in the morning along with 1 KA, then 1 KA before workout and 1 after~ ..
Weight 120lbs today which is back to starting point~~ :wink:
arms: 12' (no flex), 13.5(flex)