Ricky's Journal to not being so fat...
Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:47 pm
Hey guys newb here. Have pm'd Rob a few times and wanted to see if I could use the blueprint to lose some fat and who doesn't want to pack on some muscle
Anyways a little brief history:
I have always been fat. I started originally working out in 02 after graduating from highschool being a fatty. Since then I have been on and off at the gym. Mostly on for a few years but then in the last 2 I really fell off the boat. I injured my shoulder and quickly after hurt my tail bone kick boxing. got fat, smoked too much weed, and there you have it from 170 lbs to 262.
Around September 09 I decided I needed to get back in shape. Not having a proper eating plan/workout schedule really didn't give me any results. So Oct27 I decided to make some changes. since then I have dropped down to 220 lbs. (today weight was 223.5 been eating a bit crappy for the last week.)
anyways some stats:
223.5 lbs
bench press 225 for 5-6
squat 225 x 8 the squat really hurts my shoulders. I have a difficult time getting my arms back and when I do have them that way when I put the bar back I have some major pain.
deadlift 275 x 6
again I don't really know my 1rm because I usually work out by myself
-So question #1: Since some things call for 1RM etc. and I don't have a spot will this mess with my gains?
-next I want to use the blueprint to lose weight. What changes do I need to make?
-I have not ordered any supplements yet as I would like to know proper dosages that I will need to take and bioforge is currently on backorder.
I was thinking about taking bioforge/ebol/cbol creatine/tbol trib stack.
Right now my nolinksplease.com cart has the following in it
At home I already have the following:
-scivation xtend
-primaforce beta alaine
-scivation vasocharge (nitric oxide)
-glucosamine w/ msm
I was using animal pak but will be changing to orange triad for multi
got the sesamin and fish oils at home and have reordered more.
I work an odd "shift" I trade on european markets so I am awake from 11pm my time to about 11am sometimes 1-2. sleeping is difficult during the day and sometimes I don't get enough although I hope to be comfortable with my sleep schedule by the time I start this.
Also have scivation knockout to help with going to sleep.
I keep rambling don't know what else to add on here so basic questions:
-what changes do I need for a cut
-what should my dosage on supplements be and do I need to order anything else
-most of my protein comes from powder is this okay
-bioforge is out of stock and with the solid results people are getting with the BET stack I was hoping to use it so I may just wait it out until I get it.
-my shoulders hurt with squats so its hard for me to do maxes etc. i also have no spot. is this still the right routine for me? will it work if I use dumbells and leg press instead or do squats on a smith machine instead? (not sure if its called smith) it has a barbell which isn't assisted by some mechanism but it does control the movement and you don't need to keep balance.
-should i just scrap getting the bioforge and just get 2 bottles of tbol trib so my dosage is 12 cbol creatine 6 tbol trib 6ebol a day?
-can i replace bioforge with activate xtreme?
-if i can scrap the bioforge altogether or replace with ax then I can start my "week off" today since I did not go to the gym. and get this program going starting monday so i will have wed/thur/fri/sat/sun off. and during the famine as far as I should not be taking any supplments anyways. so this one week off what kind of food should I be eating?
thanks in advance for any help and I am pretty sure I rambled quite a bit but I hate proof reading so I will just submit. LOL
ps...One day I hope to be 200lbs 8% bodyfat. Right now I'm probably about 30% bodyfat. (guessing)[/b]